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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! Nishat from Dhaka,Bangladesh writes: I am in a domain.when I first open my computer it shows preparing desktop.On the desktop all my files are gone. Each time I open my computer the same thing happens.Can you show me the solution of this problem,please? Hi Nishat! Unfortunately, there is not a fix for this problem, unless you talk to your domain administrator. It sounds like the administrator has set up accounts that reset at each log in, generally called "roaming profiles". The main reason for this is for security: if someone changes something that causes problems, it would be erased as soon as that person logs off. Many businesses and schools choose to have user profiles and computers set up this way to prevent any changes that can affect the performance of the machine, especially if there are multiple users of the machine. Thanks for the question! ~Audra Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
THE PERFECT FLASHLIGHT Easy To Use... Easy To Carry... Durable & Dependable Home, Camping, Roadside Emergencies Get Back To Basics Only $2.97! You'll Want More Than One.
It's Time To Get Back To Basics! You know how it is with some of those fancy new flashlights that do fifty different things. They've got seventeen switches and can do strobe lights and laser shows, but when you just want to turn the darn thing on to see something... well you need a flashlight to find the switches! Why do they insist on making everything so darn complicated theses days? Not with this great little product. It's one thing and one thing only... An awesome little One simple switch (right where you expect it to be) turns it on and lights your way in the dark. No figuring out which setting you want. You pull this baby out of the drawer and it's good to go. The compact size makes it the perfect size to fit in your drawer or rest comfortably in your hand. Plus there's a handy wrist strap that makes it even easier to carry.
Check out the construction on this lightweight wonder. The ribbed casing gives it extra strength and durabilty and makes it easier to hold. As for all the extra features... There aren't any. No laser show, it doesn't turn into a screwdriver or a flash drive or a smartphone. Not everyone wants a flashlight with a 16-page instruction manual. But don't worry, it is PLENTY BRIGHT! Not only can you see where you're going, there's no risk of running into a wall while you're trying to adjust some fancy settings on your flashlight! You will love this good old-fashioned durable flashlight. You'll want one in your utility drawer, one in your glove compartment and one in your backpack. And at this price, you can afford it! Don't get left in the dark! At only $2.97 , this EASY-TO-USE, DURABLE & DEPENDABLE Flashlight is just what you need. Get one now! Better yet, get two or three, because U.S. SHIPPING is FREE on orders over $5. Click the store link below to get them while they last. http://store.worldstart.com/product/9287 Hurry! You know our sales never last long! The price jumps back to $6.97 on Tuesday !
Sylvia from NYC writes: Very often in reading your tech tips, there is a question or tip that I would like to print for future reference, but don't want to print the entire e-mail. Is there a way of highlighting a portion to print just that part. If not, please explain if and how it can be done. Thanx. Sylvia, for our tips, it is pretty easy. At the bottom of each article in the newsletter, you'll notice the option to click on a printer friendly version of the article. When you click on that link, you'll be taken to a page like this that displays the article in a print-friendly format. Many websites offer printer-friendly versions of articles. For example if I choose print recipe on this site A printer-friendly version of just the recipe I want and without any additional information from the website. Another option would be to copy the information you wish to print by clicking at the beginning, holding down shift and clicking at the end. You can then press the Ctrl key + C or right click on the selection and select Copy. Then open a new document in a program like Word or Open Office and press Ctrl +V or right click and select Paste. The information will then appear in the document. You can then save it and print it. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Returning Electronics The Right Way It's a sad fact of life that some items we purchase or receive as gifts, just aren't going to work. Or perhaps they won't meet our needs for other reasons. That means it's time to return them to the store or mail them back to the online retailer where you purchased it. With expensive electronics, it can be especially tricky. Most places are far more picky about $300 items than they are about accepting $10 returns. So here are some tips for getting a refund or a replacement with as little pain as possible for both you and the retailer. First of all... Want more? Head on over to WorldStart! The early days of software were simple times: you purchased a floppy disk with a piece of software on it and you could use it wherever you wanted for an unlimited amount of time. Fast forward 40 years and we're being offered many popular software packages as subscriptions or limited-time versions, but why? What is the advantage for software developers and what does it mean for consumers? Software Developers Reason For Subscriptions: Money. In the early days of software things like patches, online galleries, cloud services or integration into social media sites were not an issue. Once you finished writing your software you sold it, that was all the money you needed to invest in programmers and developers. These days, popular programs like photo editing programs need to support the latest cameras, virus scanners need to be constantly updated with new detection definitions and algorithms, office software is expected to work in the cloud and many more examples just like this. This requires companies to have teams continually update programs. That requires expensive staff, distribution servers and software. If you pay for a subscription, they can guarantee a revenue stream to pay for these updates. This brings about the natural question: Why don't they just build that support cost into the initial price of the software? Click on WorldStart to learn more!
