
The Gigantic, Crazy, Insane, Jaw-Dropping, Over-The-Top, Colossal, Whoppin' Friday Smackdown Sale!

WorldStart's Tech Tips WorldStart

ws - 2013-12-13


I just used every word I could think of to describe this sale. Why? Because I'm INCLUDING almost everything I can think of IN the sale! We've got almost 20 of my favorite deals below. BUT THERE IS A CATCH!

Everything here is nearly sold out! We're talkin' quantities of 5 or less for a lot of this stuff! Make sure you scroll down and grab what you want quick, before someone beats you to it!

It WILL Happen To Everyone!

Backups Are The ONLY Way To Prevent Losing Your Data!

"But Steve... It's a PAIN To Backup!!"


The Lexar Echo 16GB Backup Drive!


Completely Automatic Backups!

Let The Flash Drive Do All The Work!

Plug It In! You're 99% Done!

(It Even Shows How Much Space You've Used!)

Hard Drives ALWAYS Crash!

There's only a few guarantees in life. Your hard drive crashing is one of those guarantees.

When they go, they take EVERYTHING they had with 'em!


What do you do when your hard drive crashes?

Well, there's two possible reactions...

If you guessed the one on the right... correct!

Why's she so happy? Because getting all her files back was THIS easy:

You simply take your handy Lexar 16GB back up flash drive and plug it into any computer. It automatically loads the files you backed up and you can get them ready to use again.

You don't lose a single file, and you don't spend the weekend wishing you had printed those vacation photos that you'll never get back.

Who would YOU prefer to be in that scenario?

There's only ONE reason not to back up data:

It USED to be hard.

It took a lot of time, it took expensive hardware or software, and it took some tech-savvy. You had to know file extensions, directories, the whole works.


It's literally as easy as clicking your mouse!

See below:

The Lexar 16GB Instant Backup Flash Drive!

NO extra software. NO long set up. NO time consuming steps. All you do is plug it in and pick what you need to backup!

Could it BE any easier?

The first time you pop it in, it lets you choose automatic or specific folders. That's all there is to it! Your files are backed up and you're safe from disaster!

What's great is that it keeps ALL of your directories and folders right in the order you have them on your PC. So you'll know EXACTLY where to find them on the flash drive or after you back them up to another PC!

Think about everything you have on your computer: TONS of photos. ALL of your favorite music. Family videos and contact information.

How about work documents, important files, sensitive documents. Even your passwords, e-mails, favorite web pages... EVERYTHING!

After a crash, you can't get those photos back. The videos are now distant memories. And your passwords? Good luck remembering the ones you haven't had to type in for years.


And with backing up this easy, you won't even have to think about it!

This DEFINES User Friendly!

Ultra Sleek, Ultra Secure, ULTRA FAST!

It looks, feels, and acts just like your standard flash drive (of course, standard flash drives can't hold a candle to this one) so you know it's gonna be easy and lightweight to move or store.

Plus, it has a retractable connector so you ALSO know it's gonna stay safe from any potential accidents!


That's right - Just drag and drop files to it and use it like any other flashdrive! Talk about the best of both worlds!!

Take it anywhere! Back up any PC or laptop! Use it for EVERYTHING!

And if you're looking for fast, this thing is gonna BLOW YOU AWAY!

This flash drive is part of the Lexar "Ultra" series, their fastest USB 2.0 drives out there.

Simply put? USB 2.0 has NEVER been faster!

Last but not least: IT'S SECURE!

When you back up anything on this drive, you can choose to encrypt it and guard it with a password of your choice! Nobody but you or those you trust get access to YOUR files.

So all your tax, financial, and confidential documents? You can back them up too without worrying! FINALLY!

All those passwords on your PC don't mean a thing if you don't have SECURE backups.

But with this Lexar, it's not a problem.

A Backup Drive For UNDER $19! WOW!

If you go anywhere to try and get a backup drive, you'll be looking $40 for the BARE MINIMUM! And those are bulky, heavy external hard drives that you really can't move or store.

I'd like to add... the ones I got in to test have quickly became my new backup drives for my photos and music. They're just so easy and useful!

You will NOT find a faster, more convenient backup drive out there for just $18.97 with FREE US SHIPPING anywhere else!

These are simply one of the coolest devices I've ever seen. PLEASE don't miss out on this deal. We only have so many and once they're gone... that's it.


