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And When You See These... You'll Know! Have you scrolled down and looked, yet? You've been trying to find out where the best deals on the web are. Well, everything below is going to answer that question for you immediately! Scroll down and look carefully, don't miss a SINGLE one! Everyone Else Has Them For Over $300... WE HAVE 'EM FOR JUST $85.97!!! Did You EVER Think You'd Find a Brand New 9" HD Tablet... FOR MORE THAN HALF OFF THE BIG BOX STORES?! Capactive Touchscreen - 1.2 GHz - Expandable Storage! Whatever You Do On a PC or Laptop... THIS DOES IT BETTER! E-mail, Books, Websites, Movies, Games... Tens of Thousands Of Apps Just One Tap Away! It's A Computer You Can Use ANYWHERE... At A HUGE DISCOUNT You'll Find NOWHERE Else! The Tablet You Need - The Bargain You Want! Tablets are becoming more and more popular these days. With the convenience of smart phones, but the computing power of a full-blown laptop - they're the PERFECT way to stay on online without having to tie yourself to a computer chair. But for all their advantages - they are WAY too freakin' expensive! They are high-tech, complex machines... but come ON... I mean... some of the popular models right now run over $500! That's INSANE! Don't get me wrong... with what you get, they're DEFINITELY worth that much! But the name of the game isn't "acceptable prices" it's "FANTASTIC prices" SO WE'RE USING THE WORLDSTART MAGIC TO GET YOU A BRAND NEW HD TABLET AT A PRICE SO LOW - NOBODY CAN COMPETE! If you've never really looked at tablets before, you're gonna be as floored as I was when I tested out this one! This 9" High-Definition Capacitive Touchscreen tablet comes with ALL the bells and whistles!
ANYTHING you use your computer for, this can do it too! It does web browsing, it does e-mail, it takes pictures, you can use it for typing, calculating, it has a calender with date and time, it even lets you watch movies or read e-books. Do you like to read the newspaper? Pop open any news site or digital newspaper and now you've got local, state, national, even worldwide news RIGHT at your finger tips! Most libraries even have a full digital collection of videos, books, magazines and more that you can read right on your tablet! AND THE BEST PART? YOU CAN USE IT ANYWHERE! Chances are, you've been using a computer for YEARS... aren't you tired of being tied down to that desk? Even if you're using a laptop, you KNOW they aren't as portable as they advertise! They're heavy, the keyboard & screen take up a lot of space! You want something BETTER! Wondering just what we mean by "better"? Check out these specs... they're gonna have your jaw dropping!
This tablet is portable, it's LIGHTNING FAST, and has a BEAUTIFUL HD display! And it's designed to be useable wherever, whenever you want! Laying down, standing up, sitting down, you could even use it doing a handstand! Just the other night, I was watching a movie on my tablet, when it finished I just pressed TWO buttons and the book I've been working on opened up right where I left off. THIS IS THE TECHNOLOGY EVERYONE'S BEEN DREAMING OF! Look at all these apps you can get (this is just a FRACTION of what's available!) The ONLY reason everyone doesn't already have a tablet is because the big box stores rob you BLIND if you even look at one! We're talking $200 MINIMUM... and if you're after these kinda specs... say hello to a $500 price tag! And it's no surprise: you're getting a REAL computer that fits in your hands. BY THE WAY - IT EXPANDS! Not all tablets can even do this! Right off the bat, it's got a huge amount of storage... but it has a microSDHC slot that lets you expand it with up to 32GB of EXTRA space! All it takes is slidin' in a new memory card and you're rockin' GIGS of extra space - how cool is that? And if you're concerned about learning new tech... DON'T BE! This tablet is the very definition of intuitive! Everything is right at your fingertips and you'll be an expert in no time! WE WEREN'T KIDDING ABOUT THE PRICE! I know it sounds impossible, but you really CAN get this unbelievable touchscreen tablet for just $85.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! Big box stores are shakin' in their boots... they just CANNOT compete! Grab yours at the link below, but make sure you get to the store before they're gone! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9492 *LIMITED QUANTITY* We couldn't get many at the price we're passing on to you, so make sure you get to the store before they run out, or when the sale ends Monday and they go up to $99.97!
