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Say "Goodbye" To High Prices! After all, why pay more when you can pay WAY less! We've got a TRUCKLOAD of deals below and all of 'em at rock-bottom pricing! You'll see exactly what I mean when you scroll down and look! Got Mobile Devices? You NEED A Mobile Device CHARGER! After All - If They Run Outta Juice... THEY'RE USELESS! (And Good Luck Finding a USB Port At The Gas Station!) Emergency USB Charger Gives You A Second Chance! No Batteries Needed - It's 100% Rechargeable! Fits In Your Pocket - Plugs Into Your USB Device On The Go! 2600 mAh Battery Fully Charges ANY Modern Phone! IT'S AN INSTANT RECHARGE ANYWHERE!
You Know How it Goes... You're on the road. You're at work. You're at a hotel. It doesn't matter where you are, you're NOWHERE near a USB port! But, like clockwork, your phone just died. Since it's one of those new smartphones, it ONLY recharges via a USB port. WHAT NOW?! That important call you were either expecting, or were supposed to make? Well... good luck with that! Hopefully it wasn't too important, because you're gonna have to wait 'til you get home and get that phone charged now! It feels like your phone is waiting until the worst possible moment to die! EVERY TIME! Don't put up with it anymore! GIVE YOUR PHONE A SECOND LIFE! This incredible Rechargeable USB Charger has gotta be the most useful device invented in the last decade! Someone definitely had their creativity on overdrive when this incredible idea popped into their brain! All you do is plug it into your device with the USB cable you always use and it'll charge your device directly! The indicator light lets you know it's charging and you can go back to having a phone that's actually USABLE! Its internal rechargeable battery is rated at 2600 mAh. The average modern smart phone is about 1600 mAh. That means this thing can recharge your phone from 0% to 100% with some extra juice left over! It's small enough to fit in any pocket, any purse, luggage, your glovebox - literally anywhere! And It Doesn't Require ANY Batteries! It's 100% rechargeable! When you're at home, just power this up with a USB port and then keep it with you on the go! No matter where you end up, you'll know you have a couple extra hours worth of charge JUST IN CASE! This backup charger can hold its power for WEEKS! If you don't need it right away, you can keep it "at-the-ready" for a LONG time! So, the next time your cell phone, MP3 player, etc goes dead - you'll know EXACTLY where to find a charge! As soon as I saw this thing - I knew I just had to have one! Check out EVERYTHING that this baby can charge:
Quick Fun Fact: Almost EVERY portable device used nowadays charges via USB. This device is basically a USB port that fits in your pocket. So ANYTHING you'd charge at your computer can charge on this! Your cost today is just $16.97 and US shipping is FREE! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9127 PS - Be sure to order yours today, because this is an EXTREMELY limited quantity item and the price is headed up to $21.97 Monday Once these are gone, it doesn't look like they'll be available ever again!
Wish Your Computer Had a REWIND Button? Wanna Go Back To BEFORE It Had All Those Problems? INCREDIBLE SOFTWARE MAKES IT POSSIBLE! Take a SNAPSHOT Of Your Hard Drive... And Restore To It In MINUTES! FULL System Restores, Retrieve Lost Files... Move ALL Your Data From One PC to Another... EVEN SAVE YOURSELF FROM A DAMAGING VIRUS! LapLink Disk Image Is The EASIEST Software Out There! "Wait... WHY ISN'T MY COMPUTER WORKING?!?!" Hard drive crashes are INEVITABLE! It's happened to everyone. And if you're saying "Well, it hasn't happened to me yet!" then it's probably just around the corner! Your hard drive won't last forever and when it's day comes, you NEED to be ready! It's like nothing else! The ordinary person cannot recover lost data. Period! And even if you happen to have the ridiculously expensive recovery software, there's no guaranteeing WHAT you recover! It might be the important family photos you lost. It MIGHT be an arbitrary text file you accidentally made four years ago! The bottom line... A Computer Crash Can Be DEVASTATING... Oh, and what about your software? You can spend DAYS trying to locate and reinstall your old software! Months, even! But after all that hard work, you're almost guaranteed not to have everything you did before the crash. And good luck trying to recover those old serial numbers to prove that you indeed bought that software at some point. Who just keeps that stuff lying around? Nope - if your computer crashes, you're gonna burn... Let's face