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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! In The News 02-07-2014 Nintendo Boss Takes Pay Cut It's not a secret that Nintendo Wii U game console has been a major disappointment to the the company. Less than 6 million units were sold in the past year. More Xbox Ones and PS4s were sold in two months of release. Now the bosses will be feeling the pinch. Saroru Itawa will see his paycheck cut in half and several other top executives will see a 20% or more pay cut. Company Offers Facebook Yearbook This may go against the whole idea of social media, but a company is offering a "yearbook" of your Facebook activity. My Social Book will include your photos, status updates, check ins, likes and comments in a handsome bound edition that you can put on your bookshelf. You can choose content from a specific range of dates or pick an entire year's worth of posts. According to a press release, you can go as far back at 2007 to choose material. Pricing starts at $11 for a 25 page book. Texting While Walking Ruins Your Posture There's a reason not to walk and next besides the danger that you'll walk in front of a car or run into a tree. Scientists say that people who text while walking hunch their shoulders forward and don't walk in a straight, adopting the type of posture usually associated with the elderly. This posture puts you in greater danger of falling. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
Are You Throwing Away Money? If You're Paying Repair Guys To Perform a 5 Minute Fix... YES, YOU ARE! If You Had The Right Tool, You Could Do It Yourself! Perfect for Almost ANY Electronics! Tablets, Smartphones, Apple Products, MP3 Players... Hey, It's GREAT For Hobbies Too! You Always Need a Precision Screwdriver! GET ONE FOR JUST $3.97!!!
Here's a Guarantee: Your electronics aren't going to work perfectly forever. But that's not news, right? From GPS units to MP3 players to smartphones to tablets. If it's something you're using all the time, it'll eventually stop working. So what do you do from there? "Oh I know, I'll take it to that nice electronics repair place down the street!" STOP! DON'T DO IT! First of all: they're gonna charge you just to LOOK at it. And those 'diagnostic fees' aren't cheap. We're talking upwards of $50! Before they actually DO anything! And then they'll realize all that's wrong is it needs cleaned out or wire repositioned. So after they spend 20 minutes staring at it and 20 seconds fixing it, they're asking you for $100 to cover the service. No thanks. Why bother when you can just fix it yourself?! YOU JUST NEED THE SCREWDRIVER THAT CAN GET IN THERE! It's only $3.97 - for that price, if you fix just ONE thing with this tool, you've saved twice, three times, or TEN times as much as you would've spent just having someone look at it! It's designed to fit any common electronic device too!
That's just some of the specific ones off the top of my head, if you have some kinda portable electronic (or even a home appliance with smaller screws) this is the screwdriver that gets the job done! Not Into Self-Repair? Don't underestimate this precision tool! If you're into hobbies that use small parts (which covers 99% of in-home hobbies, probably) this thing is gonna be PERFECT! There's nothing worse than sitting down, getting all comfy and ready to enjoy whatever hobby you're into only to realize you lack the tool to progress! But now you can just run off to your tool drawer, grab this precise little guy, and get to work on whatever you wanted to do! We've ALL got standard sized screwdrivers... But if you don't have a precision one as part of your toolbox, you're going to keep running into those little screws that you'll never be able to deal with! This price is a STEAL! $3.97 for the ONE screwdriver you'll end up using the most! You probaby think I'm kidding, but head over to the store and let me prove to you that I'm not! And if your order is over $5 you get FREE US SHIPPING TOO http://store.worldstart.com/product/9459 PS - The sale ends Friday and the price goes up to $8.97
William from Detroit Lakes Minnesota writes: I already know the answer to this but would like to get a second opinion. Windows 8 sucks .But eventually we are gonna all be stuck with it because Microsoft has everyone by the throat Everyone loves XP so why not just improve XP, and quit messing with new operating systems that don't work? The almighty dollar is why ! William, Microsoft did take steps to improve XP, that was Windows 7. And then they took steps to make what they considered improvements to that program with Windows 8. These are all version of Windows and Microsoft is committed to sticking with that operating system. Now you might not think these changes are improvements, but that's often the case with change. XP is a stable system, but it does have some serious security flaws and other issues that make it incompatible with many of the tasks required of computers these days. Twelve years is a very long time to support an operating system and Microsoft is not alone in letting older operating systems fall by the wayside. You won't be getting updates for older versions of Android and Apple expects that everyone has updated to Mavericks by now and some older versions of OS X are not getting new updates or patches. Two big differences are that Microsoft made a huge deal about ending XP support (which makes sense, more people are using it) and that Microsoft charges for new versions of their operating systems and Apple did not charge for the update to OS Mavericks. However, the update from Windows 8 to 8.1 was free and now many experts are wondering if Microsoft might switch to the model of offering the operating system for free and making money on devices, licensing Windows to computer manufacturers and from providing services. As for new operating systems not working so well, Windows 7 has proved to be very popular and is currently running on nearly 48% of computers. Windows 8 is on about 11% of computers, which is still far more than the 3% using Mac OS or the 1.73% using Linux. Mac and Linux do remain viable alternatives if you'd like to move away from Windows. Though Apple will update its operating system as well. And, you are right, of course it's all about money. Microsoft invented Windows t make money and they are doing there best to stay up with the shift towards mobile technology in hopes of continuing to make money. But that's the case for all makers of operating systems, with the exception of Linux. If you'd like to learn more about Linux, check out this article. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
App Lets Hotel Guests Use Phone As Room Key Starwood Hotels and Resorts is launching a feature to let guests skip the reception desk and go directly to their room using their smartphone as a room key at some of their hotels. This new method of check-in will undergo a trial run at Aloft hotels in New York City and the Silicon Valley. Guests who download the Starwood Preferred Guest App will be able to use the app to find nearby hotels and book rooms. Hotels under the Starwood brand include Westin, Sheraton and W Hotels. They have nearly 1,000 hotels in 100 countries. According to a video from the company, the app will allow guests to... Want more, head on over to WorldStart!
