
I Hope You're Sitting Down Cuz You're About To Be FLOORED!

WorldStart's Tech Tips WorldStart

ws - 2013-12-16

These Deals Are FIERCE!

What's better than a couple massive deals on some of the coolest stuff on the web? SIX massive deals! You can take advantage of these insane prices for just ONE day: scroll down and check it all out before the sale ends tomorrow!

It's a Pocket Full of Music!

The Easiest Way to Enjoy FM Radio!

Portable, High-Quality FM Scan Radio...

PLUS a BONUS Pair of Earbuds! YES!!


If This Sounds Like Music to Your Ears...

Wait'll You See the Price!!


It's On-the-Go Convenience With INCREDIBLE Sound!

It's Just Not FAIR...

These days, digital music is the big thing. MP3s and iPods left and right! But what about the good, old-fashioned radio?

There's nothing that gives you more variety than the radio! Tons of different stations with different genres, including both music, talk, and news!

So where're all the modern radios? Well... RIGHT HERE!

High Quality in a Pocket-Sized Package!

This thing is SLEEK! First of all, there's a LOT to be said for convenience. This thing is small enough to fit in your pocket, but powerful enough to deliver unbelievably clear, loud sound.

Let's not forget that it's also lightweight and durable! You'll be happy to bring this with you wherever you go - from walking around downtown to mowing the lawn. Which brings me to another point...

This thing is TOUGH! Hey, those delicate, expensive iPods and MP3 players always leave you worried when you're using them during strenuous activities. Well, you don't have to worry with this one - it's tough enough to withstand whatever you're throwing at it, and it's amazing price make this one SWEET, no-risk deal!

Bring Your Favorite Stations Everywhere You go!

From relaxing in your house to being on the go... you're gonna get to enjoy your favorite radio stations! This radio DEFINES convenience!

That means that you'll be able to pick up your favorite FM stations no matter where you are - nothing is coming between you and your ROCKIN' music, or your news, sports and weather updates!

Clear & Comfortable Earbuds INCLUDED!

As if this deal could get any better, don't forget the fantastic earbuds that come included in this package! Not only are the extremely comfortable, the sound is gonna blow you away!

First of all, they rest comfortably in your ears! And isn't comfort really one of the most important parts of earbuds?

Secondly, the sound quality is gonna make you wonder how they come free with the radio!

The cord that runs from the headphones to plug into the FM player is long enough to reach and give you some room, but not so long that it gets in your way. It's actually pretty much perfect, and we've got this entire thing for an AMAZING price!

High-End Product - Rock Bottom Price!

We couldn't offer it any cheaper if we tried! You're getting an amazing deal for something with this kind of quality!! So don't miss your chance - grab your Personal FM Scan Radio With Headphones for just $3.97 - and the shipping is on us within the US on any order over $5!

Colors may vary... but with the red, blue, or black... you can't go wrong!


PS: This deal is only good for a limited time, and our stock is LOW! Don't miss your chance. If there's any left Tuesday, the price goes back up to the normal $8.97 - still a great deal, but not one of epic proportions like this one is!

Get Wireless Speakers WITHOUT A $300 Price Tag!

Take Any Speakers You Have..


FOR ONLY $12.97!

Any Speakers! Anywhere!

All It Takes Is This Single Device!

The EASIEST Setup In The World!

Plug In This Adapter And BOOM! They're Ready To Go!

Just Sync Your Phone/Computer/MP3 Player To The Speakers!

Turn Your Stereo System Into a Wireless Music Paradise!


Picture This:

Maybe you just worked a long day. Maybe you had a lot of yard work. All that matters is you're tired, want to sit down, and would just LOVE to relax to your favorite music.

But you know what isn't relaxing? Trying to manage your stereo system.

You've got disks or MP3s to change, or devices to plug/unplug, even volume controls and more!

To top it all off, once you sit down, you're stuck with whatever you turned on! That SUCKS!

You WANT to be able to control it wirelessly, but you've looked at wireless speakers before: they're like $300-400! THAT'S INSANE!

Don't just take my word for it, here's what I found when I took a quick look:

The CHEAPEST they get are still insanely overpriced!

