
Breaking News: 6 New Gadgets That Will Blow Your Mind!

WorldStart's Tech Tips WorldStart

ws - 2014-02-14


This stuff is new, cool, and you won't even believe the prices! You gotta scroll down and take a good look!

A Flashlight and Tools Go Hand-In-Hand!

You Almost Always Need One If You're Using The Other!


Incredibly Bright High-Beam Light!

Comes Loaded With Tools In An Easy Flip Design!

Ratchet Driver, 9 Interchangable Bits...

8 Piece Allen Wrench Set & 4 Precision Screwdriver Set!

It's Your Whole Work Bench INSIDE A Flashlight!

All Of Your Tools INSIDE Your #1 Tool!

Now that's convenience, baby!

It doesn't matter where you're using them, or what you're using them on... if you've got the tools out, you probably need a flashlight.

Don't trust those dinky little handheld flashlights.

Sure, they might be good in a pinch, but you need a light that gives you a real bright shine! Like, "Wow I just turned on the Sun!" kinda bright!

Think about what happens when something breaks. You run up to your work bench and you start grabbing tools.

You need this, you need that... and you need the biggest flashlight you can get your hands on.

After hunting around for a few minutes you finally get everything you need.


You gotta see everything you get in this flashlight toolbox!

T-Handle Rachet Driver w/Bit Holder & Extender!

9 Interchangeable Slotted, Philips, & Hex Bits!

8 Piece Allen Wrench Set!

4 Piece Precision Screwdriver Set!


That's enough tools to cover practically anything! Unless you're BUILDING a house, this is gonna be your go-to kit for every quick fix you need!

Next time you need to grab your tools, you can just pick up your flashlight toolbox and head to what you need to fix!

Set it down, grab the tool you need, then turn this bad boy on!

With a light THIS big, you're gonna be able to see EVERYTHING!

It's designed to be portable and compact!

You could keep this stored in your garage, work bench, your home, your office... heck, you could even keep this in your car!

You'll be glad you had it if your car breaks down on the side of the road in the middle of the night.

A light like that is gonna be like a reusable road flare!


You get the flashlight toolbox itself plus ALL the tools inside! That's like $100 in various tool purchases... for WAY LESS!


Make Heavy Things Light As a Feather!

It's Not Magic, It Just Feels Like It!

Amazing 4-Pack Furniture Sliders!

Move Heavy Furniture or Objects Effortlessly!

I Didn't Believe It... UNTIL I TRIED IT!

You'll NEVER Move Anything Without Them Again!

Stick Them Underneath and Slide! THAT'S IT!

These Things Are WAY Too Cool!

At first, I was a skeptic.

Sure, the concept made sense. If you've got big couches or furniture with legs digging into the carpet, they aren't going to move easily. Make them "smooth" and they'll slide easier.

But I never could have believed it would be THIS easy!

I had an old couch that had found almost permanent residency in its location because nobody wanted to be the one to try to move it!

It was an older one, which means it was crafted with long-lasting, durable, HEAVY material! It's not that new junk, this was quality craftsmenship!

So I bought these sliders. I figured, at $4.97 maybe they'll make it a LITTLE easier, right?

Oh, I was more than right. It was like turning the carpet into an ice rink!

The moment I went to push from one end the whole couch just went! No struggle, no effort, no risk of injury!

You'll feel like you just turned into a professional bodybuilder!

It even works on tile, too! Which is great, because the LAST thing you want to do is scrape and scratch your nice floor!

These are designed to be extremely gentle on the surface they're touching, so your furniture AND the floor won't get all scratched up!

I wish I had more stuff to move, but even just using them the one time so far has been MORE than worth the price of admission! I will NEVER try to move anything without them again!


So if you're like me, you might be skeptical. But seriously: give 'em a try!

At only $4.97 (with FREE SHIPPING in the US on any order over $5!) you've got nothing to lose!

Use 'em once and you might just save yourself from a major injury, and that's priceless!


The sale ends Saturday and these go to $8.97 so hurry to the store!



