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Let This Be The Proof! They said I wouldn't go this low with my prices. But look who's laughing now?! You and me! I get to prove 'em wrong, and you get some INCREDIBLE deals! It's win-win, baby! Scroll down and look! You Know Those Tiny Button Batteries? Their PRICE Isn't So Tiny, Huh? The Big Box Stores Charge OUTRAGEOUS Prices... BUT YOU NEED THESE THINGS! (And They Know It!) We've Got ALL The Batteries You Need For ONLY $4.97!! You'd Pay More For Less ANYWHERE Else! No More! Got a watch? A small flashlight? Calculators? Maybe a clock? Or how about the THOUSANDS of other devices that require those stupid little button cell batteries. It's hard to figure out what kind you need... and even after you do, you'll immediately find out the unfortunate truth: big box stores are RIPPING us all off! You need these batteries, and you don't want to pawn off your new Blu-ray player to afford them, right? WORLDSTART HAS ALL THE BATTERIES YOU NEED! IN ONE PACKAGE! FOR ONLY $4.97!!! Stop going to the big box stores for these things! They'll charge you $8-10 for a battery or two and send you on your way! You aren't even sure if they're the right one, and besides - if you have to replace the batteries again, it'll end up costing more than the device you're using them with! We've got EVERY common button cell battery RIGHT HERE!
Watches, calculators, thermometers, radios, alarms, toys, games. It doesn't matter what you need 'em for - now you'll finally have them. And we're not kidding! Feel free to walk to any big box store and see what they're charging for small packs of two or three batteries! It isn't cheap - they think you don't know any better! IT'S JUST $4.97 FOR THE WHOLE THING! And if your order is over $5, you'll get FREE US SHIPPING TOO! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9422 PS - Sale ends Monday and these will cost $8.97 then! Ditch Your Old Camera! This One's Got It Beat By A Mile! High Resolution Photos & HD Video! Professional Quality Without A Professional Cost ![]() Comes With A Genuine Leather Case Low Light? Red Eye? No Problem! High-End Features For Less Than $87 Forget using your phone for photos and videos! Fuzzy pictures and videos won't preserve your precious memories. It's time to GET A REAL CAMERA! And this slimline marvel is barely bigger than my smartphone! This digital camera does it all and looks good doin' it! You're not gonna BELIEVE all the features! ![]() And it comes with this sleek leather case to protect your camera! SHARP! This 14MP BenQ camera will BLOW YOU AWAY! Hi-Res Digital Photos and HD Video in one compact package! This isn't some dinky little video camera that grabs screen shots - you'll get: ![]() First off, this baby packs a whopping' 14MP of pure digital BLISS! That gives you the freedom to make beautiful large prints with ZERO PROBLEMS! From snapshot to wall hanger - your prints are gonna look gorgeous! Plus, 14MP also gives you more flexibility to crop your images too! With a lesser camera, once you start cropping, you start losing the ability to even print a good 8x10! OUCH! With this 14MP bad boy, you can crop hard and still make nice size prints! AWESOME! 4.6 Optical Zoom! Don't be fooled - some cameras brag about a "digital zoom" but that's just electronic smoke and mirrors - you're interested in the OPTICAL zoom. This one offers 4.6 plus up to a 12 digital zoom on playback. This ALONE is worth WAY more than the price of the camera! You just can't beat the flexibility this gives you! This baby comes FULLY LOADED with cutting-edge FACE DETECTION too! How's it work? The camera is smart enough to know when you're pointing it at a person and LOCKS ON to their face as the focus point! ![]() No more "The-People-Were-Blurry-But-The-Background-Was-Sharp" mistakes! This baby actually KNOWS where to focus - and it's ALL AUTOMATIC! It even takes care of red-eye for ya - SWEET!! Plus it's a video camera! Take gorgeous 1080p HD video!
You'll get continuous recording with stereo sound.
Top-notch features like slow motion and fast motion recording. Check out the sweet LCD Swivel Screen! With some cameras, it's hard to see what you're shooting. This three-inch full-color swivel screen makes it easy! It Just Does Soooooo MUCH: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You can get it from us for just $86.97 and US shipping is FREE! Yup, told ya we had a GREAT DEAL! Keep in mind this is a VERY limited quantity situation, so don't wait - grab yours today! Just click the store link below! PS - A camera this good + a price this low... these will be GONE before you know it! Don't wait, or you're gonna miss out! It's A Whole New World of Entertainment! Remember when TV used to just be a few channels? If you didn't like what was on, tough luck, because you had 3 channels to choose from and that was that. Then, years later, it was like a floodgate opened and TV figuratively EXPLODED! More channels than you knew what to do with and TONS of genres, styles, and shows! Imagine that massive breakthrough... times 10! It's happening RIGHT now and all it takes is ONE LITTLE BOX TO GET IN ON IT! We're talking watching almost ANY movie you can think of, instantly, without having to leave the couch! From classics to recent releases, it can all stream RIGHT to your HDTV! And not just movies: television shows and music too! And say bye-bye to the old, interrupting commercials! The best part? You can watch 'em WHENEVER YOU WANT! That's what I'm talking about! Netflix, Pandora Radio, even YOUTUBE! This HD Media Streamer makes it happen! Turn On And Tune In! It could NOT be easier than this! You just take the D-Link MovieNite box and plug it into your TV! The on-screen setup gets you ready to go in minutes and you'll be watching your favorite shows faster than you can say "I hate commercials!" MovieNite supports ALL the latest and greatest streaming services too!