You already have speakers (and maybe nice, expensive ones at that!)

Why would you buy new ones just for ONE feature you could add on your own!?

That's right - you can turn your speakers into full-functioning WIRELESS ones! And it won't take an engineering degree.

Just one little adapter and about 1 minute of your time.

I'd say $280 in savings is worth that much, right?

ANY Speakers. Controlled Wirelessly From Your Device!

This Krator BT-1000 Bluetooth receiver is a MIRACLE when it comes to audio enjoyment!

It could NOT be simpler and it will turn literally ANY speaker you own into a wireless Bluetooth speaker (and you won't have to spend $300)

First off, this thing will work with ANY Bluetooth-capable music player. That includes:

MP3 Players!
Tablet Computers!

How does it work with EVERYTHING?

Because its design is so EASY!

The receiver plugs RIGHT into your speakers! Then, when you sync it to your Bluetooth device, the speakers just play the music directly!

That was so simple you might not have realized that was ALL there is to it!

1. Plug the receiver into your speakers.

2. Use your phone/tablet/computer/etc to play the music to the receiver. The sound comes through the speakers in high-quality, rockin' volume!

There's no WAY you could've expected turning your entire stereo system into a wireless one could be so easy!

A 10 year old could do this... in their sleep... and blindfolded.

I'm even throwing in the adapters to make this work with the other RCA-style devices! COMPLETELY FREE!

So you KNOW this is going to work with your audio systems. From computer speakers to full-blown home theater style stereoes, you're gonna be rockin' to the music from the comfort of your chair!

Now picture THIS instead:

You come in and sit down. You pull your phone out of your pocket and press play on the music app. Your big stereo system kicks into that song you've been humming in your head all day and you sink back in your chair in peace.

Change songs. Change the volume. Swap between albums.


You'll be playing music to your speakers from all OVER the house!

I LOVE lounging in my chair, reading the news on my tablet, and switching through my favorite albums on my stereo system across the room wirelessly!

It's the most relaxing thing you'll EVER experience!

And you get EVERYTHING in one package for only $12.97!

That's the Bluetooth wireless receiver. The USB wall charger. AND the RCA to 3.5mm adapter!

These WILL sell out quick. Make sure to get to the store before they do!


I'm REALLY serious about these selling out. Between all the free stuff I'm throwin' in, this deal is practically IRRESISTABLE! And if there ARE any left Tuesday the sale will be over and they'll go up to $21.97

Think Good Sound Can't Come From Earbuds?


Soft, Comfortable Memorex Earbuds...


You Won't Believe Your Ears!

Amazing Sound, Amazing Comfort, AMAZING PRICE!

These Are The Earbuds You've Been Waiting For!

Time To Throw Out Those Old, Crappy Ones!


Audio Quality with Comfort to Match

Remember the last pair of earbuds you used? They were probably uncomfortable, the audio quality was laughable, and they kept FALLING OUT!

You need an upgrad to earbuds that KNOW what they're doing!

That's why I was so excited found the PERFECT set! We've just come across an incredible pair that sound GREAT!

And equally as important.... they're VERY comfortable.

Because, let's face it: if your earbuds are uncomfortable, it doesn't matter HOW they sound!

You can't USE earbuds that hurt your ears! It's that simple!

Here's why these Memorex Earbuds work:

Each earpiece features a soft silicone earpad and they will fit in almost any ear. They create a slight suction - so when you place the earpiece in your ear it stays there ...comfortably, and doesn't fall out!

These really are simply a great set of earphones that you can take where ever you go! Or even at home! If you're a late-night PC user or have an audio-jack in your TV... you can keep the noise down while fully enjoying your music, show, or software!!

And the cord is long enough (~4 foot) without being too long so as to get tangled and in the way (another small point but something I've noticed as a problem with other earphones I've tried!)

Change Your Size - Make It Comfortable!

Aren't you tired of earbuds that are just one size? Not everyone has the same ears!

This one comes with a small, medium, and large tips that let you swap them out to find the most comfortable set!

So in addition to them being softer than usual...

...you can actually make them a PERFECT FIT for your ears!

