
eMarketer Daily - Young Mothers Turn to Smartphones; Gilt Groupe’s Tablet and Smartphone Offerings; Cyber Monday Makes Inroads in the UK

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December 13, 2013

Mothers of Young Children Spend Most Time with Smartphones

Mothers with young children use smartphones more than any of their peers. As additional responsibilities pile up and their free time decreases, mothers turn to their smartphones as spare hands and entertainment outlets.
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Strategies for Choosing Your Next Cross-Channel ESP

In the age of the customer, today's leading marketers are turning to ESPs who offer more than just email. Download this guide to gain the context, perspective and advice you'll need to find the perfect cross-channel campaign provider for your business' unique goals and objectives. Download Now!

Gilt Groupe Describes Tablet and Smartphone Offerings—and the Essential 'Gilt-ness' of Both

Jason John, vice president of marketing at Gilt Groupe, describes a tablet shopping experience that is about big images and relaxation, while the smartphone experience is built for speed. Full Article

Jason John
Vice President of Marketing
Gilt Groupe

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Maximize Lead Generation via Marketing Automation –
an eMarketer Roundup

Are you fully realizing the benefits of marketing automation? Get better educated on marketing automation best practices for maximizing lead generation with eMarketer's latest Roundup, which includes key trends, statistics and insights.
Get eMarketer's Marketing Automation Roundup

Cyber Monday Makes Inroads in the UK

Cyber Monday is still a relatively new phenomenon in the UK, but research shows that is growing in popularity as a day for sales. And while ecommerce metrics shot up this year, a banking glitch on Cyber Monday may have prevented even more sales from taking place. Full Article

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