One Button Syncing, And It SAVES Your Synced Devices!

It's The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread!

It's CRAZY Easy: Plug This In, And You're DONE!

This Amazing Bluetooth 2.0 Adapter Gives YOU Syncing Power!

Keyboards, Mice, Speakers, Phones, Headsets...


Ditch The Wires, Wireless Is FINALLY Simple!

Bluetooth Is EVERYWHERE!

But if your PC doesn't have compability, it's leaving you in the dust!

Who would've figured upgrading for Bluetooth would just take one tiny little adapter?

Plug this bad boy in your USB port and BOOM! You're livin' in a wireless wonderland!

And you know what? EVERYTHING nowadays has Bluetooth versions!

GPS Units!
MP3 Players!
And TONS More!

And that's just the stuff that I can think off right off the top of my head, too!

Chances are, if it has to work with another device, there's a version of it with Bluetooth!

Just cutting the wires out of the equation is the best part!

No more crawling under the desk.

No more getting tangled up.

No more fighting to get that extra one inch of cable you need to be able to actually USE your device.

But you can do some other REALLY cool stuff like... TRANSFERRING DATA! Yep, some devices fully support transferring data over Bluetooth! That makes it so much easier to update or move files like pictures, music, or more to your portable Bluetooth-enabled MP3 players or devices!

Concerned About Security?

There's no holes in Bluetooth!

Actually, it's even MORE secure than WiFi wireless! And EVERYONE is using that... so you KNOW Bluetooth is going to keep your tech safe!

So whether you're just connecting devices or transferring data from one to another, you don't have to worry even for a second about intruders or prying eyes!

Speaking of Bluetooth Versus WiFi...

You ever notice how when you have WiFi enabled on your phone it drains the batteries WAY faster?

Bluetooth was specifically designed to AVOID that extra drain! That means you can keep it on and ready without turning your 24 hour battery life into a 2 hour battery life!

It's low-power, high-security, infinite convenience! YES!

Bluetooth Just ROCKS!


$7.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! For that kinda price, you'd be CRAZY not to grab one for your computer!


DON'T WAIT UNTIL Saturday! That's when the sale ends and these'll go all the way up to $14.97!!

Got a Nice, Big HDTV Screen?

Wish Your Laptop/Computer Worked With It?


You Just Need This Simple Converter!

You'll NEVER Go Back To Using The Laptop Monitor!

Big Is WAY Better!

This Adapter Couldn't Be Easier To Use!

That Tiny Screen Is An Eye-Sore!

I don't know about you, but I HATE using laptops.

TV and desktop computer screens are getting so nice and big that every time I end up on a laptop I squint and hunt to find everything I need.

It's an impossible balance: either the text and webpages are too small to read, or everything is so big that 5 words take up the whole screen!

But then I found this little lifesaver.

It changes EVERYTHING!

It lets you connect DVI display devices to HDMI ones!

(Basically, computers/laptops to HDTVs or new computer monitors!)

For starters, think about this: your tiny little laptop displaying on your huge, high-quality HDTV!

Yeah, that's like something outta your dreams! The difference is STAGGERING!

With a screen that big, you can do anything!

- Multi-task faster.

- Watch videos on a full-sized screen!

- Share photos without crowding everyone around your computer!

- Even turn ANY screen into a perfect presentation monitor!

But That's Only ONE Option!

You may have noticed that DVI is gettin' phased out for HDMI... well, you know that means if you upgrade to a new computer, you might not even HAVE DVI output!

That means they want you to toss your old monitor and get a brand new HDMI one.

Those things aren't cheap!

Just grab your handy new adapter and connect your HDMI laptop to your old DVI monitor and you're good to go! That's it!

So not only does this give you options to enjoy computing on the big screen... you can also keep using your older monitors without having to drop $200 on one you don't even want!

That's a big-time money saver & it lets you keep using the monitor you like!

Oh, speaking of saving money.... this is only $12.97 and US shipping is 100% free!


