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Seriously - Just Look! It's EVERYTHING you were hoping for! Even the PRICE is straight outta your dreams! Scroll down and take a look, most of this stuff isn't going to last long! It WILL Happen To Everyone! Backups Are The ONLY Way To Prevent Losing Your Data! "But Steve... It's a PAIN To Backup!!" NOT ANYMORE! The Lexar Echo 8 GB Backup Drive! It Does EVERYTHING For You! Completely Automatic Backups! Let The Flash Drive Do All The Work! Plug It In! You're 99% Done! (It Even Shows How Much Space You've Used!)
Hard Drives ALWAYS Crash! There's only a few guarantees in life. Your hard drive crashing is one of those guarantees. When they go, they take EVERYTHING they had with 'em! AND THAT ALMOST ALWAYS SPELLS DISASTER! What do you do when your hard drive crashes? Well, there's two possible reactions... If you guessed the one on the right... correct! Why's she so happy? Because getting all her files back was THIS easy: You simply take your handy Lexar 8GB back up flash drive and plug it into any computer. It automatically loads the files you backed up and you can get them ready to use again. You don't lose a single file, and you don't spend the weekend wishing you had printed those vacation photos that you'll never get back. Who would YOU prefer to be in that scenario? There's only ONE reason not to back up data: It USED to be hard. It took a lot of time, it took expensive hardware or software, and it took some tech-savvy. You had to know file extensions, directories, the whole works. NOT ANYMORE! It's literally as easy as clicking your mouse! See below:
The Lexar 8GB Instant Backup Flash Drive! NO extra software. NO long set up. NO time consuming steps. All you do is plug it in and pick what you need to backup! Could it BE any easier? The first time you pop it in, it lets you choose automatic or specific folders. That's all there is to it! Your files are backed up and you're safe from disaster! What's great is that it keeps ALL of your directories and folders right in the order you have them on your PC. So you'll know EXACTLY where to find them on the flash drive or after you back them up to another PC! Think about everything you have on your computer: TONS of photos. ALL of your favorite music. Family videos and contact information. How about work documents, important files, sensitive documents. Even your passwords, e-mails, favorite web pages... EVERYTHING! After a crash, you can't get those photos back. The videos are now distant memories. And your passwords? Good luck remembering the ones you haven't had to type in for years. BUT IF IT'S BACKED UP, YOU WON'T LOSE ANYTHING! PERIOD! And with backing up this easy, you won't even have to think about it! This DEFINES User Friendly! Ultra Sleek, Ultra Secure, ULTRA FAST! It looks, feels, and acts just like your standard flash drive (of course, standard flash drives can't hold a candle to this one) so you know it's gonna be easy and lightweight to move or store. Plus, it has a retractable connector so you ALSO know it's gonna stay safe from any potential accidents! IT WORKS JUST LIKE A REGULAR FLASH DRIVE TOO! That's right - Just drag and drop files to it and use it like any other flashdrive! Talk about the best of both worlds!! Take it anywhere! Back up any PC or laptop! Use it for EVERYTHING! And if you're looking for fast, this thing is gonna BLOW YOU AWAY! This flash drive is part of the Lexar "Ultra" series, their fastest USB 2.0 drives out there. Simply put? USB 2.0 has NEVER been faster! Last but not least: IT'S SECURE! When you back up anything on this drive, you can choose to encrypt it and guard it with a password of your choice! Nobody but you or those you trust get access to YOUR files. So all your tax, financial, and confidential documents? You can back them up too without worrying! FINALLY! All those passwords on your PC don't mean a thing if you don't have SECURE backups. But with this Lexar, it's not a problem. A Backup Drive For UNDER $13! WOW! If you go anywhere to try and get a backup drive, you'll be looking $40 for the BARE MINIMUM! And those are bulky, heavy external hard drives that you really can't move or store. I'd like to add... the ones I got in to test have quickly became my new backup drives for my photos and music. They're just so easy and useful! You will NOT find a faster, more convenient backup drive out there for just $12.97 with FREE US SHIPPING anywhere else! These are simply one of the coolest devices I've ever seen. PLEASE don't miss out on this deal. We only have so many and once they're gone... that's it. http://store.worldstart.com/product/9293 LIMITED QUANTITY - Again, we can't get any more than the ones we have! And after Wednesday this sale will end, with the price going back up to $18.87! HURRY TO THE STORE! Why Do Batteries So Small Cost SO MUCH? Because Big Box Stores Are Robbin' You Blind! We've Got THE Package You Need! All 6 Common Alkaline Button Cell Types - 30 Total Batteries! The Whole Thing Is ONLY $4.97!!! You'd Pay Twice This For ONE BATTERY Anywhere Else! 6 Of Each For The Most Common Batteries Used! Labeled For Easy Use! No More Struggle To Find The One You Need!
