
Is This Right? There's No WAY This Is Possible!

WorldStart's Tech Tips WorldStart

ws - 2014-02-03

Oh My... It IS Possible!

Just when you're about to give up on those annoying touchscreen devices, something comes along that makes 'em WAY easier to use! Oh, and that's not all: you can turn your world paperless for REAL... FINALLY! It's all possible with what we've got below, make sure to scroll down and check out all 4 of these monster deals!

Buy One, Get One FREE!

You Can NEVER Press The Key You Want!

And With Your Screen Looking As Gross As It Does...

Do You Even WANT To?!


Actually, You Need TWO!


Capacitive Stylus Perfect For ANY Touchscreen Phone/Tablet!

And Guess What?! It's Even a Pen On The Other End!

Do It All For Only $4.97!!

Pen and Stylus... COMBINED!

Have you ever been sitting there, fighting with your phone, just trying to dial in the right numbers? But the touchscreen buttons are too small, your fingers are too big, or the phone just seems not to want to listen to you?

Or maybe you noticed that after just a couple uses, your touchscreen device is COVERED from top to bottom in nasty smudges that look awful and get your screen blurry!

Oh, and scratches? Those are PERMANENT DAMAGE!

And how many times have you been out-and-about, ready to write a check, note, sign something... only to realize YOU HAVE NO PEN! It's infuriating!

Get all of these birds with one incredible stone...

With this unbelievable brand new STYLUS & PEN COMBO!

It's a capactive touchscreen stylus on one end, plus a smooth and precise pen on the other.

How has nobody ever thought of this before?!

If you've never used a stylus on your touchscreen device... you're in for a HUGE TREAT!

All those times you couldn't quite hit the right button, couldn't get your phone to "feel right", or were just fed up with all the oily smudges all over... NO MORE! They are PROBLEMS OF THE PAST!

And if you're gonna carry a stylus around... why not make it a pen too?

All of your writing needs = fully covered!

The stylus end is covered in a rubber-tip which glides smoothly across your touchscreen! And because of it's soft-rubber texture, it won't risk scratching your screen!

No smudges? No scratches? FINALLY!

Lightweight Design - Yep! This thing is light as a feather (but still feels solid as stone in your grip) for the perfect touch! Whether you're writing on paper or on your phone... you're gonna LOVE this!

That grip is comfy as a pillow, too!

There's a lot of stylus designs out there... but none of them come CLOSE to this! Not only does it FEEL like a real pen... IT IS ONE!


I know it sounds insane (and maybe it is!) These crazy stylus-and-pen-all-in-one are only $4.97!!!


And if your order is over $5... US SHIPPING IS FREE TOO! YEAAAAAAAH!

Grab 'em here!


PS - These are a special offer for a short time only! Grab yours QUICK before they're all gone! And Tuesday the price goes up to $8.97!!

"I'm Sure That's In My File Cabinet Somewhere..."


Taxes, Notes, Memos, Recipts, Printed E-mails, Forms...

Fliers, Magazines, Medical Documents, Faxes, Newspapers...


You Could Make It ALL Digital!


ReadIris Pro 12!

Convert ANY Image or Document...

Into An Editable Computer Text File! WOW!

The Software That Makes EVERYONE'S Life Easier!

Watch The Video - I Dare You! YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!

Turn Your Paper Mess Into Digital Bliss!

If you could stack up ALL the paper you've had to work with in your entire life, you'd probably reach the MOON!

It doesn't matter what you do - paperwork is inevitable and it's getting COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL!

Sign this, date that, fill this in, bubble that in, circle yes or no, confirm this bit of information... it goes on and on and on and on!

But here's the kicker: you have to make CHANGES to this stuff!

I mean, if you've ever had to retype an ENTIRE document just to change a number or fix a typo... you KNOW this stuff is putting you one foot closer to the insane asylum!

All those forms, those faxes and PDFss... they're ALL just... "stuck" right as they are!


ReadIris 12 Is Here To ELIMINATE All That Paper!

If you can scan a piece of paper...

...you can turn ANYTHING into a digital document!

That means you can EDIT, CHANGE, UPDATE, MODIFY, and FIX any document WITHOUT having to retype it from square one!

And I mean ANY document!

Scanned images Faxes
PDFs Recipes
Magazine Articles Newspaper Articles
Notes Bank Statements
Medical Forms Receipts

Once it scans these in, it turns them into a 100% editable document!

It's ALL In The Optical Character Recognition Software!

ReadIris isn't just revolutionary - it's EASY!


When you scan in your paper, note, etc... the software scans through the document and identifies what is an image and what is text.

Then it outputs in whatever format you need to modify it!

From there, you're free to do whatever you want to it!

Leave it, edit it, update it, even just save it on your PC!

Seriously - let me explain that again because it's SO unbelievable!

1. Scan your document.

2. Let ReadIris convert it.

3. You're done! Do whatever you want with your new digital document!

It's so easy that even my 7-year-old nephew figured it all in about a minute!

WOW! Now, this is the MOST ACCURATE program like this on the market that I've ever seen too! Just double check your document for any changes that may need to be made, which will only take seconds to edit or correct.

Oh, check this out - this can recognize practically any font and 126 languages!!

Check out how Readiris Pro 12 will turn a written note into an MS Word Document:

Just look at how cool this is! It can even convert images into spreadsheet documents!

In just minutes you can turn your ENTIRE FILE CABINET into a folder of digital files on your computer!

We're talking STACKS of paper completely stored & ready to be edited or e-mailed RIGHT ON YOUR COMPUTER without taking up ANY physical space!

Look at it this way: boxes of papers versus a flash drive... which one is easier to keep around?