Abner from Boynton Beach, FL writes: Whenever I type a URL, instead of the letters I wanted to insert, I get a garbled set of letters that resemble nothing I entered or anything else that make sense. In normal circumstances your web browser should always display whichever letters or numbers you happen to be typing, so if your URL bar is displaying garbled nonsense that doesn't reflect what you just typed, the culprit will nearly always be an extension or add-on that's affecting the browser. Add-ons offer many useful features, but unfortunately not all of them work properly, and even add-ons that were working previously may become troublesome after updating to a newer version of your browser. The quickest way to troubleshoot the problem is to simply turn off all add-ons automatically and then work backwards to figure out which one in particular is messing up your URLs. Your browser includes an option to load without any additional software specifically for troubleshooting issues like this. If you use Internet Explorer, open the "Start" menu and navigate to the folder labeled "Accessories." Open the "System Tools" sub-folder, and then click the icon labeled... Just click WorldStart for the rest of this helpful tip!
Friday Funnies Cartoon used with permission. For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
PhotoCat Ever since Google bought out Picnik, I've been looking for a good and free replacement. In my search, I found PhotoCat and thought it was worth sharing with you. When you arrive at the site, you have three options: Edit a Photo, Retouch, or Create a Collage. Beneath those options you'll find an array of Popular Features that you can also pick from. No matter which of the three options you pick, you're whisked away to the photo editor you've selected and will be asked to upload a photo, or if you just want to try it out on your visit you can pick on of the sample photos. You'll find the tools you'll use to edit the image on the left. And once you've completed your changes you can either save your work or share it via the buttons at the top right. Overall this is a very cool and useful tool to edit your images. Check it out today! ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
You've Never Seen An Anything Like This! A Complete Weather Station! Get The Temperature, Humidity, And Forecast!! PLUS Get The Time & Date! Even Has A Built-In Alarm Clock And Backlight! Blow-Out Price Too! You Gotta Check This Out!! I seriously can't believe this! You are totally gonna LOVE this! It's a complete weather station AND amazing alarm clock! Holy cool gadgets batman!! And wait till you see the knock-out deal too - I'd eagerly pay twice as much for this and I'd do it with a big 'ol grin on my face! OK, let's start with the weather station part - this is a jaw dropper! We're really and truly talkin' a full fledged weather station! Really!!! You'll have BOTH the current TEMPERATURE (Fahrenheit or Celsius) and HUMIDITY! PLUS... It can actually FORECAST the weather for you!! Incredible!! - Just a quick glance and it tells you if you should expect rain or shine (or overcast, or whatever)! Hey - it even has a little face on it to tell you if you should be happy about the weather you got comin' your way! :) In addition to all the amazing weather info it sends your way, this also has the TIME and DATE and an easy to use ALARM CLOCK !!! Plus, you're absolutely gonna love the alarm clock! Set it when your home and never miss a wake-up or appointment! How cool is that? I have mine set for when I need to pick my kids up from school - and I plan to use it this weekend as an alarm clock when I'm out of town! Cool as January in Alaska baby!! Did I mention it also has a really great backlight for when it's dark? So cool... Oh yeah - and the deal is gonna blow you out of the water like a nuclear powered torpedo!! We're talkin' just $10.97 and US shipping is FREE! Heck, it's worth $10.97 just to show this baby off to your friends! Pull your jaw back up off your desk and RUN over to the site and pick up a few of these bad boys! http://store.worldstart.com/product/6836 WARNING!
February Wallpaper Is Ready! Here it is - our free desktop wallpaper for February! I've featured a couple winter scenes plus one shot for those who are thinking spring ;) Remember, we have 100+ of these on the site, so head on over and take a look around. All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy! Photo Tips Did you get a chance to check out my new photo tips from last month? If not, head over to my YouTube channel and check 'em out: http://www.youtube.com/backcountrygallery
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