This sale isn't going to last forever! Make sure to hop on it before Saturday when the price goes up to $18.97

You Can't Have a Watch That Fits Wrong!

Too Loose And It's Falling Off All The Time...

Too Tight And It's Cutting Off Circulation!

This Watch Band Link Pin Remover Is SO EASY!

It Looks SImple. It's Simple To Operate.

Here's The Thing: You Can Use This To Do It Yourself...


Simple Enough?

At this crazy, low price of $4.97 why aren't you already ordering it?

You know you've tried this... You figure you don't need a jeweler to remove that link, so you grab a needle, a paper clip, a pen point, all kinds of household things to try and push that stubborn pin out of the watchband. Nothing works! You get frustrated, and maybe even scratch up that new watch! STOP IT!

This tool is so simple to use, and is designed for people like us who want to adjust our watchband length NOW!

Here's how it works:

First, it's important to note that the pusher pin is made of hardened tool steel that won't scratch or mar the watch band (like that paper clip can). Simply place your watchband in the opening, line the pin pusher up with the link pin, and twist the screw to gently push the link pin out of the band. That's it!

This tool works on bands up to 7/8" wide. And, you even get three extra pins along with the ability to wear your watch the day you get it!

Go on! Show off your latest fine jewelry! IMMEDIATELY! This is a simple, straightforward solution to a TIMELESS problem!

And here's the best-est part. Today you can have this handy tool for only $4.97!


You'll be hard-pressed to find a better deal than this! And remember… US SHIPPING IS FREE on all orders over $5.00!

Regular Price:
Best So Far:
Special Limited Offer:

You NEVER Have a Light When You Need One!

Here's One You'll NEVER Want To Be Without!


Brilliant Light At The Ready!

Pop It On Your Keychain Or Leave It In Your Pocket!

You'll Just Want To Have It ALL The Time!

You Never Expected To Find A Light This Strong...

In A Package THIS Small!

What Good Is a Flashlight You Can NEVER Find?!

Everyone owns flashlights. You probably have at least ONE in your house in case of an emergency. Maybe you have another one for when you gotta get behind your desk or under the couch.

But one thing is certain: if you can't FIND your flashlight quickly when you need it... you might as well not have one at all!

Here's one you'll NEVER lose or struggle to find. Why?


HUGE LED Power - Small, Portable Package!

I have NO idea how they did this...

They managed to pack unbelievably bright LED power into one small, tough, portable little package. If you've ever experienced the power of a standard sized LED flashlight, then you'll understand how cool this little thing is!

That LED is Bright!

You won't believe the flood of bright white light that seems to jet outta this thing - bright enough for your home, car, and the great outdoors!

You'll be able to see just about anything you shine the light toward - it's got great range, and the white light is capable of illuminating a large area with a single LED bulb.

LEDs Lasts FOREVER - Hey, we've gone on and on about this before, but we'll just say it one more time: LED bulbs have a shelf life of more than a decade, and due to how energy efficient they are, the batteries last 10X longer than they do with standard bulbs!

Now you're savin' money too! YES!

Solid, Water Resistant Construction: Built Like a TANK!

The first thing you'll notice when you're holding this is how solid and comfortable it is.

Yeah, this thing is no joke.

It's been built to last, and withstand whatever you put it through - perfect for clipping onto your keychain and taking everywhere!

Water Resistant - Pouring down rain? This flashlight doesn't give a hoot! It's built to LAST, so you can use it whenever you need it!

Universally Awesome Keychain

Is there anyone out there who DOESN'T like keychains? Sure, maybe they aren't sometimes you use all the time, but they add a lot of convenience without adding much bulk! Not to mention you could pop it off too if you really want!

This thing is AWESOME and you'll be able to have it wherever you go!


As if this thing could get any better...you see the price! That's not a typo - this high-quality, super bright, solidly built tank of a light can be yours for just $1.97 with FREE US SHIPPING on any order over $5... but this deal is only good for today!


PS: The quantity is LOW on this one - get yours today before the stock runs out!

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