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In The News 01-24-2014 Target Registers Infected By Malware The CEO of Target admitted that the company's massive security breach where the personal information of millions of shoppers was stolen, was caused by registers at stores that were infected with Malware. Forty million debit/credit card accounts were affected and personal information of another 70 million consumers was also exposed. That information includes names, phone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses. The information was stolen during the busiest shopping time of the year: November 27 to December 15. Google Spends $3 Billion For Home Automation Company Google is taking a big leap into home automation. The company spent for than $3 billion dollars to purchase Nest, a company best known for making smart thermostats. Google will pay $3.2 billion in cash. The tech giant has a significant share of the tablet and phone market with its Android operating system, so it seems like a natural step to build smart home devices that can be controlled by apps. Blackphone Promises Totally Private Calling A new Android phone promises to put privacy in your hands. It's called the Blackphone and developers say this independent phone will let you make secure calls and texts. It was created by a group of security specialists who promise privacy along with other smartphone features. The phone will make its debut in February at the Mobile World Congress. It's expected to go on sale early this year. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- Suz writes: I'm getting tired of all the drama about giving up XP because it won't be safe. I haven't downloaded a Windows update since the late 90′s and I stopped using anti-virus software about 8 years ago. I do periodic checks of my own and I do a format every two years or so "just because" and I have never had a virus or any other malware. Maybe I'll upgrade someday when there's something I actually consider to be an "upgrade". If I were you, I'd get a couple of lotto tickets. It seems you have some crazy good luck. It's as if you hadn't locked your door since the late 90s, yet no one has ever tried the knob and slipped in to walk off with your TV. If you don't have any anti-virus software, I'm not sure how you can be sure that you don't have any viruses or malware. They aren't always readily apparent and even if you aren't seeing any affects, you could be passing them on to others. But it's your computer and your choice. It's a little like ignoring recall notices from your car dealer. My husband used to do that. Until the rear axle literally fell off the car. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
Chris from South Carolina writes: Is there any way to make closed files that I constantly reuse open always with thumbnails of the photos they contain? I know how to go to the properties and make this choice but it never seems to stick. How to I make this change for ALL FILES throughout my computer? Tied to this, I always have to resize the file every time I open it (like when I open a file of photos to pick the photos of items to sell on Ebay for example). In Windows 7, how to I make all folders open large, all the time? Hello Chris! To make files automatically show thumbnails, you have to change a setting in the Control Panel. The easiest way to get to the control panel is simply to type Control Panel in the search bar on the start menu. Once there, click on Appearance and Personalization. Then, click on Folder options.
Under folder options, click the View tab at the top. Finally, make sure to uncheck the square that says "Always show icons, never thumbnails" and you should see the thumbnails when you load up all your folders.
For the second part of the question, if I'm understanding you correctly, you would like to keep your windows the same size. When you close a window, the next window will open to that size. However, it does follow the last window you close. So if you have a small window, and a window that is maximized, if you close the small window first, then the maximized window, the next window you open would be maximized. Likewise, if you close the maximized window first, then the smaller window, your windows will be the size of the small window next time you open one. ~ Audra Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- Tiles Not Working In Windows 8.1 Bud from Kentucky writes: I have windows 8.1 and all of my app tiles have quit working. I click on an app and it flashes to a black screen and doesn't do anything I have seen on the net where a lot of people have the same problem.Do you have any suggestions? Caroline from Delaware writes: I have windows 8.1 and I do not have the tiles as they call them on my screen and when I finally get them thru they are not active like clicking on them and doing something, what do I need to do. I do not have a touch screen as some do. First of all, check to make sure you have all of the latest Windows updates. Then we can move on to other possibilities. Some people have reported issues caused by a third party security software. Do your tiles have little arrows in the lower corner? If so, go to the Windows store and try downloading and reinstalling them once more. Also try temporarily disabling your third-party security software and see if that makes any difference in how your tiles work. You can also try uninstalling and then reinstalling those apps that won't function. I know, that doesn't sound like fun. But try it with one app to see if it works. Search for Uninstall apps and select it. Select an app from the list. Choose uninstall. Then go to the Windows App store and try reinstalling the app. Do this with one app and see if it works before uninstalling multiple apps. If that doesn't work, there may be a problem with your user account in Windows. Go to the Search Charm and type in "create an account." Select the Create Account icon. You'll see the option to Activate a guest account.
Hopefully, one of these solutions helps. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Good Luck Showing Off Your New Vacation Video... ON THAT TINY PHONE, TABLET, OR CAMERA SCREEN! Why Not Hook It Up To The BIG Screen? One Cable Hooks Your Devices Up To Your HDTV! WOW! Phones, Tablets, Cameras, Even Laptops & More! Just One Simple Cable?! That's AMAZING! Share Vacation Photos, Videos... Anything From Your Device!
