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![]() ![]() In The News 10-11-2013 Windows 8 passes iOSX Windows 8 users now outnumber Mac users worldwide according to a new report from StatCounter. For September 2013, Mac OS users made up around 7% of computer operating systems while Windows 8 users make up 7.46%. ![]() That is far behind leader Windows 7 with nearly 52% of all systems. Windows XP comes in a distant second with around 21% of the market. That's still pretty high considering that Microsoft is discontinuing support for XP in April of 2014. Narrative Lets You Record Every Moment Of Your Life The Narrative clip-on camera promises to let you record every moment of your life as it happens. The $279 device will clip on your shirt and allow you take continuous photographs of your day as it happens. ![]() The developers tout it as a revolutionary way to supplement your memories by taking pictures of everything as it happens. The pitch is that the program gives you a searchable photographic memory. The tiny camera with built-in GPS has no controls. It automatically takes two geo-tagged photos a minute and stores them in the Narrative Cloud. The storage will cost you $9 a month after a one-year free trial that comes with the purchase of the camera. Users can then create what are called Lifeblogs. Narrative says this service could potentially be very valuable for dementia patients, allowing them to access memories. Although for now, it seems to raise some privacy concerns about the people you come in contact with in your life. You can learn more about it here. Ads Coming To Instagram Instagram users can now expect to see ads in their photo feeds sometime in the next couple of months. The company says it's necessary to build the popular social media service into a sustainable business. ![]() They promise to deliver "a small number of beautiful, high-quality photos and videos from a handful of brands." As with a Facebook feed, you can hide any advertisements you don't like from view. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- Jerry from Palm Coast, Florida writes: Hello, my spouse just began using a computer with Windows 7. She now has Outlook.com for her email account. Can she add her previous Outlook Express address to Outlook and see mail addressed to either account in Outlook? Thanks very much. ![]() You don't say which e-mail service your wife is using, but there are a couple of ways she can see e-mail from that account in her Outlook.com inbox. If that account has an e-mail forwarding features, you can forward the mail to the Outlook.com account. The process will vary depending on where she has her old e-mail address and not every service offers this. Or you can use Outlook's e-mail fetching service. I detailed how to do this in this article. How Do I add Old E-mail Address To My Outlook.com? Hopefully this shouldn't be a difficult process at all. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version ![]() Laura from Crowley writes: I can't add file or folder for email (pics). I use Chrome & its Yahoo! Mail. Making specialized folders within your inbox is a great way to keep your messages and files organized. Fortunately, Laura, it's a pretty easy process. For this demonstration, I'm using the most recent version of Yahoo! Mail and of Chrome. Let's get started. Open your Yahoo! Mail inbox. ![]() On the left side of your inbox, select the + sign beside Folders. ![]() This window will pop up. Type in the name of your new folder. ![]() It should then appear in your list of folders. ![]() Hope that helps. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- Nancy from Weaver, Alabama writes: My security program (AVG)keeps giving me a message that my internet explorer is using too much memory and suggests that I restart the application. But i don't know how to restart the application. Can you tell me how? Restarting is simple. You can click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the program. ![]() Or if the program is unresponsive, you can press Control-Alt-Delete to open the task manager. Select Internet Explorer from the list. ![]() Then choose End Task. ![]() Then you can just open Internet Explorer again. But we may want to address why this keeps happening. I'm going to cover a solution for this error that could help in many situations and then address a second one just for AVG users. One problem could be add-ons in Internet Explorer gobbling up memory. Let's look at that process. Click the gear symbol in the upper right of Internet Explorer and choose Manage add-ons. ![]() This window will open with a complete list of add-ons to Internet Explorer. ![]() You can see the various types of add-ons Internet Explorer is running. ![]() And you can view details like the Publisher, Status and how long it takes that Add-on to load. ![]() I'd suggest selecting Toolbars and taking a look. Toolbars and extensions can suck up a lot of your memory. Sometimes you can load them without even intending to because they come hidden in other updates and downloads. ![]() If you think a toolbar could be causing a problem, select it from the list. ![]() Then choose Disable. ![]() Click here for the method for disabling an add-on in Internet Explorer 8. Since you are using AVG, the issue could be the AVG Advisor. It has a feature to warn you that your browser could be using too much memory by AVG's standards. You do this by opening AVG and selecting Appearance. Then uncheck the Display AVG Advisor performance notification. ![]() I hope that one of these solutions helps. If not, be sure to let us know and we'll keep looking. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here! ![]()
It's The Storage Deal Of The CENTURY!
2 Gigs For Only $4.97
It's BIGGER Than You Think!
Drag & Drop Simplicity!
Transfer Data At WHOPPIN' 480 Mbps!
