
This Will Jingle Your Bells!

WorldStart's Tech Tips WorldStart

ws - 2013-12-14

Santa's Coming A Little Early!

Prepare yourself! The deals below might blow your mind! It's not Christmas yet, but you'll feel like it is when your brain processes how amazing these sales below are! Scroll down and take a look, these deals are GREAT (but they won't last forever!)

It WILL Happen To Everyone!

Backups Are The ONLY Way To Prevent Losing Your Data!

"But Steve... It's a PAIN To Backup!!"


The Lexar Echo 16GB Backup Drive!


Completely Automatic Backups!

Let The Flash Drive Do All The Work!

Plug It In! You're 99% Done!

(It Even Shows How Much Space You've Used!)

Hard Drives ALWAYS Crash!

There's only a few guarantees in life. Your hard drive crashing is one of those guarantees.

When they go, they take EVERYTHING they had with 'em!


What do you do when your hard drive crashes?

Well, there's two possible reactions...

If you guessed the one on the right... correct!

Why's she so happy? Because getting all her files back was THIS easy:

You simply take your handy Lexar 16GB back up flash drive and plug it into any computer. It automatically loads the files you backed up and you can get them ready to use again.

You don't lose a single file, and you don't spend the weekend wishing you had printed those vacation photos that you'll never get back.

Who would YOU prefer to be in that scenario?

There's only ONE reason not to back up data:

It USED to be hard.

It took a lot of time, it took expensive hardware or software, and it took some tech-savvy. You had to know file extensions, directories, the whole works.


It's literally as easy as clicking your mouse!

See below:

The Lexar 16GB Instant Backup Flash Drive!

NO extra software. NO long set up. NO time consuming steps. All you do is plug it in and pick what you need to backup!

Could it BE any easier?

The first time you pop it in, it lets you choose automatic or specific folders. That's all there is to it! Your files are backed up and you're safe from disaster!

What's great is that it keeps ALL of your directories and folders right in the order you have them on your PC. So you'll know EXACTLY where to find them on the flash drive or after you back them up to another PC!

Think about everything you have on your computer: TONS of photos. ALL of your favorite music. Family videos and contact information.

How about work documents, important files, sensitive documents. Even your passwords, e-mails, favorite web pages... EVERYTHING!

After a crash, you can't get those photos back. The videos are now distant memories. And your passwords? Good luck remembering the ones you haven't had to type in for years.


And with backing up this easy, you won't even have to think about it!

This DEFINES User Friendly!

Ultra Sleek, Ultra Secure, ULTRA FAST!

It looks, feels, and acts just like your standard flash drive (of course, standard flash drives can't hold a candle to this one) so you know it's gonna be easy and lightweight to move or store.

Plus, it has a retractable connector so you ALSO know it's gonna stay safe from any potential accidents!


That's right - Just drag and drop files to it and use it like any other flashdrive! Talk about the best of both worlds!!

Take it anywhere! Back up any PC or laptop! Use it for EVERYTHING!

And if you're looking for fast, this thing is gonna BLOW YOU AWAY!

This flash drive is part of the Lexar "Ultra" series, their fastest USB 2.0 drives out there.

Simply put? USB 2.0 has NEVER been faster!

Last but not least: IT'S SECURE!

When you back up anything on this drive, you can choose to encrypt it and guard it with a password of your choice! Nobody but you or those you trust get access to YOUR files.

So all your tax, financial, and confidential documents? You can back them up too without worrying! FINALLY!

All those passwords on your PC don't mean a thing if you don't have SECURE backups.

But with this Lexar, it's not a problem.

A Backup Drive For UNDER $19! WOW!

If you go anywhere to try and get a backup drive, you'll be looking $40 for the BARE MINIMUM! And those are bulky, heavy external hard drives that you really can't move or store.

I'd like to add... the ones I got in to test have quickly became my new backup drives for my photos and music. They're just so easy and useful!

You will NOT find a faster, more convenient backup drive out there for just $18.97 with FREE US SHIPPING anywhere else!

These are simply one of the coolest devices I've ever seen. PLEASE don't miss out on this deal. We only have so many and once they're gone... that's it.