Warning: Low Battery... ...oh no! You knew it was coming, but it still made your heart stop. You think to yourself "I have NO CLUE what battery this is using. All those little button ones look the same and more importantly, they cost 10 bucks per battery to replace!" We've all been there. Heck, I've played with more clocks and watches and flashlights that need button batteries than I can even remember! But you know what? It DOESN'T have to be hard. It DOESN'T have to be expensive. WORLDSTART HAS ALL THE BATTERIES YOU NEED! IN ONE PACKAGE! FOR ONLY $4.97!!! Stop going to the big box stores for these things! They'll charge you $8-10 for a battery or two and send you on your way! You aren't even sure if they're the right one, and besides - if you have to replace the batteries again, it'll end up costing more than the device you're using them with! We've got EVERY common button cell battery RIGHT HERE!
Watches, calculators, thermometers, radios, alarms, toys, games. It doesn't matter what you need 'em for - now you'll finally have them. And we're not kidding! Feel free to walk to any big box store and see what they're charging for small packs of two or three batteries! It isn't cheap - they think you don't know any better! IT'S JUST $4.97 FOR THE WHOLE THING! And if your order is over $5, you'll get FREE US SHIPPING TOO! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9080 PS - Sale ends Wednesday and these will cost $8.97 then! What If A Thief Could Steal From Your Bank Account... Just By Walking Past You? IT'S NOT SCIENCE FICTION - IT'S A REAL POSSIBILITY! Protect Yourself From RFID "Wireless Identity Theft!" These Tough Credit Card Holders Shield Your Cards! On Top Of That, They're Just Some Good Old Shock Protection! Never Worry About Bending Or Breaking Your Cards!
Sometimes Technology Makes It TOO Easy... You know how it is, something comes along and makes stuff simpler for everyone. Well, guess who's part of "everyone"? Thieves. Credit cards and debit cards can be scanned by all sorts of devices. Heck, there's even new electronics you can attach to your phone to let you process a credit card payment anywhere you are, right on your smartphone! You better believe it that thieves know how this stuff works. According to recent articles, using nothing more than the same tools a payment processor uses, thieves could potentially make a tool to scan your card in the time it takes them to walk past you on the Even an ordinary laptop can utilize radio waves to copy and clone cards - that's a scary thought! Do YOU know what kind of information your credit card has stored in it? But guess what? Protecting yourself is just as easy! This RFID-resistant credit card holder encases your cards and prevents anyone from just walking by and causing you to be a victim of "wireless identity theft" (look it up, it's real!) Tough and portable, these security wallets shield your contactless cards from all sorts of unsavory scanning. Basically, if your cards are in here, you're not the "easy target" anymore. Now you're protected! And this isn't just for one or two cards, either! THIS HAS 8 SLEEVES! That should be more than enough for anyone's important cards! Credit cards, IDs, debit cards, anything! Put them in here and you won't have to worry at all! Whatever color you get, it'll look great! Just check 'em out!