WOW! A Flash Drive for under $5?! TALK ABOUT CRAZY! Everyone needs a flash drive. Okay, well not Crazy Bob - he doesn't have a computer. But if you have a computer, you NEED a flash drive or two! There's NO easier or faster way to store, transfer, or share data than popping it on a flash drive and plugging it into another computer! ![]() This flash drive will hold SO MANY FILES! A lot of people who end up buyin' MASSIVE flash drives quickly find out they bit off more than they could chew! Once you get one of these, you'll be SHOCKED at how hard it is to fill them up. Can you think of a THOUSAND photos? How about a couple HUNDRED MP3s off the top of your head? See, it sounds small, but 2 gigs is really a couple THOUSAND megabytes - and it's not easy to fill up that space! You'll have enough room for ALL your important stuff! Sometimes you DO need the big flash drives, but it's always smart to keep important documents or files on their own drive. Just try going to the big box store to pick one of these up, because you'll be tripping over your own feet running away from those obscene prices! We're RARELY able to get such good prices on these kind of flash drives, so don't miss this opportunity... it might not come again soon (or at all!) Your space-saving flash drive is on sale for only $4.97 - WOW! (Get 2 or have an order total over $5 and you'll get FREE US Shipping too!) http://store.worldstart.com/product/9141 These flash drives are going to sell QUICK, don't walk away without one (or two!) This isn't an everyday kinda deal, you know! ![]() ![]() What To Do With A Deceased Loved One's Facebook Profile This is a touchy subject, but an important one. What happens to someone's Facebook Account when he or she passes away? Relatives can request to have the account deleted, but often families don't want to do that. They would like to keep the photos and posts of the dearly departed and leave a space for friends to leave their thoughts, but it can be very jarring to see a birthday gift suggestions for a deceased friend. ![]() Fortunately, Facebook does offer a memorialization option for accounts. A memorialized account is different from a regular profile in several ways. No one can log into a memorialized account and no new friend requests can be accepted. The account keeps the deceased's previous privacy settings. So if he or she permitted friends to post on the timeline, friends and family can still share memories there. Plus they can also send private messages, if they wish. Content shared by the deceased remains on Facebook and friends can still see it. Photos, status updates, links, videos etc… are still visible. However, friends won't receive special occasion reminders and the deceased won't pop up under suggestions for People You May Know. Here's how you do it... Want more? Check out WorldStart! -- New Kindles Come With Mayday Button For Instant Help Amazon's new line of Kindle Fire HDX Tablets and they come with an interesting new feature, a Mayday Button that brings instant customer support. ![]() A user having trouble with a feature can tap the Mayday button and an Amazon expert will appear on the tablet. ![]() The advisor can assist you in one of three ways. They can help you understand the feature by drawing on your screen. Just click WorldStart to learn more! ![]() Bonnie from Arkansas writes: I have two internal hard drives I would like to use for storage, but I'm not sure I should take the chance. My Vista had a corrupt hard drive put in it. My Win 7 was knocked out by lightning. Should I just chunk them? Answer: An old hard drive can make a good backup device, but you're right to be concerned about the reliability of the drive. The best thing you can do to test them is to perform a detailed scan to verify the disk is operating correctly. The first step is to connect the hard drive to an external docking station or open your computer and connect it to one of the internal ports. Once your hard drive is connected, download PassMark's DiskCheckup utility by clicking here. This utility will allow you to see the Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T. for short) information and perform a drive test. Once installed, open DiskCheckup, click on your secondary hard drive and click the SMART Info tab. ![]() The SMART information is shown for the drive and while it looks complicated, it's actually very easy to understand. Only a few columns are needed to diagnose drive health. In general, the higher the numbers, the better; with the exception of temperature (ideally you want from 30c to 50c) and power on time (lower is better). Head on over to WorldStart for more of this tip! -- Sandy from Sparks, Nevada writes: I have a new laptop that came loaded with Windows 7. My desktop, which I love and adore, is loaded with the original (and updates, of course) of XP. I have no plans of changing the desktop, it's still working great, but the laptop is new and I'm wondering if I will have an compatibility problems between the two since they are both hooked up to the same router and wireless printer. The laptop is still in the box, not set up yet…. Answer: The good news is if your older computer is still working you can keep using it along with your new computer. Most wireless printers support printing from multiple computers and even older routers can handle a few computers hooked up at once. There are a few tips and products which can make running two computers at the same time easier and faster. The first thing you need to do is make sure all of your devices (like printers, scanners, usb devices, etc) work with the new computer. You can check the manufacturer's website for the device to see if there are drivers you can download and install before connecting it to your new computer. If the device does not work with your new computer, it's more important then ever you have access to the old computer until you get a newer version of the device to replace the incompatible one. ![]() A great purchase for someone who wants to use two computers is a KVM switch. A KVM switch allows you to connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse to two computers at once. You can also connect a USB hub to the USB port on the KVM to connect multiple USB devices to both computers. You can only use the devices connected with one computer at a time, but you can switch back