LIMITED QUANTITY - Again, we can't get any more than the ones we have! And after Monday this sale will end, with the price going back up to $24.97! HURRY TO THE STORE!

Still Going To The Big Box Store For Memory Cards?


They're Chargin' You BIG BUCKS For These Things!

But Since You're Not Crazy...


JUST $4.97!

100X Speed - That's LIGHTNING FAST!

4 Gigs Devoted SOLELY to SDHC Devices!

It's Like a Match Made in Technology Heaven!

This Has GOT to STOP!

Aren't you SICK of those IRRITATING "card full" or "buffering" messages that only seem to come up when you're taking important pictures?

Same goes for when you're using your camcorder - during the most CRUCIAL moments, you get that dreaded "card full" message and you have to stop filming! It's your slow, WEAK memory card with NO space!


Grab one of these 4 GB Class 6 SDHC Cards NOW and eliminate that problem FOREVER!

HUGE Storage Space!

Sure, you've heard that before...but check this out! If you have a typical 8MP camera, you'll have ZERO PROBLEMS storing 1,000 photos!

How great is that gonna be for your next vacation?

Pop the card in and forget all about it!

Class 6 - 100X Speed - What's That Mean to You?

Your camera can only take so many photos in a row before its buffer gets full - and when that happens you have to wait for it to empty before you can start taking photos again.

Now, the faster your card, the faster that buffer gets empty and the sooner YOU get back to shooting - and this is gonna help you do exactly that!

Class 6 100X speed gives you transfer rates at 6MB per second - that's REALLY fast!

Worldstart LOVES it's Customers - And this Deal Proves It!


So what are you waiting for? Are you crazy? Click that link below and get yours for just $4.97 with FREE US SHIPPING included on any order over $5! Better act fast - this is only good for today!


PS: This offer will NOT be available after Monday - don't miss your chance

The Pocket Sized Wonder That Does It All!

2 Super Bright LEDs? CHECK!

1 FDA Approved Precision Laser? CHECK!

WorldStart Jaw-Droppin' Deal? CHECK!

It Passes ALL The Tests And Drops Every Jaw!

Two Big Easy Buttons For Whichever You Need!

All On a Sleek Pocket-Sized Construction!



Pocket Sized Frame - Room Wide Shine!

Talk about unbelievable!

Would you imagine that you could light up a whole room with a flashlight that fits between your fingers?!

DON'T LET THE SIZE FOOL YOU! This thing is brighter than most standard flashlights!

"How do they do it?!"

Remember, it's not the frame that matters - it's all in the LEDs! And these have TWO super bright LEDs that blow the competition away!

When you're getting home late at night, trying to get your key in the the door, you'll be GLAD you had this! Or when you drop something underneath the couch? Reach in your pocket and turn night into day!

Talk about a life saver! It's the one light you're gonna have on you 24/7!

Small enough to fit in any pocket, any bag, any pack, or anywhere else you wanna keep it!

FDA Approved Laser Included!

Press one button for the two bright LEDs... but if you press the other one, you get a BRILLIANT little laser!

It's perfect for presentations, pointing stuff out, playing around with, anything you want! The only thing we will say is DON'T POINT IT AT AIRPLANES OR HELICOPTERS! And, of course, not at anyone's eyes either!

To be honest, you shouldn't do that with the regular lights either, they're THAT bright!


Today we've got these for just $3.97!! And if your order is over $5 you get FREE US SHIPPING TOO! YEAH BABY!


Love To Walk, Jog, Run, or Just Work Out?


Amazing Headband With Built In Headphones & Microphone!

Exercise. Jam Out. Keep Your Ears Warm. Talk On The Phone.

And Do It All Easily!

Looks Normal On The Outside...

But Inside, It's a Musical Paradise!

The Easiest Way To Move, Listen, And Chat!

Stop Dealin' With Earbuds That Fall Out Every Step!

Have You Ever Tried To Do ANYTHING With Regular Earbuds?

If you take so much as a step, they fall right out!

No matter what they advertise, earbuds just don't stay in!

You COULD force 'em in and they might stay... but at the expense of damaging your ears and making them sore too!