LIMITED QUANTITY - Again, we can't get any more than the ones we have! And after Saturday this sale will end, with the price going back up to $24.97! HURRY TO THE STORE!

Still Going To The Big Box Store For Memory Cards?


They're Chargin' You BIG BUCKS For These Things!

But Since You're Not Crazy...


JUST $4.97!

100X Speed - That's LIGHTNING FAST!

4 Gigs Devoted SOLELY to SDHC Devices!

It's Like a Match Made in Technology Heaven!

This Has GOT to STOP!

Aren't you SICK of those IRRITATING "card full" or "buffering" messages that only seem to come up when you're taking important pictures?

Same goes for when you're using your camcorder - during the most CRUCIAL moments, you get that dreaded "card full" message and you have to stop filming! It's your slow, WEAK memory card with NO space!


Grab one of these 4 GB Class 6 SDHC Cards NOW and eliminate that problem FOREVER!

HUGE Storage Space!

Sure, you've heard that before...but check this out! If you have a typical 8MP camera, you'll have ZERO PROBLEMS storing 1,000 photos!

How great is that gonna be for your next vacation?

Pop the card in and forget all about it!

Class 6 - 100X Speed - What's That Mean to You?

Your camera can only take so many photos in a row before its buffer gets full - and when that happens you have to wait for it to empty before you can start taking photos again.

Now, the faster your card, the faster that buffer gets empty and the sooner YOU get back to shooting - and this is gonna help you do exactly that!

Class 6 100X speed gives you transfer rates at 6MB per second - that's REALLY fast!

Worldstart LOVES it's Customers - And this Deal Proves It!


So what are you waiting for? Are you crazy? Click that link below and get yours for just $4.97 with FREE US SHIPPING included on any order over $5! Better act fast - this is only good for today!


PS: This offer will NOT be available after Saturday - don't miss your chance

Super Bright Adjustable Focus LED Keychain Flashlight - Buy One Get One Free- Sale Price $4.97
(Original Retail $16.99)

Shine light where you need it most with the 1 LED Adjustable Focus Keychain Flashlight!

http://store.worldstart.com/product/9206 - Click For Full Review

Survival Pocket Knife- Sale Price $3.97
(Original Retail $29.99)

Everything you need in one Survival Pocket Knife! It includes a knife, can opener, screwdriver, ruler, and more!

http://store.worldstart.com/product/6268 - Click For Full Review

Fabric Storage Cube - Buy One Get One Free- Sale Price $ 9.97
(Original Retail $26.99)

Fabric storage cubes are the perfect way to manage toys, media, office supplies and more! Storage cube easily pops open for immediate use or simply fold back down when it's not needed.

http://store.worldstart.com/product/9007 - Click For Full Review

Super Talent 64GB USB Flash Drive- Sale Price $44.97
(Original Retail $79.99)

The RM Series is a portable USB 2.0 drive featuring a capless design. Never worry about losing another cap again! It has a compact, plastic body with a steel swivel to protect the USB connector. The 64GB capacity means you have enough space to store all of your favorite photos, videos, music, documents, and more! Just plug it in and you're ready to go!

http://store.worldstart.com/product/7912 - Click For Full Review

Universal Dual Cigarette Lighter Splitter- Sale Price $8.97
(Original Retail $19.99)

Convert your vehicle's cigarette lighter power port into two outlets. Allows use of two plug-in devices in one cigarette lighter port. Works in cars, trucks, RVs and boats.

http://store.worldstart.com/product/9253 - Click For Full Review

Why Do Batteries So Small Cost SO MUCH?

Because Big Box Stores Are Robbin' You Blind!

We've Got THE Package You Need!

All 6 Common Alkaline Button Cell Types - 30 Total Batteries!

The Whole Thing Is ONLY $4.97!!!

You'd Pay Twice This For ONE BATTERY Anywhere Else!

6 Of Each For The Most Common Batteries Used!

Labeled For Easy Use!

No More Struggle To Find The One You Need!

Warning: Low Battery...

...oh no! You knew it was coming, but it still made your heart stop.

You think to yourself "I have NO CLUE what battery this is using. All those little button ones look the same and more importantly, they cost 10 bucks per battery to replace!"

We've all been there. Heck, I've played with more clocks and watches and flashlights that need button batteries than I can even remember!

But you know what?

It DOESN'T have to be hard.

It DOESN'T have to be expensive.