You Can't See Anything In This Weather! Windshield Wipers Can't Do The Job Alone! Repel-It Windshield Treatment Clears Things Up! Convenient Wipe Lasts For Up To Six Months! No Streaking! Car Dealers Charge Outrageous Prices For This Treatment We've Got It For Under $5 ! You know how it is, you're driving in the rain and it looks like someone is throwing buckets of water right onto your windshield. Your windshield wipers are doing the best they can, but And it's not like those wipers are falling apart, you just bought them. And if you're out driving on the highway with big trucks throwing water back at you, it can be pretty darn scary. The solutions is Repel-It Windshield Treatment. It makes your windshield hydrophobic. That means water (and the grime and gunk that can splash up on your windshield with it) will bead up and make it much easier for your windshield wipers to swoop it away. It's not just rain that will stay away... Dust and bugs are much easier to clean off. EVEN SNOW AND ICE will be easier to take off. Where I live, there's a saying. If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes. We get it all. Rain, snow, ice, sleet... We'll go from 70 degrees and rain on Wednesday to 20 degrees and snow on Friday. And let me tell you, I end up doing a lot of driving not matter what the weather is like. This treatment is absolutely perfect. Look at the difference it makes! TREATED UNTREATED
You could have it done at your car dealer, but look what they charge you! I grabbed this shot from an actual car dealer's website. the price starts at $29.95 and you know how they love to tack on extras. Repel-It Windshield Treatment is only $4.97 ! This durable treatment can last for up to six months! Plus it's a wipe, so it's super easy and convenient to apply to your windshield. Not only will this improve your vision, your wipers will last longer because they'll have a lot less work to do. There's no bottles or applicators to fuss with! Just open the convenient package and apply the treatment with the disposable wipe for streak-free protection! We managed to get a special deal on these, so we've got a limited quantity and at $4.97 , they won't last long. And if your order is over $5, you get FREE US Shipping! So click the store link below and get yours now! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9337 Hurry! If we have any left on Monday , the price will jump back up to $8.97 !
Wish You Had a PERFECT Memory? Check This Out... You'll Never Forget Anything Ever Again! Stores Up to 25 HOURS of High-Quality Audio At a Time! 100% Rechargeable - No Batteries Required! It's The EASIEST Recorder Out There! Flip a Switch to Record! It Saves Each Recording For Easy Playback Later! There's NO Setup And It's Small Enough To Bring Anywhere!
You'll Forget What It's Like To Forget! "What'd the doc say?" "He told me I need to... uhh... he said the muscle will heal as long as I... dangit, I don't remember." NOBODY'S MEMORY IS FLAWLESS! Even if you THINK you remembered something correctly, chances are a detail or two slipped right on by! And sometimes that information is CRUCIAL! We use glasses to supplement our vision, we use hearing aids to hear better... why aren't ya using a recorder to help remember stuff?! Oh right, because most of them are way too EXPENSIVE! You used to have two options: You could go with a $70 recorder to give you real audio quality, or you could go with an $5 piece of junk that's so bad you can't even understand the recorded audio. We managed to hunt down an incredible voice recorder that gives you crystal clear audio quality with UNBELIEVABLE pickup without breaking the bank. Pretty sweet, huh? Record Now, Listen Later! The WORST part of standard recorders is they don't actually "save" anything. They just hold onto it until you record over it. Get this: every time you start recording with this, it starts a new file that it'll save until YOU choose to remove it! Not only does that mean you can upload it to your PC or laptop to store forever - it means you can "organize" your recordings. It stores files just like a flash drive would, so when you plug it into your computer the files pop up immediately and you can listen, transfer them to your computer, or save them for later! Yep! You won't get stuck "surfing" through one continuous recording to find the specific part you need! Turn it on, it starts, turn it off, it stops and saves that whole "part" to one file. Turn it back on right after and it's recording in a separate audio file! For lectures, meetings, even doctor's vists - this is AMAZING! It was already gonna save you tons of stress, but now it's gonna save you TONS OF TIME! (Not that we're encouraging it, but this is even perfect for more... "discrete recording." Now you can finally catch your Aunt Lily tellin' one of her inappropriate jokes with PROOF!) 25 Hours of Storage + 100% Rechargeable! Yeah, those dinky tape recorders can't do that! You could turn this on, set it down ALL DAY and it'll record the WHOLE thing! If you tried that with a regular tape recorder? You'd get maybe 2 hours before you ran outta space & then the batteries would die out and you'd have to replace those too! Use this recorder for WEEKS without needing to recharge or make space! When you need to remember your groceries real quick, when you take a trip to the doctor's, then when you're at a meeting at work. You've got SO MUCH space to store audio recording you won't know what to do with it! Steve Lays The Price SMACKDOWN! Recorders at this quality would cost you upwards of $60 I did a quick search for 2GB voice recorders and this was the first thing that popped up: Why pay double the price for the same high-quality audio you can get from this discrete rechargeable recorder? For a limited time only, we've got these for just $21.