Looking for classic movies? You've got 'em. Looking for your new favorite show? It's right at your fingertips! Want to just have some nice music through your media center? Just pop on Pandora! IT'S EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN ONE BOX! All YOU need is a TV, a WiFi connection, and a subscription to whichever service you want! Full 1080p - Completely Wirelessly! Oh yeah, this is why HDTV were INVENTED! Once you plug this bad boy into your TV, it can connect to your router wirelessly! No running cables throughout your house! It couldn't be easier (well it could, and it is, because the setup walks you through anything you need to do!) BONUS - Movie Nite Apps!! Don't you just hate it when you can't find something good to watch? Well, THIS is the solution! This section is absolutely loaded with short clips from all over the place. From hilarious Break.com videos to NASA 360, it's covered. There are 58 of these "apps" in all, every one loaded with fantastic short clips for you to watch! It could keep you going for hours and hours! Here's just a taste of what's included:
Keep in mind that's less than HALF of the apps! Pretty cool!! And once you get it going you'll be streaming your shows in BEAUTIFUL 1080p! That's right, it supports everything up to full on 1080p HD - so you'll get full use out of your big HDTV! And the sound quality is SUPERB! If you've got a home theater setup, this is just like being at the movies... except it doesn't cost an arm and a leg every single time you want to watch something! Personal Note From Steve - "I actually brought this home to test it and I gotta tell ya - I'm more than a little impressed! Setup was quick and easy, and my family is using it all the time - not sure why I'm even paying for cable anymore! They love NetFlix and YouTube, and my daughter is hitting the free Pandora Radio pretty hard! I gotta say, I'm loving the little app section myself - lots of great clips in there to enjoy. I almost can't stand how cool this thing is - only wish I'd have gotten one sooner. Give this a try, you'll love it too!" Convenience Redefined For Only $38.97!! That's UNBELIEVABLE! Turning your TV into a complete media paradise for the equivalent of about TWO movie tickets! Talk about a jaw-dropper! AND US SHIPPING IS 100% FREE! I don't even have a joke for the person so crazy they pass up a deal like this! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9200 But I DO have a warning: Monday the sale ends and you don't want to get stuck paying $44.97 when you don't have to! Get to it before these sell out! This Deal Will Be Gone in a FLASH! An 8 Gig Flash Drive... FOR JUST $12.97!! WOW! THIS IS AWESOME! EVERYONE Needs a Couple Flash Drives! Take Your PC's Data Anywhere... OR JUST KEEP IMPORTANT FILES SAFE! Bottom Line: Get This Before They're GONE!
I've been lookin' high and low for a good flash drive... BUT THEY'RE ALL TOO FREAKIN' EXPENSIVE! And then, like finding the needle in the haystack, I locked eyes with this bad boy. 8 gigs. Made by Memorex (so you know it's good stuff) and ONLY $12.97!! Do you know how much "stuff" you can put in this baby? We're talkin' thousands of files here - it has the capacity of 11 CDs! On ONE little drive! This 8 GB flash drive is the Grand Canyon of the storage world! You can store up to...
Massive storage in the palm of your hand! Plus, these are some tough & durable flash drives (with a protective connector cap) so you KNOW it's gonna be good - talk about built to last! Then to top it all off, it's the best price we've ever been able to offer on an 8GB In fact, I was at a local Target store last night and guess what - they had a 4Gb flash drive - HALF THE SPACE - for four bucks MORE than what we want for our 8GB drive! OfficeMax was even WORSE at $27.99 for a puny 4GB drive!! That's like paying for a large pizza and getting a small!! I was also at Best Buy so I checked there too - and almost fell over from sticker shock! How do these people sleep at night? We're talking BIG BUCKS for a "geek squad" 8GB flash drive - and here we are nearly giving this away for just $12.97 - and we even ship it FREE if you live in the US! Pass on this one and they'll have to admit you to the asylum for the financially insane! Grab yours today: http://store.worldstart.com/product/9423 PS - This amazing once-in-a-lifetime deal is ONLY good for today, while supplies last (which won't be long!). So don't mess around - grab yours NOW!
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They Said I Wouldn't Do It, But Oh, THEY Were Soooo WRONG!
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