it: a system crash is inevitable at some point. Be it in the form of a crash, malware or a virus. What's going to happen to all of your files, software and programs? How long will it take you to recover and reinstall everything? How much money would it end up costing you? It's going to be a miserable experience... Unless you have LapLink Disk Image, of course... Then everything is fine! Computer Crashes No Longer Mean a Thing! Before we get to any of the specifics with this program, there's a couple of things you should know: this program is very easy to use (anyone can do it) and the bottom line is this: LapLink Disk Image makes an EXACT copy (image) of your hard drive. If your PC crashes and you've used this program first, you can restore EVERYTHING back to the way it was when you did the backup by sticking the disc in and letting it do it's thing! This image can be created on another hard drive, an external drive, a zip drive, a set of CD's or DVD's - whatever works for you. It's fast and couldn't be easier to use - IT RUNS DIRECTLY THROUGH WINDOWS! That's right: software, files, programs, pictures, music...EVERYTHING! Whether you accidentally downloaded a terrible virus, are experiencing a massive PC crash, got a ton of malware, have a PC that won't start - whatever - if you've used Disk Image, you'll have access to everything you backed up before your PC kicked that digital bucket. Restore Individual Files! This is TOO cool! Disk Image allows you to restore individual files as needed! Let's just say you accidentally deleted an important file. Or somehow, you managed to corrupt a bunch of pictures you had saved on your computer. Disk Image allows you to restore ANY file you want - YOU get to pick and choose! Simply pop your disk in and choose which file to reinstall. It's laid out right in front of you, and it's a quick and easy process. No matter what happens to your files, hardware, pictures - whatever - you can rest assured that it's safely backed-up and ready to be reinstalled whenever you need to! Creating Back-Ups has NEVER Been Easier! And let's say you just bought yourself some EXPENSIVE new hardware. Install it and copy it with ease! Now it's backed up in case anything at all should happen to it! And speaking of getting a new computer...maybe you're not aware, but most newer computer's don't come with a Windows restore disk anymore! Nope, the almighty dollar must be more important to them than customer loyalty...so get ready to shell out an extra 40 bucks on top of that new computer cost. OR use Disk Image - and restore windows on all your programs on your computer! Look at that - this program has already paid for itself! DON'T BE FOOLISH: MAKE A COPY OF YOUR SOFTWARE WITH EASE! Added Bonus: Makes Adding A Larger Hard Drive Super-EASY! Eventually you're going to run out of hard drive space. This happens to pretty much everybody, that's why external HD's are sold everywhere. Now, maybe a better idea would be to actually just put in a new, larger hard drive - but that's normally the kind of thing that would even give Stephen King nightmares! Ahh, but if you have Disk Image, it's a snap! Just create an image of your current system onto the new drive and BINGO - Install the new drive and everything is just like it was before the upgrade - except now you have all the extra space! Sweet! I'd say this alone is more than worth the cost of the program! Talk About a BRILLIANT Program - Just Look at these Features! Let's just sum this up, shall we? This might seem like a big bad program, but trust me - it's simple to use, powerful, and it WILL save you time, money and sanity! Check it out: THE BEST PART: It's EXTREMELY user friendly with a simple-to-follow wizard! Anyone can use this amazing program with ease! Save Yourself a TON of Misery for a VERY SMALL PRICE! So WHEN your computer finally crashes, will you be prepared? Today, you can take advantage of a HUGE deal on this brand new, computer saving software! For just $18.97 with FREE US SHIPPING, you'll be all set no matter what happens! http://store.worldstart.com/product/7784 PS: This is a brand new item that we scored at an introductory price. As soon as our supplier raises their price, we're forced to do the same - so take advantage of this special offer now!
Malware & Spyware Are Trying To Get IN... Here's The #1 Software That Keeps 'em OUT! AND IT COMES WITH A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION! No Recurring Fees. No Lapse In Protection. IT'S MALWAREBYTES PRO LIFETIME! It Works WITH Other Anti-Virus Software... And It Stops Anything They Can't! DON'T LET MALWARE & SPYWARE INFECT YOUR COMPUTER!