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! Click the link below! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9086 This price is ONLY going to stay so long as our supplier lets us get them as the crazy low price we did - so next time you see these they might not be at such a bargain! WAIT! You Don't Need a Second Mortgage... ...To Afford the Best Photo Editing Software Make Your Own Professional-Quality Photos Perfect for Starters or Even Experienced Photo Editors FIX ANY PHOTO IN JUST MINUTES! Serif PhotoPlus X4 - High Quality & Unbelievably Easy! It's A Dark Room on Your Computer With PanoramaPlus X4 As A FREE BONUS! A picture is worth one thousand words. You've heard it before. You also probably know that SOME photo editing software thinks its worth one thousand dollars, too. What if you could take the power and utility of the best photo editors out there, and combine it with an insanely low price? Guess what! You can. Why pay hundreds and hundreds for a similar program? Professional Quality - PhotoPlus X4 is everything you have ever wanted all in one. When it comes to photos, it can do everything short of snapping the pictures itself. No more blur, no more red eyes, no more little blemishes or marks. If you want it removed, just click and it's gone. Flawless photos, every time. With advanced and automated tools, you will be fully able to quickly and easily solve practically any photo problems. All it takes is minutes and you can turn good photos into amazing works of art. Robust Features - It's impossible to list everything this program does. Seriously, it's packed with ANYTHING you'd need. A Small Sample of the Features: Tutorials and Help are only a click away. Never feel overwhelmed again. There's a lot you can do, and with the built-in help and extensive guides and tutorials, your questions WILL have answers. The only thing its missing is making panoramas. But wait... FREE BONUS: PanoramaPlus X4! SERIOUSLY! With PanoramaPlus X4, you can easily create breathtaking panoramic images with the same ease as you've come to expect from Serif products. And it is 100% free with a purchase of PhotoPlus X4. You're getting TWO programs for the price of ONE... and it's still a fraction of the competitor's pricing. At only $7.97 with FREE US SHIPPING, it's a price you'd want to put in a frame. http://store.worldstart.com/product/7808 PS - Limited quantities and this amazing price combined make this an offer not to wait on! If there's any left, this package deal is rising to $16.97 on Monday! Wait, You Don't Use Rechargeable Batteries? The Average Person Spends $80 a YEAR On Batteries! YOU COULD BE PAYING NOTHING! Save BIG With This 4-Battery Recharger! Charges Up 4 AA or AAA Batteries At a Time! Includes 4 Rechargeable AA Batteries Too! No Bulky AC Adapter Required - Foldable Plug For Any AC Outlet! Works With Rechargeable Alkaline & NiMH Batteries!
We all want to save money - am I right? And we all know that batteries can be pretty pricey. But everything NEEDS batteries nowadays! The average person spends at least $80 a year on batteries. Bigger families, more batteries. Think about how much money that is over the years. Yeah. It's a lot. This charger pack is the solution to saving big! No more wasted trips to the store to buy new batteries every month! No more wasting big bucks on batteries either!! Best of all - You'll NEVER have another night where the remote dies and YOU have no batteries to replace it! Yup, we've all been there - that awful moment when you JUST got comfortable... you go to change the channel and... nothing! Ahhhhh! Great for Digital Cameras Too! - If your camera uses AA batteries (which most do)...just pop out the old batteries and pop in your newly recharged batteries. These batteries can be charged using any standard wall outlet. "Incredibly Versatile Life-Saver" is what comes to mind when I think of all the ways this baby can be used! Now - let's do a little math here: Your average store is charging about $5.00 for a 4 pack of AA batteries. It's estimated that just one of these batteries lasts longer than 800 AA disposable batteries!! Now that's just crazy! This could save you an estimated $3,884 in batteries alone!! Now THAT'S some serious cash savings!! Don't believe me? OK, just grab a calculator and do the math!! This little guy pays for itself in no time! You gotta grab your self one of these bad boys - your battery woes will be gone forever!! It's so lightweight and portable that it's easy to pack in your camera bag, laptop case, suit case, or backpack! Plus - this won't set you back 40 or 50 Bucks like some other outlet battery chargers!! Just check out what these are going for elsewhere, by the time tax and shipping and handling was added - it's over $40!! Yikes!! Guess What? TODAY, THEY'RE CHEAPER THAN THEY'VE EVER BEEN! We're talking just $12.97 and US shipping is FREE! Just think - you're gonna be saving nearly $4,000 with this little guy alone!! This offer is only good for an EXTREMELY limited time! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9295 PS - Save a TON of money and never worry about dead batteries - EVER AGAIN!! This is a limited quantity and this ridiculous price increases to $18.97 soon, so run to the site today!! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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