And regular headphones? Don't get me started!

Over-the-top ones fall off just as easily, and the ones that hang onto your ears will rub the skin right off 'em after one light jog!

Nope, you need a simple, comfortable solution and these things are just that!

Looks Like a Headband, But It's SO Much More!

Onlookers will be none-the-wiser when they see you passing by with these on! To everyone else, they just look like a normal old headband!

In fact, it IS a headband/sweatband! Made of a special wicking fabric, it draws moisture away from your head!

That means no sweat in your eyes!

And since it's coverin' up your ears, that chilly winter air won't slow you down a step!

Even if you don't feel like jamming out, this sweatband is gonna make working out a lot more comfortable!

GET YOUR MUSIC ON THE MOVE! This is by FAR the best part!

The headphones built into the headband are amazing when it comes to quality!

If you think bigger is better, this is gonna prove it...

They're STILL compact... but they blow earbuds out of the water! You just can't get the audio quality like this out of tiny little buds!

The headband holds them perfectly in place, too!

You could be doing a military obstacle course without missing a single note from your favorite song!

Now THAT'S what we've all been looking for!

You'll be looking for excuses to go out for a walk or a jog once you have these! Nothin' takes the boredom away from an exercise like losing yourself in a great album!

Hands-Free Chatting! NO JOKE!

I know, I know, this is starting to sound way too good to be true... but it is true!

If you plug these bad boys into a smartphone, you can use the built in microphone to talk without having to take your phone outta your pocket!

The audio from the person on the line will go through the headphones, so you can have a complete conversation with your phone STILL safely tucked away!

It's convenient. It's safer. And it's gonna make sure you don't have to slow down a step when you're in the middle of keeping yourself healthy!

The phone quality is BETTER than normal!

This might be my favorite part! With the way new smartphones are designed, you don't always get the best position for audio quality, both outgoing or incoming.

When you use this headset to chat, you'll be able to understand them more clearly!

Get Ready For An UNBELIEVABLE Price!

If you think these are going to cost $30-50 like you'll find 'em elsewhere... think again!


Wondering if these will sell out fast? They will!


Heads up, the sale ends Monday and these go up to $19.97


A Hard-to-Reach Itch on Your Back is Pure Misery!

How Do You Get Relief?

Rub Against a Door Frame? Beg a Friend? Roll Around Like a Dog?


All You Need is this BRILLIANT Telescopic Back Scratcher!

Expandable - Less than 8'' Closed - More Than 2 FEET Extended!

There's No Itch Too Tough to Scratch - And No Angle it Can't Get!

There's not a whole lot worse than an intense itch on your back that you can't get to. One minute you're sitting at your desk working.

The next, you're frantically trying to figure out how to scratch that itch that's located in one of those areas on your back that you just can't reach!
It's enough to drive a man or woman CRAZY! So, like an uncivilized neanderthal, you go to the nearest door frame and rub your back against it. Your coworkers, friends and family think you're nuts, but what are you gonna do? You've nearly pulled your shoulder out of it's socket trying to scratch that itch, and you're not going to roll around on the ground like an animal, either. You tried that before, and still haven't heard the end of it!

Oh Sweet...SWEET Relief....

You'll know exactly what I'm talking about when you feel those 'teeth' scratching that itch and melting away the insanity! This back-scratcher can boldly go where no other scratcher before it has gone...because it's TOTALLY adjustable.

It's also made of top-quality materials that will NOT irritate your skin or cause more itching. The "Jaw" that allows for easy scratching is a nice 1.5 inches wide, containing 7 plastic teeth that provide you with that sweet relief!

This is the LAST back-scratcher you'll ever need - read on to find out why!

It's Telescopic - Fully Collapsible for EASY Portability!

This is about to be your new best friend! When fully collapsed it's less than 8 inches long, and when it's fully extended, it's more than 2 FEET long! What's that mean to you? Well, for starters it means that no matter where that itch is on your back, it'll EASILY be able to get it!

It's size also makes it perfect for bringing with you anywhere. How many times have you been on the road, driving all alone, when all of the sudden a TERRIBLE itch rears it's ugly head? It's next to impossible to get to if you can't reach it, and rubbing against your seat makes it worse!