Everything Looks Better On Your HDTV! Take any photos or video recently with your camera or phone? You know what a pain it is to get those uploaded to your computer! And even after you do, your computer monitor is what, MAYBE around 20" max? Guess what's bigger, clearer, and easier to show your videos off on? YOUR HDTV! But, But... HDTVs only take full-sized HDMI - Uh oh... YUP - when you try to connect your tablet or camera to your HD TV, you quickly discover the connectors are the WRONG SIZE! ARRGH! Here comes the cord to save the day! Talk About Easy - All you have to do is pop this bad boy into your tablet/camera/device! Now you can hook up your mini-HDMI devices right to your TV. What Will This Work With? EVERYTHING! If it has a mini-HDMI out, you can hook your device up to ANY HDMI-ready device!
You're gonna be able to hook up to pretty much anything that takes HDMI input now. That's more than just HDTVs... how about computer monitors or even PROJECTORS? If you thought your movies, photos or videos looked impressive on your tablet before, wait until you're showing them off on a 50 inch television. Wow... that's gonna turn ANYTHING into a stunning visual experience. You'll see your favorite HD video or photos come to life a second time right before your eyes. It's hard to believe this isn't magic. Almost EVERYONE has an HDMI-compatible television or monitor nowadays! Get the most out of what you own! Even better: these are INCREDIBLE quality HDMI cables! You'll get the best image possible from HDMI! And you'll do so in an environmentally friendly way! All you need is this cord, and it's going to cost way less than you'd think. Turning your HDTV into the ultimate media center is only $4.97 with FREE SHIPPING IN THE US on any order over $5! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9407 And don't forget, if you freeze frame on this deal for too long, you're going to miss out. If you have EVER wanted to get the most out of your tablet or camera, this is NOT a deal to pass by. And when Saturday rolls around, the price is going up to $8.97
Tech Support Scammers Target Phones & Tablets Scammers are always looking for a new angle and phony computer tech support has always been popular. Recently we told you about a scam where crooks call people pretending to be from Microsoft and asking for control of their computer. Now security experts Malwarebytes are warning that scammers have a new target: smartphone and tablet users. And they are targeting them with some pretty clever tactics. Say you have an issue with your phone and you search for some answers, these guys are buying ads that turn up in your search results that look fairly legit. When you tap the ad, you see this pleasant looking tech support rep. She wouldn't scam you, would she? But when you call that number... Head on over to WorldStart to learn more! -- Create And Rename Android Folders Oh goodness there are app icons everywhere! Five different Minecraft clones, Angry Birds analogs and about a dozen or so camera apps that "seemed like a good idea at the time". Cluttered doesn't even begin to describe it, but thankfully just like iOS there's a quick and easy way to stow those icons in neat, easy-to-access folders, and then name them whatever you want!
It's super easy, so let's find out how: Just click WorldStart to learn more!
Rahul from Rajasthan writes: I enjoy your daily newsletter and find them quite informative. I want to know if there's some way I can install a USB 3.0 card on my Asus P5KPL-AM/PS motherboard running Windows XP Service Pack 3. Warm regards. Answer: A USB 3.0 card is an expansion card you place in your computer which will offer USB 3.0 ports. USB 3.0 is significantly faster than 2.0 (over 10x faster), and is fantastic for external hard drives and storage devices. I've got some good news for you from looking at the specifications for your motherboard, you may be able to add one. You will have to do some work before buying a card to verify you have the necessary port. Start by opening your PC's case... Go to WorldStart for the rest of this helpful tip! --- How To Check Old Hard Drives For Errors Bonnie from Arkansas writes: I have two internal hard drives I would like to use for storage, but I'm not sure I should take the chance. My Vista had a corrupt hard drive put in it. My Win 7 was knocked out by lightning. Should I just chunk them? An old hard drive can make a good backup device, but you're right to be concerned about the reliability of the drive. The best thing you can do to test them is to perform a detailed scan to verify the disk is operating correctly. The first step is to connect the hard drive to an external docking station or open your computer and connect it to one of the internal ports. Once your hard drive is connected... Get the full tip by heading over to WorldStart!