Malware. It's everywhere. It seems like whatever you do nowadays puts you at risk for getting infected. The good news is, almost everyone has an anti-virus now... the bad news? That's not enough. Sure, viruses are bad. But malware is downright NASTY! A virus might try to harm your computer, but spyware and trojans? They can steal your information. That means more than a damaged PC... now we're talking your identity... your finances... everything! But it's not all bad... because we found the superhero software that's gonna keep your PC pristine and malware free! It's Malwarebytes Pro Lifetime! This isn't just good anti-malware software... this is THE #1 anti-malware software. PERIOD! AND YOU GET IT FOR LIFE! No monthly fees. Just buy it and you've got up-to-date protection FOREVER! Expert-recommended, extensively tested, and proven in the field! We're talking over 200 MILLION downloads with over 5 BILLION pieces of malware removed! That's BILLION with a B! WOW! You might still be saying "But I already have an anti-virus!". . . GOOD! Malwarebytes works WITH your anti-virus to fill in all those gaps it doesn't cover. Viruses and malware are NOT the same. Your anti-virus might stop your PC from getting damaged, but most online threats don't wanna damage your PC... they want to steal from it! Infected computers are one of the biggest reasons identity theft even occurs! Spyware will track your passwords, malware will redirect you to fake versions of the websites you trust, and adware will cover your web browser from top-to-bottom in ads for all KINDS of junk! Malwarebytes Pro stops them dead in their tracks. It does it all: preventing, protecting, and disinfecting! If you have malware, this software will remove it. And if you have this software... you won't have to worry about removing ANYTHING ever again! Scan - Quarantine - Remove! Three easy and completed automated steps that restore YOUR computer back to perfect health! If you have malware infections, it'll find 'em, round 'em up, and get rid of 'em once and for all! Talk about easy! You don't have to be a computer genius to use this! Not only does it check your PC when you need it to, it actively defends you to stop the malware from infecting you in the first place! You get it all! Malicious website protection, ultra-fast scans, the real-time protection, and Malwarebytes even has safeguards against infections that try to remove it! This is the REAL DEAL! If you think this sounds great, I'm gonna repeat myself a bit here: IT'S A LIFETIME LICENSE! Your anti-virus might charge you monthly or yearly... THIS WON'T! It's only $28.97 and you get constantly updating protection for LIFE! YES! And if you get a new computer, you can even move the license over to that one! Don't leave your security to chance. There's never been a better deal on anti-malware... if you miss this, you're gonna be kickin' yourself when your PC gets infected! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8814 Touchscreens Are SENSITIVE! Oily Fingers And Scratches Can Spell Disaster! You Can't Read Through Smudges... And You CANNOT Remove Scratches! The Solution: A Stylus Pen! BUT THIS IS MORE THAN JUST AN ORDINARY STYLUS... This Thing Is The Most BRILLIANT One Out There! Use It With iPhones, Tablets, Smart Phones Too! ANY CAPACITIVE DEVICE!
The Right Touch! Everything has a touchscreen now! At least, it certainly feels like it. Your phone, your computer, even home appliances! The great thing is how EASY they are to use... But you know what else is easy? SMUDGING AND SCRATCHING THEM! Heck, you could turn a pristine phone screen into a globby mess of smudges and fingerprints in 2 seconds flat! Then you gotta clean them but OH NO! Cleaning the smudges left SCRATCHES! NOW whaddaya do? You know what they say: "Prevention is the best medicine." So here's the 'vaccine' for a clean screen! Smart Pen = Smart User (that's you!) This does so much, but let's start with the important one: the capacitive stylus! It makes using touchscreen devices a breeze! Obviously, using a stylus means no more oily fingers smudging your screen. And while it also prevents scratches, it serves a WAY better purpose too: making those tiny buttons easier to press! How many times have you struggled with your dialer or selecting a button because those tiny phone screens make the buttons practically invisible? A stylus pen gives you a PRECISE tool to select exactly what you're aiming for! "Okay... so what else does it do?" If for some reason you aren't ALREADY as excited as I am... there's an LED FLASHLIGHT and LASER POINTER built right in! I don't need to tell ya how great an LED flashlight is, right? They last FOREVER, they're bright as heck, and they're really energy efficient! Now we've got a laser on there too? YES!!! "Come on Steve, this sounds COOL! Gimme the deal!" You might be ready to pay big bucks for something like this BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO! We got SUCH a good deal on these that we're passing it on to you! You get one of these AWESOME stylus pens for just $8.97 - Yesyesyes!!!! And if your order is over $5 you get free US shipping! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8857
Wanna Save Up To 15% Off ALL WS Store Products? How About FREE eBooks, Guides, and Tips?! DEAL CHASERS UNITE! DEEP Discounts - EXCLUSIVE Content - HUGE SAVINGS! You Can HAVE IT ALL! Join the EXCLUSIVE Worldstart Premium Membership Club! WANT IN? NO Gimmicks, NO Secrets, NO Strings Attached! Once You Sign Up... It's AUTOMATIC! It's ALL About You! INTRODUCING THE WORLDSTART PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP! Wish you could have it all? How about having all of THIS?!
You get a whole YEAR of these INCREDIBLE bonuses for less than the price of going to the movies! You'll ALWAYS have the lowest price on anything we sell... GUARANTEED! No more long ads... unless you want to see them! Just click the link! The choice is yours! Your newsletters send first... so when we have limited quantity they're YOURS to snag! Plus the INCREDIBLE EXCLUSIVE CONTENT! You get FREE access to our Tech Tips Monthly eMagazine... it'd cost you over $35 to get them individually! Not to mention our Special Reports and eBooks... ONLY Premium Members get these FREE!! We're offering an UNBELIEVABLE, super-special, once-in-a-blue-moon introductory price for new Premium Subscribers! Just $12.99 FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! You'll SAVE more than the cost of the membership with just the free exclusives... but add in all the saved cash from the Premium-Only discounts and you're SWIMMIN' in savings! Bottom line: YOU'RE GONNA SAVE TONS OF MONEY! Thank you SO MUCH for your support! For more info and to sign up, head to the link below! http://store.worldstart.com/product/5895 Thanks again! ~Steve *Typical savings is 15% on most items. Some items may have a larger discount, some may have a little less. No matter what, as a Premium Member you will ALWAYS have the lowest price based on all of our current discounts. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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