Check out how Readiris Pro 12 will even turn a written note into an MS Word Document:



"Don't let Readiris Pro's simplicity fool you; behind its approachable exterior lies a mighty optical-character-recognition engine. The program performed very well in our speed and quality tests, even when we gave it text with complex formatting (tables, columns, and multiple fonts, for instance)." -CNET Editor's Review


"If you fancy moving closer to the paperless office by moving your printed documents into the digital world, then Readiris pro is the tool to help." - PC Plus

That's just a sampling of the praise that's been outpouring for ReadIris! It really is some of the most user-friendly software to make your life SO much easier!


Software like this usually comes with a hefty price tag. We're talking over $100 easy!

NOT AT WORLDSTART! You can get this incredible OCR software for just $29.97 with FREE US SHIPPING!

You better BELIEVE these are gonna sell out quick - get to the store before they're gone!


PS - Tuesday the sale ends and these go all the way up to $39.97 so there's no reason to wait!

Wait, You Don't Use Rechargeable Batteries?

The Average Person Spends $80 a YEAR On Batteries!


Save BIG With This 4-Battery Recharger!

Charges Up 4 AA or AAA Batteries At a Time!

Includes 4 Rechargeable AA Batteries Too!

No Bulky AC Adapter Required - Foldable Plug For Any AC Outlet!

Works With Rechargeable Alkaline & NiMH Batteries!

We all want to save money - am I right? And we all know that batteries can be pretty pricey.

But everything NEEDS batteries nowadays!

The average person spends at least $80 a year on batteries. Bigger families, more batteries.

Think about how much money that is over the years.

Yeah. It's a lot.

This charger pack is the solution to saving big!

No more wasted trips to the store to buy new batteries every month! No more wasting big bucks on batteries either!!

Best of all - You'll NEVER have another night where the remote dies and YOU have no batteries to replace it!

Yup, we've all been there - that awful moment when you JUST got comfortable... you go to change the channel and... nothing! Ahhhhh!

Great for Digital Cameras Too! - If your camera uses AA batteries (which most do)...just pop out the old batteries and pop in your newly recharged batteries.

These batteries can be charged using any standard wall outlet.

"Incredibly Versatile Life-Saver" is what comes to mind when I think of all the ways this baby can be used!

Now - let's do a little math here: Your average store is charging about $5.00 for a 4 pack of AA batteries.

It's estimated that just one of these batteries lasts longer than 800 AA disposable batteries!!

Now that's just crazy!

This could save you an estimated $3,884 in batteries alone!!

Now THAT'S some serious cash savings!! Don't believe me? OK, just grab a calculator and do the math!!

This little guy pays for itself in no time!

You gotta grab your self one of these bad boys - your battery woes will be gone forever!!

It's so lightweight and portable that it's easy to pack in your camera bag, laptop case, suit case, or backpack!

Plus - this won't set you back 40 or 50 Bucks like some other outlet battery chargers!! Just check out what these are going for elsewhere, by the time tax and shipping and handling was added - it's over $40!! Yikes!!

Guess What? TODAY, THEY'RE CHEAPER THAN THEY'VE EVER BEEN! We're talking just $12.97 and US shipping is FREE!

Just think - you're gonna be saving nearly $4,000 with this little guy alone!! This offer is only good for an EXTREMELY limited time!


PS - Save a TON of money and never worry about dead batteries - EVER AGAIN!! This is a limited quantity and this ridiculous price increases to $18.97 soon, so run to the site today!!

What If A Thief Could Steal From Your Bank Account...

Just By Walking Past You?


Protect Yourself From RFID "Wireless Identity Theft!"

These Tough Credit Card Holders Shield Your Cards!

On Top Of That, They're Just Some Good Old Shock Protection!

Never Worry About Bending Or Breaking Your Cards!

Sometimes Technology Makes It TOO Easy...

You know how it is, something comes along and makes stuff simpler for everyone.

Well, guess who's part of "everyone"? Thieves.

Credit cards and debit cards can be scanned by all sorts of devices.

Heck, there's even new electronics you can attach to your phone to let you process a credit card payment anywhere you are, right on your smartphone!

You better believe it that thieves know how this stuff works.

According to recent articles, using nothing more than the same tools a payment processor uses, thieves could potentially make a tool to scan your card in the time it takes them to walk past you on the street!

Even an ordinary laptop can utilize radio waves to copy and clone cards - that's a scary thought!

Do YOU know what kind of information your credit card has stored in it?

But guess what?

Protecting yourself is just as easy!

This RFID-resistant credit card holder encases your cards and prevents anyone from just walking by and causing you to be a victim of "wireless identity theft" (look it up, it's real!)

Tough and portable, these security wallets shield your contactless cards from all sorts of unsavory scanning.

Basically, if your cards are in here, you're not the "easy target" anymore. Now you're protected!

And this isn't just for one or two cards, either!


That should be more than enough for anyone's important cards! Credit cards, IDs, debit cards, anything!

Put them in here and you won't have to worry at all!

Whatever color you get, it'll look great! Just check 'em out!

And honestly, it's just a great way to protect your cards, too!

If you've ever had a credit card break or get damaged, you know why that's important! You're stuck having to call and inform them to cancel it, that you need a replacement, and then you have to wait WEEKS just to get the new card!

Some of us rely on those debit cards so we don't have to walk around with all our cash 24/7!

Protects Your Money Before You Use It!

Seeing as it's only $4.97 with FREE US shipping on any order over $5... you're already protecting your money!

That's one dirt-cheap way to prevent identity theft!


Sale ends Tuesday and these run up to $8.97!!

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