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Forgotten Books Forgotten Books is a site that offers a great way to discover books. They offer a Free Book a Day, and cover many areas of interest. They also support many formats like iPad, Android, Windows Tablet, Kindle, .PDF, their own reader, and the opportunity to read online. To register, click the Login/Register button near the top of the page. Then fill out the form with your name, e-mail address, a password, your gender and age, and some of your interests. Click either the Sign Up with Free Book of the Day, or the tinier ink Sign Up without Free Book of the Day, and then head over to your e-mail address and click the activation link in the e-mail they send you. Once you've clicked that link, you'll need to choose your membership level. I picked Free. The Free account level allows you to view up 85% of the books as viewable, and if you opted for the Free Book of the Day that will be 100% viewable. How I'm using this is to see if I'm going to use this service enough to justify the $2.99 level membership, which I think is a great deal, but I want to be sure I'm going to use it. If you know you're never going to spend a dime on it, I think you can still use this service to find books you want to read (and then check out of your local lending library) or like desperate graduate students everywhere this is a great way to find books and gut them for projects (gutting is where you check out the introduction, any pertinent content, and then use the material you find that way particularly great for classics). Once you've picked Free, if you've opted out of the Free Book of the Day you'll be asked if you want it again. The next selection is whether you want to connect your account to Facebook or Twitter. And then you'll click the Introduction button. The Introduction gives you a walk through of the features on the site that you'll get to use. Just scroll down the page to discover them all. Another feature I think is really cool is the Image Search feature. I randomly tried it with the keyword "castles" and pulled up all kinds of interesting images. To navigate through them just scroll down and if you want to see more click the Show More button and it will load more images. While not 100% free this site gives you a good taste at the free level to decide if it is something you'd like to pay for, and I've really been enjoying my free book of the day offering. Check it out for yourself. ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- DOGO News This site features news for kids! Focusing on current events, science, sports, and more, kids are sure to find something interesting to read about or do. When you arrive at the site the main page shows the featured articles, including something that fits within the Common Core standards. When I was there, I was drawn to a really cool article about a bike race in Antarctica. Along the top of the page there are navigation tabs News, Maps, Sites as well as the option of a navigation strip with the categories: Current Events, Science, Sports, Social Studies, Did You Know, Green, General, Entertainment, International, Amazing, Fun, and Video. You can flip the categories list to a grades list by clicking the Grades button next to it, and it will let you browse the content by grade level. This site feels like a great way to get children interested in the world around them, as well as science and history. Check it out today! ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
IT'S FINALLY HERE! The Easy Way To Transfer To & From Your Smartphone Or Tablet! 8 Gigs of Photos, Videos, Music, EVERYTHING! The Only Flash Drive That Works In PCs AND Smartphones/Tablets! JUST PLUG IT IN, TRANSFER, AND ENJOY! Easily Get Photos Off Your Phone... And Easily Get Music or Video ONTO Your Device! Or Just Use It For Some Extra Storage!
A Frustrating Task Made Simple! Have you ever tried to get your data OFF your phone? IT'S LIKE THE PHONE IS TRYING TO TRAP IT INSIDE! Not only is it a pain to have to connect your phone to your PC just to transfer, finding the files is just as bad! (And let's not get into hoping your computer recognizes what you're trying to DO with your phone, instead of just trying to update or charge it) You can't even transfer over WiFi without paying for an app! THAT'S RIDICULOUS! Fear not, because I just found the GREATEST device ever made for computers, smartphones, and tablets: The Sony Smartphone USB Flash Drive! It works on computers. It works on Android phones. It even works on Android TABLETS! Plug it in. Save your data. Transfer it ANYWHERE! If you have photos/videos on your phone, this baby will let you get them on your PC in no time! No cords, no weird software, no hunting for files... just save your pictures to the flash drive & plug it into your PC! THAT'S IT! The genius is in the simple design! It's a standard USB connector on one end, and a micro-USB connector on the other! (Everyone in the world just went "Oh man, I should've thought of that!") If you've ever used a card reader for your memory cards because you were tired of hooking your camera up to your computer... this is kinda like that, except even BETTER! It's just like a flash drive. That means it's simple, fast, and AWESOME! All you have to do is plug it in to the device you're using and move the files onto it! Drag & drop - it doesn't get easier than that! Now you can finally get all your photos and videos off your phone to share them on your computer! But this isn't a one-way street! If you're trying to get music, or maybe a movie on your phone or tablet? It's JUST as easy! Simply plug this flash drive into your computer, drag the files into it, and then connect it to your mobile device!
BAM! INSTANT ACCESS TO THE FILES YOU WANTED! I can't tell you how excited I am about this! I absolutely HATED data transfers between my mobile devices and my computer. It was ALWAYS a pain... not anymore! "Hey, Does It Work Like a Flash Drive Too?" Absolutely! If you don't need to transfer some data right now, you can use it as extra storage! But it STILL works with everything for that! 8 extra gigs is a LOT, especially on a smartphone or tablet! Those devices don't come with a lot of storage... so you're increasing storage by up to 50%! Squeeze some extra music on your phone even though the internal storage is full! Keep a backup of your PC's most important documents and photos! It's all up to you! This device does EVERYTHING and it makes it look so easy! Hold Onto Your Jaw... ...because it's about to hit the floor! This incredible one-of-a-kind flash drive is ONLY $22.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! Easy, fast, amazing, and CHEAP? Quick, get one (or two!) at the link below, before they're all gone! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9406 *LOW QUANTITY ALERT* I'd hate for anyone to miss out on these, so I gotta warn you... I wasn't able to get many! Make sure to hop on it before they're gone, and definitely before they go up to $28.97 Saturday !!
January Wallpaper Is Ready! Happy New Year! Our free January desktop background wallpaper is ready to go! Make sure you check out the 100+ other selections on the site! All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!
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