And honestly, it's just a great way to protect your cards, too! If you've ever had a credit card break or get damaged, you know why that's important! You're stuck having to call and inform them to cancel it, that you need a replacement, and then you have to wait WEEKS just to get the new card! Some of us rely on those debit cards so we don't have to walk around with all our cash 24/7! Protects Your Money Before You Use It! Seeing as it's only $4.97 with FREE US shipping on any order over $5... you're already protecting your money! That's one dirt-cheap way to prevent identity theft! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9299 Sale ends Wednesday and these run up to $8.97!! Wish You Had a PERFECT Memory? Check This Out... You'll Never Forget Anything Ever Again! Stores Up to 25 HOURS of High-Quality Audio At a Time! 100% Rechargeable - No Batteries Required! It's The EASIEST Recorder Out There! Flip a Switch to Record! It Saves Each Recording For Easy Playback Later! There's NO Setup And It's Small Enough To Bring Anywhere!
You'll Forget What It's Like To Forget! "What'd the doc say?" "He told me I need to... uhh... he said the muscle will heal as long as I... dangit, I don't remember." NOBODY'S MEMORY IS FLAWLESS! Even if you THINK you remembered something correctly, chances are a detail or two slipped right on by! And sometimes that information is CRUCIAL! We use glasses to supplement our vision, we use hearing aids to hear better... why aren't ya using a recorder to help remember stuff?! Oh right, because most of them are way too EXPENSIVE! You used to have two options: You could go with a $70 recorder to give you real audio quality, or you could go with an $5 piece of junk that's so bad you can't even understand the recorded audio. We managed to hunt down an incredible voice recorder that gives you crystal clear audio quality with UNBELIEVABLE pickup without breaking the bank. Pretty sweet, huh? Record Now, Listen Later! The WORST part of standard recorders is they don't actually "save" anything. They just hold onto it until you record over it. Get this: every time you start recording with this, it starts a new file that it'll save until YOU choose to remove it! Not only does that mean you can upload it to your PC or laptop to store forever - it means you can "organize" your recordings. It stores files just like a flash drive would, so when you plug it into your computer the files pop up immediately and you can listen, transfer them to your computer, or save them for later! Yep! You won't get stuck "surfing" through one continuous recording to find the specific part you need! Turn it on, it starts, turn it off, it stops and saves that whole "part" to one file. Turn it back on right after and it's recording in a separate audio file! For lectures, meetings, even doctor's vists - this is AMAZING! It was already gonna save you tons of stress, but now it's gonna save you TONS OF TIME! (Not that we're encouraging it, but this is even perfect for more... "discrete recording." Now you can finally catch your Aunt Lily tellin' one of her inappropriate jokes with PROOF!) 25 Hours of Storage + 100% Rechargeable! Yeah, those dinky tape recorders can't do that! You could turn this on, set it down ALL DAY and it'll record the WHOLE thing! If you tried that with a regular tape recorder? You'd get maybe 2 hours before you ran outta space & then the batteries would die out and you'd have to replace those too! Use this recorder for WEEKS without needing to recharge or make space! When you need to remember your groceries real quick, when you take a trip to the doctor's, then when you're at a meeting at work. You've got SO MUCH space to store audio recording you won't know what to do with it! Steve Lays The Price SMACKDOWN! Recorders at this quality would cost you upwards of $60 I did a quick search for 2GB voice recorders and this was the first thing that popped up: Why pay double the price for the same high-quality audio you can get from this discrete rechargeable recorder? For a limited time only, we've got these for just $24.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! Click the link below! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9086 This price is ONLY going to stay so long as our supplier lets us get them as the crazy low price we did - so next time you see these they might not be at such a bargain! Wish Your Computer Had a REWIND Button? Wanna Go Back To BEFORE It Had All Those Problems? INCREDIBLE SOFTWARE MAKES IT POSSIBLE! Take a SNAPSHOT Of Your Hard Drive... And Restore To It In MINUTES! FULL System Restores, Retrieve Lost Files... Move ALL Your Data From One PC to Another... EVEN SAVE YOURSELF FROM A DAMAGING VIRUS! LapLink Disk Image Is The EASIEST Software Out There! "Wait... WHY ISN'T MY COMPUTER WORKING?!?!" Hard drive crashes are INEVITABLE! It's happened to everyone. And if you're saying "Well, it hasn't happened to me yet!" then it's probably just around the corner! Your hard drive won't last forever and when it's day comes, you NEED to be ready! It's like nothing else! The ordinary person cannot recover lost data. Period! And even if you happen to have the ridiculously expensive recovery software, there's no guaranteeing WHAT you recover! It might be the