And in case you were wonderin', this is the common plug (3.5 mm) that fits into the front of your computer and most other audio devices, like portable radios, laptops, CD / DVD / MP3 players, iPods etc.

Do NOT let the low price fool you on this. We just happened to get a great deal on these so we're passin' along the savings! Believe it or not, today these are just $3.97 and shipping in the US is FREE on all orders over $5.00!


PS - At this price, might want to consider picking up 2 or three of these so you have one at your computer, one in the car and one you can stick in your pocket or purse for walks or bike rides!

Warning - This price is set to increase soon! Don't pay $8.97 for 'em later - grab 'em today!

Do You Feel RIDICULOUS Crawling Around on the DIRTY Floor...

Frustrated, Sweaty... Looking for an Open USB Port?

Why Do They Put Them on the BACK of the Computer?



An AMAZING Extension That Turns 1 USB Port Into 4!


All You Gotta do is Plug the Cable in an Open USB Port...

And Pull it Up Onto Your Desk!

There! Now You Have 4 Ports RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!

Know what you can never have enough of? USB ports! You know how it is - everything you want to plug into your computer requires what? A USB port! It's really easy to run out of those little buggers, ya know? Well, that's where this amazing idea comes in!

We have these really cool, really new 4 Port USB 2.0 Hubs that magically turn 1 USB port into 4! David Copperfield doesn't have anything on these babies!

And check out that SLIM design! These'll fit ANYWHERE YOU WANT!

The ingenious design makes it surprisingly easy to plug in (and yank out) your USB cords!

I tried one out at home and was pleasantly surprised at how much more organized all the cords stay - no more rat's nest!

Know what else is really great about these?

They sit right on your desk so no more crawling around on the floor playing contortionist while you're trying to plug a USB cord into the back of your computer!

Yeah, you know the game - you wiggle around on the floor, pull one USB plug, replace it with your new gadget, then get back to your computer, then figure out that you accidently unplugged your mouse, you go back under, unplug your new gadget, plug your mouse back in, unplug something else, plug your gadget back in - isn't enough, enough?

Stick this hub on your desk and stay off that floor!


Oh, do you have a laptop?

Ever hook it up to a regular keyboard and mouse? What about a flash drive? An external HD? An MP3 player? Want to make it easier? Just get this hub and plug your accessories into it...

Your mouse, keyboard, and whatever else. Now, next time you need to use your laptop, instead of playing musical USB ports with your accessories, just plug this 4 Port USB hub into your laptop!

A single plug and you have up to 4 accessories running!


You're gonna LOVE THIS- we have these for just $4.97 with free US shipping on any order over $5!

For that kind of money, you'd be nuts to miss out! You know you'll need one of these down the road - why pay $30 for some lame hub from a big box store later?

Get this now - you'll love it!


PS - The price WILL increase to $14.97 Tuesday ! Schwarzenegger voice> Don't wait - order now! Do It Now! :-)

Regular Price:
Best So Far:
New LOWEST Price Ever!

IT'S ONLY $109.97 - WOW!

^ Check Out The Video Right Above! ^

Revolutionary Technology - Unbeatable Price!

Okay, I'm gonna cut right to the chase - I have been hunting around for YEARS to try and find a tablet that could meet my standards to pass on to you guys. Every so often I'd find one, look at it... and something always fell short.

They were either too slow, too big, too heavy, practically featureless or TOO EXPENSIVE!

And tablets are great... but you want a GREAT PRICE to go with them, right?

I mean... some of the popular models right now run over $500! That's INSANE!

Once you use one, you'll see why some people still fork out that kinda cash... but now you can get one WITHOUT the second mortgage!

If you've never really looked at tablets before, you're gonna be as floored as I was when I tested out this one!

This 7" High-Definition Capacitive Touchscreen tablet comes with ALL the bells and whistles!

Front & Back Cameras!
More Apps Than You Can Count (+New Ones Every Day!)
Lightning Fast Processing Power!
Built in Wi-Fi B/G/N!
Auto-Rotating Display - Use in Landscape or Portrait!
And TONS More!

ANYTHING you use your computer for, this can do it too!