Stop going to the big box stores for these things!

They'll charge you $8-10 for a battery or two and send you on your way! You aren't even sure if they're the right one, and besides - if you have to replace the batteries again, it'll end up costing more than the device you're using them with!

We've got EVERY common button cell battery RIGHT HERE!


Watches, calculators, thermometers, radios, alarms, toys, games. It doesn't matter what you need 'em for - now you'll finally have them.

And we're not kidding! Feel free to walk to any big box store and see what they're charging for small packs of two or three batteries! It isn't cheap - they think you don't know any better!


And if your order is over $5, you'll get FREE US SHIPPING TOO!


PS - Sale ends Saturday and these will cost $8.97 then!

Got a Tablet, Phone, or MP3 Player?


We've Got The Audio Bliss You're ACHING For!


One Use And You'll Be HOOKED!

Did I Mention It's a Stand Too?

Now Watching Movies On Your Tablet Is AWESOME!

It's Universal! It's Loud! IT'S ONLY $16.97!

Folds Up To Easily Store Too! YES!

Watch Our Video - You're Gonna LOVE This!


We don't ALL carry big boomboxes around anymore. The decade for that has come and gone. But sometimes you want to be able to share your music or listen to it louder than a whisper!

From impromptu gatherings, parties, or even when you're just working at your desk... music makes everything more enjoyable!

But you know what's NOT enjoyable? Those crummy little speakers built into your phone or tablet! Those things barely meet minimum quality standards!

AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON VOLUME! I turned my phone up to the max and still have to practically touch it to my ear to hear it! It's enough to make ya scream!

Is there a solution? Of course there is... and WorldStart's got it just for you!

It's a UNIVERSAL tablet/phone stand and speaker ALL IN ONE!

It's powered by either 3 'AAA' batteries OR a USB connection!

Flip It Out - Set It Down!

Two steps! That's all it takes to enjoy the pure audio bliss of FINALLY having good speakers for your favorite mobile device!

STEP 1. Put your device on the stand.

STEP 2. Plug the cable into your device's headphone jack.

That's all you gotta do!

Now THAT'S easy!

It's Clear And It's LOUD!

You may have bought your tablet or phone thinkin' "Hey this is cool, I can watch videos wherever I want now!" Then you heard those built-in speakers and felt like someone kicked the excitement right outta you!

THIS IS THE TRICK TO GET EXCITED AGAIN! Once you listen to your movie or video through THESE speakers you're gonna be BLOWN AWAY!

The audio quality is top-notch and you can finally get a booming sound without having to hook your tablet up to a full-on stereo system (which would be downright goofy!)

The Fold Out Stand Is Incredible - Have you ever tried to watch a LONG video on your tablet? You're stuck holdin' that thing for upwards of 2 hours! After you're done, you feel like a weight lifter!

This stand is SIMPLE and EASY! It's fully adjustable to work with even an iPod but can go all the way up to full-sized tablets!

This is like a portable theater station for your mobile devices!


I've been talkin' up tablets and phones a lot. But since that connector is a 3.5mm jack - it'll work with nearly ANY modern audio device.

You know that place where your plug headphones in? If your device has one of those, it's COMPLETELY COMPATIBLE!

So if all your music is on your iPod (which probably doesn't even HAVE speakers) you can still listen to it on this! There's no reason to buy those $100 speaker stations!

And speaking of prices... wait until you see this: IT'S ONLY $16.97 with FREE US SHIPPING!

That's music to ANYONE'S ears!


PS - We're TRYING to get more of these but we can't guarantee anything. If you miss this deal, you might not get a second chance. Besides, the price goes up to $23.97 Saturday!!

Buy One Get One FREE!

Clean Those Glasses – THE RIGHT WAY!

Stop Wasting Paper Towels - Stop Wasting Your Time!

We've Got an All-Purpose Cleaning Cloth That Lasts Forever! FOREVER!!!!


No Soap - No Solution - No Residue!

Static & Lint Free


Just $4.97 For A Limited Time Only!

You Know What's Just Foolish? Using Paper Towels to Clean Your Glasses! REALLY?!?!

You've been ignoring your optician's warnings, haven't you?! They weren't kidding when they said that wood-based products like tissues and paper towels will scratch your lenses – permanently! KNOCK IT OFF!

Why even clean 'em, if you're just going to ruin 'em?