important family photos you lost. It MIGHT be an arbitrary text file you accidentally made four years ago! The bottom line... A Computer Crash Can Be DEVASTATING... Oh, and what about your software? You can spend DAYS trying to locate and reinstall your old software! Months, even! But after all that hard work, you're almost guaranteed not to have everything you did before the crash. And good luck trying to recover those old serial numbers to prove that you indeed bought that software at some point. Who just keeps that stuff lying around? Nope - if your computer crashes, you're gonna burn... Let's face it: a system crash is inevitable at some point. Be it in the form of a crash, malware or a virus. What's going to happen to all of your files, software and programs? How long will it take you to recover and reinstall everything? How much money would it end up costing you? It's going to be a miserable experience... Unless you have LapLink Disk Image, of course... Then everything is fine! Computer Crashes No Longer Mean a Thing! Before we get to any of the specifics with this program, there's a couple of things you should know: this program is very easy to use (anyone can do it) and the bottom line is this: LapLink Disk Image makes an EXACT copy (image) of your hard drive. If your PC crashes and you've used this program first, you can restore EVERYTHING back to the way it was when you did the backup by sticking the disc in and letting it do it's thing! This image can be created on another hard drive, an external drive, a zip drive, a set of CD's or DVD's - whatever works for you. It's fast and couldn't be easier to use - IT RUNS DIRECTLY THROUGH WINDOWS! That's right: software, files, programs, pictures, music...EVERYTHING! Whether you accidentally downloaded a terrible virus, are experiencing a massive PC crash, got a ton of malware, have a PC that won't start - whatever - if you've used Disk Image, you'll have access to everything you backed up before your PC kicked that digital bucket. Restore Individual Files! This is TOO cool! Disk Image allows you to restore individual files as needed! Let's just say you accidentally deleted an important file. Or somehow, you managed to corrupt a bunch of pictures you had saved on your computer. Disk Image allows you to restore ANY file you want - YOU get to pick and choose! Simply pop your disk in and choose which file to reinstall. It's laid out right in front of you, and it's a quick and easy process. No matter what happens to your files, hardware, pictures - whatever - you can rest assured that it's safely backed-up and ready to be reinstalled whenever you need to! Creating Back-Ups has NEVER Been Easier! And let's say you just bought yourself some EXPENSIVE new hardware. Install it and copy it with ease! Now it's backed up in case anything at all should happen to it! And speaking of getting a new computer...maybe you're not aware, but most newer computer's don't come with a Windows restore disk anymore! Nope, the almighty dollar must be more important to them than customer loyalty...so get ready to shell out an extra 40 bucks on top of that new computer cost. OR use Disk Image - and restore windows on all your programs on your computer! Look at that - this program has already paid for itself! DON'T BE FOOLISH: MAKE A COPY OF YOUR SOFTWARE WITH EASE! Added Bonus: Makes Adding A Larger Hard Drive Super-EASY! Eventually you're going to run out of hard drive space. This happens to pretty much everybody, that's why external HD's are sold everywhere. Now, maybe a better idea would be to actually just put in a new, larger hard drive - but that's normally the kind of thing that would even give Stephen King nightmares! Ahh, but if you have Disk Image, it's a snap! Just create an image of your current system onto the new drive and BINGO - Install the new drive and everything is just like it was before the upgrade - except now you have all the extra space! Sweet! I'd say this alone is more than worth the cost of the program! Talk About a BRILLIANT Program - Just Look at these Features! Let's just sum this up, shall we? This might seem like a big bad program, but trust me - it's simple to use, powerful, and it WILL save you time, money and sanity! Check it out: THE BEST PART: It's EXTREMELY user friendly with a simple-to-follow wizard! Anyone can use this amazing program with ease! Save Yourself a TON of Misery for a VERY SMALL PRICE! So WHEN your computer finally crashes, will you be prepared? Today, you can take advantage of a HUGE deal on this brand new, computer saving software! For just $14.97 with FREE US SHIPPING, you'll be all set no matter what happens! http://store.worldstart.com/product/7784 PS: This is a brand new item that we scored at an introductory price. As soon as our supplier raises their price, we're forced to do the same - so take advantage of this special offer now! One Turn And Your Phone Goes FLYING Against The Window! You Need To Stick That Thing In Place! Here's The Easier, Safer, BETTER Way To Hold Your Stuff! Phones, GPS, MP3 Players... ANYTHING! Special No-Slip, Stick-On Gel Pad Holds It Firmly In Place! (And Leaves No Gross Residue!) We Tested It Doin' Donuts In The Parking Lot... My GPS Didn't Move An Inch! You Gotta Try It To Believe It!