Eugene from Chino California asked us: "Is there a simplified tree, maybe in several pages, to show what is in Windows 7 in such things as the control panel or any of the solution devices which are used for maintaining a PC?" We thought that was a great idea and decided to do a special series. In part one we looked at System and Security. In part 2 we checked out Network and Internet. Part three was Hardware and Software. For part 4, we've got a look at Programs.
The image is a little large to display in the newsletter, so click here to view it full size. Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
DIY: Christmas Decorating & Craft Ideas After bringing you the DIY Christmas Lighting tips, I thought I should also point you towards the DIY Christmas Crafting and Decoration Ideas they had too! When you arrive at the site, you'll find three featured sections and a list of the Top 100 Christmas Projects. The three featured sections are a video on Christmas decorating ideas, a Christmas Craft section, and Made + Remade: All Things Christmas. If you scroll down past that you'll find the Top 100 Christmas Projects. Use the page numbers or arrows to navigate to the next page of crafting ideas. I really love that they mined Pinterest for some great crafting ideas because there is always a ton on there and now you don't have to sift through them to find the real gems. Check this out today and get crafting! http://www.diynetwork.com/topics/christmas/index.html ~ Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
Your Computer Looks Like A Freakin' JUNGLE! Cords, Cables, And Wires Going Every Direction! If Only Your PC Had Bluetooth... Then You Could Use WIRELESS Devices! POW! Give ANY Computer An Instant Bluetooth Upgrade! This Simple USB Receiver Just Needs To Plug In! Automatically Gives Your Computer Bluetooth 2.0! That'll Work With Almost ANY Bluetooth Device! Even Newer Bluetooth Devices Are Backwards Compatible!
Bluetooth Is EVERYWHERE! But if your PC doesn't have compability, it's leaving you in the dust! Who would've figured upgrading for Bluetooth would just take one tiny little adapter? Plug this bad boy in your USB port and BOOM! You're livin' in a wireless wonderland! And you know what? EVERYTHING nowadays has Bluetooth versions!
And that's just the stuff that I can think off right off the top of my head, too! Chances are, if it has to work with another device, there's a version of it with Bluetooth! Just cutting the wires out of the equation is the best part! No more crawling under the desk. No more getting tangled up. No more fighting to get that extra one inch of cable you need to be able to actually USE your device. But you can do some other REALLY cool stuff like... TRANSFERRING DATA! Yep, some devices fully support transferring data over Bluetooth! That makes it so much easier to update or move files like pictures, music, or more to your portable Bluetooth-enabled MP3 players or devices! There's no holes in Bluetooth! Actually, it's even MORE secure than WiFi wireless! And EVERYONE is using that... so you KNOW Bluetooth is going to keep your tech safe! So whether you're just connecting devices or transferring data from one to another, you don't have to worry even for a second about intruders or prying eyes! Speaking of Bluetooth Versus WiFi... You ever notice how when you have WiFi enabled on your phone it drains the batteries WAY faster? Bluetooth was specifically designed to AVOID that extra drain! That means you can keep it on and ready without turning your 24 hour battery life into a 2 hour battery life! It's low-power, high-security, infinite convenience! YES! Bluetooth Just ROCKS! AND SO DOES THIS DEAL! $8.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! For that kinda price, you'd be CRAZY not to grab one for your computer! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9238 DON'T WAIT UNTIL Tuesday! That's when the sale ends and these'll go all the way up to $14.97!!
December Wallpaper Is Ready! This is it - end of the year already! This time around I'm going all in for Winter, so enjoy! Also, note that I'm going to start putting in more vertical images since they tend to work better with mobile devices. As always, make sure you check put the 100+ images at the link below. All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy! Photo Tips Did you get a chance to check out my new photo tips from last month? If not, head over to my YouTube channel and check 'em out: http://www.youtube.com/backcountrygallery
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