You can keep this baby in your glove box or under your seat, and ALWAYS have it with you when you need it!

High-Quality Build Design!

If you're worried about skin allergies, you can go ahead and stop right now. This guy is made of just a few simple, common components: the "teeth" that provide the scratching are just hardened plastic, and the metal base is actually chrome plated!

Oh, and collapsing and extending this thing is simple, and smooth as butter! It opens quick, like it should-those intense itches don't stand a chance!


Seriously, there's not much else to say about it. This back-scratcher has an incredible design, and will provide you with years of sweet, sweet relief!

Keep it in your car, keep it at your office, in the house - wherever! Again, it's collapsible design makes this one perfect to bring with you everywhere!

Great Price Today!

You know that instant when you get one of those super-intense, hard to reach itches...you'd probably be willing to drop thousands for the relief, wouldn't you?! Well, for today only, this amazing Telescopic Back-Scratcher can be yours for just $4.97 with FREE US SHIPPING on all orders over $5!
PS: we weren't able to get a whole lot of stock on these guys, so hurry and place your order now! If we have any left come tomorrow, we're forced to up the price to $12.97, so don't wait!

Bad Weather, Bad Drivers, Bad Luck...

It Doesn't Matter What It Is...

But You NEED To Be Prepared!


The 3-in-1 Emergency Hammer That Should Be In EVERY Car!

Bust Through a Jammed Window Effortlessly!

Cut Off That Tangled Seat Belt Safely!

Only $4.97 To Keep You Safe!

Never Get Trapped In Your Car! Period!

Cars Accidents Happen EVERY Day!

In fact, the statistics say that serious injury from car accidents happens about once every 10 seconds.

The unfortunate truth is it doesn't matter how well YOU drive, if the OTHER people on the road are driving like idiots!

I'm not tryin' to scare ya... I just want EVERYONE to be prepared & safe!

I saw one of these things in action and I gotta tell ya, I got one for EVERYONE in my family.

They're these handy little 3-in-1 emergency hammers and if I need to use one just ONCE in my life, I know it'll have been worth the purchase!

Think About This:

You or a car you see gets broad-sided on the road. The doors are jammed shut, the window motors smashed, the seatbelts are caught.

The driver or passengers are trapped and they NEED to get out. What do you do?

You grab this tool and in SECONDS, the windows can be smashed out and the seatbelts cut free.

When seconds matter, this can be the difference between getting out unscathed or suffering a serious injury... or worse!

That window breaker tip is INCREDIBLE!

(Don't test it on your window, not even a tap, it means BUSINESS!)

They're specially designed to to focus ALL the momentum of a hit right into a tiny point on the glass. After all, if you've had something SMACK into any of your windows, you know those things are resilient!

You need something SPECIAL to bust it open and that's what this is!

Seat Belts - They're DESIGNED To Hold You In Place!

After all, in 99% of cases, that's what we WANT them to do.

But if you're in a burning or sinking car (hopefully never!) you need to make sure sure they can let you GO!

They're not gonna just pull apart. Those things are STRONG!

And a regular knife might be just as dangerous if you're struggling to cut through.

This has an ultra-safe "slotted" blade that you can just slide over the belt and pull!

It'll cleanly cut through the seatbelt and let you get out IMMEDIATELY!

Bottom line: this is the tool you're going to want when things go wrong.

You CANNOT predict an emergency situation. You can't PREVENT another driver from driving stupidly.

But you CAN be prepared for anything. You might NEVER need to use this, and I hope that's the case. But if you DO need it, you're gonna be glad you had it.

AND IT'S ONLY $4.97!!! Your well-being is worth WAY more than that!

Any order over $5 even means you get FREE shipping in the US!


PS - The sale will end quickly though, and these go up to Monday!! Safety is worth any price, but don't pay more if you don't have to!

Where Does Data Go When a Hard Drive Dies?


Don't Have a Backup?

Then You Won't Have Your Data Ever Again - It's THAT Simple!

WorldStart's Got The Program To Make Backups EASY!


No Hassles, No Complicated Steps!

Full Restores - Partial Restores - Whatever You Need!