Designed By Science... Tested By Me! They can say what they want, but until I try something out - I don't believe it! That's why when I saw this thing, I thought to myself "No way!" I WAS WRONG! Holy cow this thing is the real McCoy! I popped it on my dash, stuck my GPS on there, and did everything I could short of joining a destruction derby to get this thing to drop my GPS... it didn't move at ALL! Not an inch, not a hair! And there's was no mounting equipment, no screws, no suction cups involved. It's ALL done with a special no-residue gel design! 1. Slap the gel base down to grab onto your dash. 2. Stick the angled mount on the gel and marvel at how strong the adhesion is. 3. Press your phone, GPS, or MP3 player against it and marvel AGAIN because that thing ain't movin'! Full Angle Power! After you set this down on your dash, you can angle it EXACTLY where ya need it! Not only does it swivel a full 360 degrees around, you can even tilt the mount up or down to get this thing at the perfect eye level! It takes all of 5 seconds to shift the orientation so even if you swap drivers all the time, any device on this thing will be 100% ready to go in a flash! Stop fighting with screws, suction-cups, vent clips, and all those crazy devices that take 45 minutes to setup and leave a gigantic "HEY THERE'S A GPS TO STEAL IN HERE" sign on your car! When you're gettin' out of your car with this, you can just pull this off and go about your day! Despite all the strength it holds when you're driving, pulling it or your device off is pretty effortless! AND IT LEAVES 100% NO RESIDUE! This Price Won't Stick Around Forever! Even though you can get one of these AMAZING mounts for just $9.97 with FREE US SHIPPING today... that deal won't last forever! Get yours quick! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9073 You only have until Wednesday before the sale ends! Then these run all the way up to $21.97!! You Can't See Anything In This Weather! Windshield Wipers Can't Do The Job Alone! Repel-It Windshield Treatment Clears Things Up! Convenient Wipe Lasts For Up To Six Months! No Streaking! Car Dealers Charge Outrageous Prices For This Treatment We've Got It For Under $5 ! You know how it is, you're driving in the rain and it looks like someone is throwing buckets of water right onto your windshield. Your windshield wipers are doing the best they can, but And it's not like those wipers are falling apart, you just bought them. And if you're out driving on the highway with big trucks throwing water back at you, it can be pretty darn scary. The solutions is Repel-It Windshield Treatment. It makes your windshield hydrophobic. That means water (and the grime and gunk that can splash up on your windshield with it) will bead up and make it much easier for your windshield wipers to swoop it away. It's not just rain that will stay away... Dust and bugs are much easier to clean off. EVEN SNOW AND ICE will be easier to take off. Where I live, there's a saying. If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes. We get it all. Rain, snow, ice, sleet... We'll go from 70 degrees and rain on Wednesday to 20 degrees and snow on Friday. And let me tell you, I end up doing a lot of driving not matter what the weather is like. This treatment is absolutely perfect. Look at the difference it makes! TREATED UNTREATED
You could have it done at your car dealer, but look what they charge you! I grabbed this shot from an actual car dealer's website. the price starts at $29.95 and you know how they love to tack on extras. Repel-It Windshield Treatment is only $4.97 ! This durable treatment can last for up to six months! Plus it's a wipe, so it's super easy and convenient to apply to your windshield. Not only will this improve your vision, your wipers will last longer because they'll have a lot less work to do. There's no bottles or applicators to fuss with! Just open the convenient package and apply the treatment with the disposable wipe for streak-free protection! We managed to get a special deal on these, so we've got a limited quantity and at $4.97 , they won't last long. And if your order is over $5, you get FREE US Shipping! So click the store link below and get yours now! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9337 Hurry! If we have any left on Wednesday , the price will jump back up to $8.97 !