You Need the MIRACLE EYEGLASS CLEANER CLOTH - It'll be the LAST Cloth You'll EVER Need!

Seriously, for less than the price of lunch, you can get a cloth that was actually meant for cleaning your eyeglasses! SAFELY!

And you'll never have to worry about replacing it, either - it's woven strong and it'll NEVER wear out! The material is soft and smooth - it'll never scratch or damage your glasses like paper towels or other, less suitable cloths will do over time.


This guy is programmed to defeat dirt of all kinds!

So, keep those lenses clean and clear! And once your glasses are clean, you'll probably notice a lot more things! Like all that dirt on your electronic equipment!

It's OK! You Can Use This Same Cloth On All Your Electronic Stuff Too!


Some materials just instinctively attract crud - it's like dirt, dust and lint are magnetized to them! And really, they are, due to the static electricity they create! All you're doing with those other rags is wiping dust right back onto what you're trying to clean off. Talk about counter-productive!

BUT NOT WITH THIS CLOTH! This material is actually anti-static and will not attract lint or dust - it'll just eliminate it from your electronics for a clear, clean finish!

No Soap - No Solution - No Residue!

This cloth is 100% FREE of any chemicals or solvents, so it won't leave some greasy, streaky residue. Use it once, and you'll see: it's the BEST cleaning cloth EVER!

So here's the bottom line! You can clean your eyeglasses safely, with no scratching, no residue, no smearing. You get to see clearly again and again!

AND because of this cloth's special properties it will safely snatch all that crud off your electronic equipment too, like your TV screen, monitor, cell phone etc.!

And then you can wash it and reuse it over, and over, and over!

The BEST part... It's REALLY inexpensive!

That's right - for today and today only, you can get the Miracle Eyeglass Cleaning Cloth for just $4.97! Plus we'll throw in a 2nd - it's a Buy One Get One FREE deal!

If your order total is over 5 bucks - US shipping is FREE! Wow - that's a sweet deal!


Meridian Point USB Mini Computer Vac- Sale Price $9.97
(Original Retail $29.99)

The Dual Speed USB Mini Computer Vac is a desktop cleaning tool for keyboards, desk area, fan motors and more!

http://store.worldstart.com/product/7671 - Click For Full Review

iolo DriveScrubber- Sale Price $11.97
(Original Retail $49.99)

For total security, you need DriveScrubber power! DriveScrubber allows you to permanently erase files, pictures, documents, credit card info, bank statements, passwords, and more! It helps to securely wipe your drive before selling, donating, or recycling your PC and also restores your drives to like-new after virus or spyware damage!

http://store.worldstart.com/product/8505 - Click For Full Review

USB Christmas Tree with Multicolor LEDs- Sale Price $4.97
(Original Retail $19.99)

It's beginning to look a lot like the holiday season!

http://store.worldstart.com/product/2938 - Click For Full Review

GPS & Phone Car Mount- Sale Price $9.97
(Original Retail $35.99)

Keep your valuable electronics from slipping around with this GPS & Phone Car Mount. It's an easy stick-on device holder that swivels 360 degrees!

http://store.worldstart.com/product/9073 - Click For Full Review

Telescopic Flexible Duster with Flex-Hold Head- Sale Price $9.97
(Original Retail $29.99)

Easily clean shelves, bookcases, fans and other hard to reach places with this microfiber hand duster. It is super absorbent, reusable and economical. With a flex-hold head you can bend the duster into the shape that you need. Handle extends to 30".

http://store.worldstart.com/product/9223 - Click For Full Review

Magic DOES Exist!

And it's making your music 500% better!

I'm just going to jump right into it because this thing is TOO freakin' cool!

How many times have you tried to jam out with your phone or MP3 player's built-in speakers, only to realize WHY everyone prefers to use headphones with them?

Those built-in speakers on your device are J-U-N-K JUNK! Why do they even bother putting them in? If you're more than 2 feet away, you can't even hear anything!

Heck, this even applies to using speaker mode on your phone! What's the POINT of having the option if it's barely functional?!


No joke, this thing is actually CALLED the "Magic Box" portable stereo speaker! And you know what? It's NEVER been more appropriate to call something magic - because I have NO idea how this works so well!

(They say it's something about electromagnetic induction and resonance and all kinds of scientific stuff... I'm satisfied with "it's magic made by a techno-wizard.")