It does web browsing, it does e-mail, it takes pictures, you can use it for typing, calculating, it has a calender with date and time, it even lets you watch movies or read e-books.

Do you like to read the newspaper? Pop open any news site or digital newspaper and now you've got local, state, national, even worldwide news RIGHT at your finger tips!

Most libraries even have a full digital collection of videos, books, magazines and more that you can read right on your tablet!


Chances are, you've been using a computer for YEARS... aren't you tired of being tied down to that desk?

Even if you're using a laptop, you KNOW they aren't as portable as they advertise! They're heavy, the keyboard & screen take up a lot of space!

You want something BETTER!

Wondering just what we mean by "better"?

Check out these specs... they're gonna have your jaw dropping!

Fast Dual-Core 1.6 GHz Processor
1 GB of RAM
4 GB Internal Storage + Expandable MicroSD Slot
Beautiful 7-Inch HD Capacitive Display
802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS

This tablet is portable, it's LIGHTNING FAST, and has a BEAUTIFUL HD display!

And it's designed to be useable wherever, whenever you want! Laying down, standing up, sitting down, you could even use it doing a handstand!

Just the other night, I was watching a movie on my tablet, when it finished I just pressed TWO buttons and the book I've been working on opened up right where I left off.


Look at all these apps you can get (this is just a FRACTION of what's available!)

The ONLY reason everyone doesn't already have a tablet is because the big box stores rob you BLIND if you even look at one! We're talking $200 MINIMUM... and if you're after these kinda specs... say hello to a $500 price tag!

And it's no surprise: you're getting a REAL computer that fits in your hands.


Not all tablets can even do this! Right off the bat, it's got a huge amount of storage... but it has a microSDHC slot that lets you expand it with up to 32GB of EXTRA space!

All it takes is slidin' in a new memory card and you're rockin' GIGS of extra space - how cool is that?

And if you're concerned about learning new tech... DON'T BE!

This tablet is the very definition of intuitive!

Everything is right at your fingertips and you'll be an expert in no time!


I know it sounds impossible, but you really CAN get this unbelievable touchscreen tablet for just $109.97 with FREE US SHIPPING!

Big box stores are shakin' in their boots... they just CANNOT compete! Grab yours at the link below, but make sure you get to the store before they're gone!


*LIMITED QUANTITY* We couldn't get many at the price we're passing on to you, so make sure you get to the store before they run out, or when the sale ends Tuesday and they go up to $139.97!

The Worst Part Of "Storage" Containers...

Where Do You Store THEM?!

Ready For The Most Brilliant Design In The World?

BIG When You Need It...

Little When You Don't!

The Pop-Up Storage/Garbage Container!

Perfect for Home, Even Better For Cars!

Convenient Storage You Can Keep ANYWHERE!

It Can Even Hang From a Car Seat - BRILLIANT!

"WOW - That's Cool!"

That was my initial reaction when I saw this thing.

It's so simple, but so ingenius, and I just couldn't let it slip by!

Think about it: trash and storage containers (especially in the car!) are great when you need 'em. It's a lot better than having a bunch of wrappers, cups, and trash rolling around your feet!

But when you aren't using it, it can be more bothersome than trash!

You've got this big box or container that's taking up a LOT of room for nothing!


Introducing: The Most Convenient Storage/Trash Container In The UNIVERSE!

Spring-supported frame lets you pop-it up when you need it!

When you don't? Just push it down and a special strap holds it closed!

It doesn't matter where you want to use this thing!

In The Car!
At Home!
On a Boat!
Doing Yardwork!
Even Hiking or Camping!

You'll feel like it's magic. One moment you have a disk. The next moment, it's a foot-high storage container!

Don't forget about the hanging strap!

Wrap this bad boy around the neck of a chair in your car and you've got an easy-access, out of the way garbage can!

But if you were so inclined, you can hang this in your garage, home, anywhere! I mean it when I say this thing'll be perfect anywhere you take it!

AND IT'S ONLY $9.97!! If only US shipping were free... oh wait, US shipping IS free! YES!

Get to the store quick, we only have a set number of these and they're gonna go fast!


PS - The sale WILL end Tuesday and that means these go up to $14.97!!

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