Bring Your Computer With Ya ANYWHERE You Go! But You Can Leave The Cords, Cables, & Bulky Cases At Home! Check Out This BRAND NEW 7" HD Tablet! All The Power of a Computer IN YOUR HANDS! "What Can I Do With a Tablet?" Well... EVERYTHING! Web Browsing, E-mail, Games, Movies, Music... If a PC/Laptop Can Do It, SO CAN THIS! GET ONE FOR UNDER $100! YOU WON'T FIND A DEAL LIKE THIS ANYWHERE ELSE!
The Best Tablet Deal In The WORLD! Is there anything nowadays that DOESN'T require a computer? Sure, they're fast, more efficient, and incredibly versatile. But what good is that when they're huge, bulky, and weigh a combined total of 60 pounds with all the pieces? Yeah, good luck using THAT when you're on the go! "But Steve, I have a laptop..." STOP RIGHT THERE! Even LAPTOPS are too big! If you've ever tried taking one on a plane or in the car (or even just in your favorite chair at home) you quickly realized it's a little more than you wanted! Not to mention the heat they generate and only have like a 2 hour battery life! WHAT'S THE POINT?! If your wish was a full-powered computer with a nice, HD screen that you could ACTUALLY take with you no matter where you are... CONSIDER YOUR WISH GRANTED! You NEED a tablet... and we're the only ones that have a tablet THIS GOOD for only $99.97!!! INCREDIBLE POWER - INFINITE APPLICATIONS! If you go to ANY big box store, you'll quickly find out why you don't already have a tablet: they're trying to charge $300 MINIMUM for these things (some of them can run up to $1000!!! WHAT?!?!) If you're familiar with tablets, you already know that they're definitely worth that much! A brand new computer costs at LEAST that much and does the EXACT same things you can do on a tablet! But a tablet is more portable, more convenient, and has access to a LOT of handy applications! I mean, just take a look at this bad boy! ►Dual-Core Processor For Unrivaled Speed! ►1 GB of RAM ►Up to 40GB of Storage with a MicroSDHC Card! ►Front & Back Facing Cameras! ►Orientation Sensor for Viewing In Landscape or Portrait ►Built-in Speaker & Microphone ►Integrated Wi-Fi Compatibility AND THAT'S ONLY A SNAPSHOT OF EVERYTHING THIS TABLET HAS TO OFFER! Computers Have NEVER Been Easier To Use! The Android interface was designed to be quick & easy to learn! With a few taps and a couple of swipes across the HD capacitive touchscreen - you'll be FLYIN' through websites and movies with ease! And reading eBooks JUST like an eReader too! It does EVERYTHING you'd need a computer to do! Check your e-mail, browse your favorite websites, watch a movie, jam out to some music... EVERYTHING! "There's no way it can do EVERYTHING..." OF COURSE IT CAN! It's ALL in the Apps! - For every function that doesn't come STANDARD on the tablet, you can bet there's an app for that! Need to keep track of financial information? There's an app. Want a chat program? There's TONS of apps for that! Looking for an easier way to convert currency or measurements across systems? IT'S IN THE GOOGLE PLAY STORE! Almost ANY app you need is FREE too! Does it get better than that? And every day, thousands of new apps are being added, updated, or reworked! It's UNBELIEVABLE! THE DEAL THAT SHOOK THE WORLD! Like I said earlier: tablets can be EXPENSIVE! I say "can be" because there's always an exception to the rule. That exception is RIGHT HERE, BABY! This brand new tablet is only $99.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! THAT'S UNDER $100!!! You could pay up to TEN TIMES THIS MUCH on other tablets! Why would ANYONE do that?!?! Get yours at the link below before they all sell out (and they WILL sell out!) http://store.worldstart.com/product/9371 PS - Assuming we even have enough to last until Wednesday , these WILL go up to $114.97!! | ||||||||||||
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