Because when you get down to it, it doesn't always matter WHY it works, as long as it's working...

...and man, this thing WORKS!

Lay Down Some Tunes (Literally!)

Are you ready for the step-by-step instructions for this? Here we go!

1. Turn it on!

2. Put your phone on it!

3. Enjoy loud, clear audio the way it was MEANT to be heard!

See? Could that BE any easier? The first time you use it, you'll agree: this thing is magic!

The best part is that since it's so simple, it'll work with ANYTHING that you can set on it! All you have to do is set the speaker of your device on the induction-platform (the very bottom part) of the box and it'll amplify like CRAZY!

"But Steve, my device doesn't have a built in speaker..."

NOT A PROBLEM! If you have ANY other kinda audio device you wanna use this with... all ya gotta do is plug it in!

There's a 3.5mm (that is, the standard headphone jack that ALL modern audio devices have) that you can hook your device into! It even comes with the necessary cable!

So your older MP3 player that you wanna blast music with? Or your laptop that doesn't quite fit on top of the box?

You can STILL use it to generate better, louder, more enjoyable audio!

Two Ways to Power - Lookin' to save some cash? You can power the speaker box with any active USB port! Plug it into a laptop, a PC, or even a USB wall adapter! Again, it COMES with the cord you need to do this!

Or, if you're taking it on the go, it works with standard 'AA' batteries! Just pop 'em in and go! It can't get easier than this!

Rockin' Music - Rockin' Deal!

To everyone's surprise - magic comes at a pretty dang good bargain!

At just $19.97 with FREE US SHIPPING? That's music to your ears (and if your wallet had ears, it would agree!)

Other places have these for anywhere between $30-40 (and those guys charge for shipping! Yuck!) Grab yours for WAY less at the link below!


PS - This sale doesn't have an encore - after Saturday the price runs up to $24.97 so you GOTTA jump on it while ya can!

Wish You Had a PERFECT Memory?

Check This Out... You'll Never Forget Anything Ever Again!

Stores Up to 25 HOURS of High-Quality Audio At a Time!

100% Rechargeable - No Batteries Required!

It's The EASIEST Recorder Out There!

Flip a Switch to Record!

It Saves Each Recording For Easy Playback Later!

There's NO Setup And It's Small Enough To Bring Anywhere!

You'll Forget What It's Like To Forget!

"What'd the doc say?"

"He told me I need to... uhh... he said the muscle will heal as long as I... dangit, I don't remember."


Even if you THINK you remembered something correctly, chances are a detail or two slipped right on by! And sometimes that information is CRUCIAL!

We use glasses to supplement our vision, we use hearing aids to hear better... why aren't ya using a recorder to help remember stuff?!

Oh right, because most of them are way too EXPENSIVE!

You used to have two options:

You could go with a $70 recorder to give you real audio quality, or you could go with an $5 piece of junk that's so bad you can't even understand the recorded audio.

We managed to hunt down an incredible voice recorder that gives you crystal clear audio quality with UNBELIEVABLE pickup without breaking the bank.

Pretty sweet, huh?

Record Now, Listen Later!

The WORST part of standard recorders is they don't actually "save" anything. They just hold onto it until you record over it.

Get this: every time you start recording with this, it starts a new file that it'll save until YOU choose to remove it!

Not only does that mean you can upload it to your PC or laptop to store forever - it means you can "organize" your recordings.

It stores files just like a flash drive would, so when you plug it into your computer the files pop up immediately and you can listen, transfer them to your computer, or save them for later!

Yep! You won't get stuck "surfing" through one continuous recording to find the specific part you need!

Turn it on, it starts, turn it off, it stops and saves that whole "part" to one file. Turn it back on right after and it's recording in a separate audio file!

For lectures, meetings, even doctor's vists - this is AMAZING!

It was already gonna save you tons of stress, but now it's gonna save you TONS OF TIME!

(Not that we're encouraging it, but this is even perfect for more... "discrete recording." Now you can finally catch your Aunt Lily tellin' one of her inappropriate jokes with PROOF!)

25 Hours of Storage + 100% Rechargeable!

Yeah, those dinky tape recorders can't do that!

You could turn this on, set it down ALL DAY and it'll record the WHOLE thing!

If you tried that with a regular tape recorder? You'd get maybe 2 hours before you ran outta space & then the batteries would die out and you'd have to replace those too!