and forth easily. KVM switches range in price from $30 to $60, but will save a lot of frustrating cable switching Want more? Check out WorldStart! For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter. ![]() Change The Ratio I found this site on Forbes list of Top 100 Site for Women where it was touted as inspirational. So I had to check it out. What I was greeted with was a site that devotes itself to helping change the ratio of men to women in tech, media, and on the corporate/entrepreneurial level. Digging deeper, I discovered that Change the Ratio was created by Rachel Sklar to highlight the careers of women in new media and tech through clips, photographs, articles, and inspirational posts. Setup blog style all you have to do is scroll down to navigate and then select older entries to navigate back through the archives. You can also scroll to the bottom of the page and select Archives to browse the entire backlog of posts you've missed by month. It goes back to June of 2010. Because it uses the Tumblr platform, if you have a Tumblr account you can easily reblog posts you like by clicking reblog. You can also follow so that the posts show up on your Tumblr dashboard. Check it out for yourself today! http://changetheratio.com ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes Of All Time This will sound silly, but Halloween often makes me think about April Fool's Day. Probably because both holidays can involve playing tricks on your friends, family, and in the case of Halloween on unsuspecting trick-or-treaters. So in honor of the weird way my brain works, I'm sharing with you a site that looks at the top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes (tricks) of all time! The site is easy to navigate. All you have to do is scroll down. The list starts with number one and as you scroll down you'll head towards one hundred, when you reach the bottom of the page use the Next link to continue navigating through the hoaxes. There are ten pages in all. I love the one they start out with: The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest. It makes me chuckle every time I read it. I also enjoyed number fifty The Sheep Albedo Hypothesis which pokes fun at climate change. Go check these out for yourself, today! http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/aprilfool ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share? Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com ![]()
The Perfect Case!
Cameras... Phones... iPods... MP3 Players...
Ulta-soft Neoprene Protects Delicate Touch Screens
Convenient Carabiner Clip! Easily Attaches To Belts, Bags And More!
Say Goodbye To Bulky Cases & Hello Slim-Line Style
All For Less Than $4!
Smart Phones, cameras, iPods and all of those nifty little electronic devices have two things in common: Number One: They're EXPENSIVE! You can easily pay $300 for a phone with all the bells and whistles. Number Two: They're DELICATE! It doesn't take much to scratch or break them and good luck trying to get them repaired. You know how it goes, you've got a sharp new camera in your pocket and you bend over to pick something up. ![]() All of the sudden you hear that awful CRASHING sound of your new toy hitting the ground. Maybe you also hear the horrible sound of that supposedly shatter-proof glass shattering on the ground. IT MAKES YOU WANT TO SCREAM! You could buy a bulky padded case, but that sort of defeats the purpose of paying all that money for a compact device you could carry with you. What are you supposed to do? Well, today is yo ![]() Check out this amazing Lowepro case! The sturdy Neoprene construction protects your small electronics from scratches, scuffs and impact without adding bulk. The handy caribiner clip means it fastens easily to belt loops, purses, back packs and more. The magnetic closure makes it super-easy to open and close. Your camera or phone is right there where you need it, but it's PROTECTED. You don't have to sacrifice convenience for safety! Perfect for outdoor activities and vacations, or just keeping that delicate touch screen from being scratched by your pocket change or something in your purse! Versatile 3.7 x 5.9 inch size works with everything from smartphones to cameras to iPods! At this price, why not buy more than one? And if you're handing out points for style this sharp, sleek case really scores! High quality and high style in one dynamite little package. So what's the catch? Well, we've got a limited quanity and this price will only last for a limited time. Only $3.97!! We'll even sweeten the deal with FREE U.S. SHIPPING on all orders over $5! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8997 Grab a few of these now! On Saturday the price is headed back up to $8.97 ! ![]() October Wallpaper Is Ready! |
We have some new desktop wallpaper ready to go for October! Three new selections for ya this month.
All can be found here and are 100% free:
Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
![]() | Autumn Magic At Bond Falls You know, I'm starting to really like Bond Falls. It's located - more or less - in the north central area of Michigan's UP, and let me tell ya - I've been there twice and pulled out a good shot each time! The first time was of the main falls, this time I went for the upper falls. In fact, back when I took the main falls I just couldn't help but think this area could really be fantastic if the timing was right in autumn. So, about 13 months later I came back…(More) |
![]() | Whitetail Through The Window This Whitetail Deer Buck was photographed in Custer State Park, SD just as the colors were starting to turn. It was early morning and we were the first (and probably only) car on the Wildlife Loop Road. In fact, I think we were a little too early - hadn't seen much - then we spotted this guy. One look at that amazing rack was all it took for me... (More) |
![]() | Incoming! This was captured at the Bosque Del Apache NWR one chilly evening as the snow geese were settling in for the night. The sun was getting pretty low in the sky and the temps were dropping rapidly. I knew I didn't have too much time left and I was blasting away at any group of snow geese I could get my lens on. They were coming in large groups and... (More) |
As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!
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