Compress, Repair, And Catalog Backups Automatically!

You'll NEVER Worry About Crashes Again!

There's Two Kinds Of People...

Those who keep backups... and those that will wish they had!

Which one are you?

MILLIONS of people suffer hard drive crashes every year. Add on to that all the viruses and malware. Don't forget user error too, sometimes we delete stuff not realizing how important it was until it's too late!

What do you keep on YOUR computer? Software? Music? Videos? Photos?

You can't replace a family photo!

Rebuying your music would require a second mortgage!

All that software you learned and configured... it's even MORE expensive to replace!

It's too much for ANYONE to handle losing forever!

But look, I get it. Keeping backups is annoying. If you tried it before, by week 45 of pressing the button to backup your data AGAIN, you probably started going "Why bother?"


Easy & Painless Backups - Schedule It And FORGET IT!

TurboBackup takes ALL the "work" outta keeping your system backed up!

Scheduling your backups takes only a few minutes at MOST (depending on how much you wanna backup) and it lets you set them to constantly backup automatically!

Look at the screenshot below - there's TONS of options to get the automatic backups that you NEED!

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

There may be a lot of backup solutions out there, but nothing comes close to how thorough and flexible this one is!

Everything can be done with The Wizard! If you've used any of the default Windows programs, you're probably familiar with "wizards." They walk you through each step with simple selections and easy to understand language. It gives you full control without requiring a computer science degree!

TurboBackup 9.1 gives you the best of both worlds: It's easy as pie for the average user, but it has a great amount of depth for those special backup needs!

For instance, it allows you to backup to pretty much whatever media you want!

Trust me, this is SO useful!

The interface is just a simple selection one too! My kids are using this for their backups now! There's no tech jargon here, just simple point and click selections!

Most people will probably stick to the top three, but it never hurts to have options!

And really, this selection is great! Backups are nice to have on an external hard drive, but stuff like family photos and music are so much nicer on a flash drive! That way you can move 'em around in addition to making sure they stay safe from crashes!

Increment Your Backups!

A lot of backup software out there, particularly the automatic ones, limit you to just ONE backup file that keeps getting overwritten every time you do it! Sure, in most cases that might not effect you much, but what if your automatic backups happened a few times after you deleted something important?

Now you can't get it back - what's the POINT of the backup then?!

TurboBackup lets you catalog your history of backups! So now if you accidentally delete something, THEN back up your computer... you didn't lose it! Don't fret!

You can just go back to the incremental backup that took place BEFORE you deleted it and TA-DA! The file is back again!

Talk about saving your hide!

I could go on and on and on all day about why I love TurboBackup 9.1! Just look at this list of features and you'll see just how extensive it can be!

WOW - that's quite a list!

Security Matters Too!

If your backups aren't protected, your files are SO much easier to steal! An unsecured backup on a vulnerable computer is basically a gift-wrapped treasure chest of data for theives!

TurboBackup lets you encrypt & password your backups so that ONLY you can get access to them!

But don't be fooled - this is STILL the easiest software out there! Nobody has ever combined power and simplicity quite like this before!

And I'm not the only one going crazy over TurboBackup 9.1!

You don't get awards like this without being a pretty impressive piece of software, after all!

Plus there's at least two dozen more awards from the over the years on top of this!

"TurboBackup, by FileStream, Inc. is a powerful program for backing up all of your important data. You can backup one computer or backup multiple computers on your network. The program is really easy-to-use and perfect for users with all levels of experience. I like the fact that the program lets you back up to external drives, CDs, and DVDs. That gives you extra flexibility when backing up."

- Michael E. Callahan aka Dr. File Finder

THAT'S a glowing recommendation!

So now you're wondering... "Is this gonna cost me an arm and a leg?"


Not only can you keep your limbs, you can keep the money in your bank too - because this is practically pocket change! Only $9.97 and you get FREE shipping in the US!

If you skip this one, orderlies might show up at your doorstep to bring you to a padded room! That is, if losing all your files hasn't already driven you nuts!


A sale like this CANNOT last forever - you need to get on this before they sell out! If there ARE any left Monday, the price goes up to $16.97

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