Use this recorder for WEEKS without needing to recharge or make space! When you need to remember your groceries real quick, when you take a trip to the doctor's, then when you're at a meeting at work.

You've got SO MUCH space to store audio recording you won't know what to do with it!

Steve Lays The Price SMACKDOWN!

Recorders at this quality would cost you upwards of $60

I did a quick search for 2GB voice recorders and this was the first thing that popped up:

Why pay double the price for the same high-quality audio you can get from this discrete rechargeable recorder?

For a limited time only, we've got these for just $24.97 with FREE US SHIPPING!

Click the link below!


This price is ONLY going to stay so long as our supplier lets us get them as the crazy low price we did - so next time you see these they might not be at such a bargain!

Is Your World Stacked To The Top With Paperwork?

File Cabinets Overflowing With Old Documents?

Taxes To Receipts To Everything Printed...



Grab This Software And Get Rid Of ALL That Paper!

Scan ANY File & Turn It Into a Digital Document...

Then You Can Edit It Top-to-Bottom Without Retyping At ALL!

Or Just Keep It Saved On Your PC!

ReadIris 12 Does It ALL Automatically!

Turn Your Paper Mess Into Digital Bliss!

If you could stack up ALL the paper you've had to work with in your entire life, you'd probably reach the MOON!

It doesn't matter what you do - paperwork is inevitable and it's getting COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL!

Sign this, date that, fill this in, bubble that in, circle yes or no, confirm this bit of information... it goes on and on and on and on!

But here's the kicker: you have to make CHANGES to this stuff!

I mean, if you've ever had to retype an ENTIRE document just to change a number or fix a typo... you KNOW this stuff is putting you one foot closer to the insane asylum!

All those forms, those faxes and PDFss... they're ALL just... "stuck" right as they are!


ReadIris 12 Is Here To ELIMINATE All That Paper!

Are you ready for this? WATCH THE VIDEO!

If you can scan a piece of paper...

...you can turn ANYTHING into a digital document!

That means you can EDIT, CHANGE, UPDATE, MODIFY, and FIX any document WITHOUT having to retype it from square one!

And I mean ANY document!

Scanned images Faxes
PDFs Recipes
Magazine Articles Newspaper Articles
Notes Bank Statements
Medical Forms Receipts

Once it scans these in, it turns them into a 100% editable document!

It's ALL In The Optical Character Recognition Software!

ReadIris isn't just revolutionary - it's EASY!


When you scan in your paper, note, etc... the software scans through the document and identifies what is an image and what is text.

Then it outputs in whatever format you need to modify it!

From there, you're free to do whatever you want to it!

Leave it, edit it, update it, even just save it on your PC!

Seriously - let me explain that again because it's SO unbelievable!

1. Scan your document.

2. Let ReadIris convert it.

3. You're done! Do whatever you want with your new digital document!

It's so easy that even my 7-year-old nephew figured it all in about a minute!

Just look at how cool this is! It can even convert images into spreadsheet documents!

In just minutes you can turn your ENTIRE FILE CABINET into a folder of digital files on your computer!

We're talking STACKS of paper completely stored & ready to be edited or e-mailed RIGHT ON YOUR COMPUTER without taking up ANY physical space!

Look at it this way: boxes of papers versus a flash drive... which one is easier to keep around?


"Don't let Readiris Pro's simplicity fool you; behind its approachable exterior lies a mighty optical-character-recognition engine. The program performed very well in our speed and quality tests, even when we gave it text with complex formatting (tables, columns, and multiple fonts, for instance)." -CNET Editor's Review


"If you fancy moving closer to the paperless office by moving your printed documents into the digital world, then Readiris pro is the tool to help." - PC Plus

That's just a sampling of the praise that's been outpouring for ReadIris! It really is some of the most user-friendly software to make your life SO much easier!


Software like this usually comes with a hefty price tag. We're talking over $100 easy!

NOT AT WORLDSTART! You can get this incredible OCR software for just $29.97 with FREE US SHIPPING!

You better BELIEVE these are gonna sell out quick - get to the store before they're gone!


PS - Saturday the sale ends and these go all the way up to $39.97 so there's no reason to wait!

You can also view the current newsletter and archives online at

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ISSN: 1529-336X
Copyright 2013, WorldStart. All unauthorized reproduction strictly prohibited.

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Finally, you agree to try any advice contained or suggested in this newsletter at your own risk.

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