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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! Start A Tech Fund Right Now! Have you recently purchased a new smart phone or brand new tablet? Congratulations! It's going to be obsolete in a few years. It stings, I know. But in a couple of years your fancy phone's operating system won't work with the latest apps. Or you may need to update our operating system, as is the case with the end of support for Windows XP. Consider doing what we do at my house. We have a tech fund. Even when we have something nice and shiny and new, we still keep putting away a fixed amount of money a month to replace and repair our tech. Like your house or your car, there are going to be tech emergencies. You might drop or lose something or it could just die on you. We aim for $50 a month, although we could up that if there was a special goal we were working towards. But even if you could just set aside $20 in an envelope each month. In 18 months, you'd have $360. That's enough to buy a new laptop should yours crash, a new phone or a tablet. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
You know the name -- SanDisk. So you know they are a QUALITY PRODUCT. That's right. No more settling for obscure knock-offs just to save money. Get the real-deal and still save money! You know you can get a ton of stuff on a 1GB card, so imagine how convenient it will be to get everything you want onto this 2GB one! And this card is a MICRO version so it works in all those newer cell phones, digital cameras and laptops! But it also works in all products using the standard size card because this micro SD comes with AN ADAPTER to fit almost any digital camera, MP3 player, digital camcorder, handheld PC, and even some phones and PDAs! One more thing that we almost forgot to mention it has built-in write protection! That's correct, a write protection switch is built-in so you don't have to worry about accidentally deleting any of those cool pics or tunes you love! You could pay a lot more for this card elsewhere; go see for yourself at your local office supply store! Or, you can get the best deal going on this brand name memory card... Only $4.97 plus FREE shipping on all orders over $5.00! At this price you might want to grab a couple! Text your friend, right now, and see if he/she wants you to grab a few for them while you're ordering! http://store.worldstart.com/product/7875
D.M. from the UK writes: Not a question but a response to Suz's comment on XP. 2014-01-20. I too have XP and after reinstalling XP again(3rd time), have not downloaded any MS security updates or others for over two years. Mainly because I have found them to bloat the system which slows it down considerably while not giving any advantage. I have Avira Antivirus, and they have told me that they can guarantee their antivirus for XP until March 2015. I have run this antivirus twice a year, and have not had any virus or malware detected. So maybe you would suggest I "get a couple of lotto tickets" also. XP is a really good system, it does all I want and much more. Pity that the 45% of people still using it will have to change, although they probably don't want to. Myself, I'll go for Windows 7 with XP format (can't see why I should retrain when I don't need to) Thanks to WorldStart we can put our thoughts forward. And receive other's thoughts. While Avira will continue to work with XP systems, that doesn't mean they'll have access to new vulnerabilities. What that means it that users will have protection against previously known threats. But as for new threats: Avira issued this statement when asked about XP Support: "Do not forget that the best way to stay away from troubles is to have up to date software, especially an up to date operating system. Unfortunately, since Microsoft will not patch security vulnerabilities of XP anymore, there will be other problems arising. Malware authors will target more and more from now on this operating system, knowing that any vulnerability they find will remain there for good. This is why we strongly recommend to migrate from XP as soon as possible." But as I've said, the choice is yours. Thanks for reading, we enjoy hearing your opinions. I'll return to being a broken record Since I'm encouraging everyone to update, maybe a scratched CD or to be really current, a glitchy live stream. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Bring 3D Printing Home Having a 3D printer for you home or business is a whole lot easier these days thanks to MakerBot. It's still not exactly cheap, the tabletop 3D printer starts around $1,400. But that's still within the realm of possibility, no more expensive than a fancy TV set. MakerBot has three new 3D printers, the Replicator Mini which costs $1,375. The Replicator, which retails for $2,899. To learn more about home 3D printing, head over to WorldStart!
Zero TV - Are You Ready To Cut The Cord? More and more Americans are saying goodbye to watching traditional television. The number of homes who report no television jumped to 5 million in 2012 and that has broadcasters worried. Most of these homes aren't giving up on media and turning to books, they are finding new ways to consume their programming. When television first began broadcasting, you needed an antenna and television with a built-in receiver to watch shows. Then gradually that changed to include the option of getting signals from a cable or satellite provider. Now it's possible to get nearly all the programming you want to watch without even owning a television. But you will need a decent Internet connection in order to stream programming. Customers who discontinue cable and satellite services have been called cord-cutters meaning they aren't tethered to a single provider for their entertainment. So, if you decide to cut the cord, where do you turn for entertainment? Just click WorldStart for more on this helpful tip.
How To Keep The NSA From Spying On Your Computer Just a few months ago Edward Snowden a systems administrator working for the National Security Agency (NSA) leaked classified documents regarding the spying activities of the organisation. The classified documents detailed techniques that the NSA was using to spy on the American people. This shocking revelation resulted in a lot of tension and sparked a lot of controversy and debate in the US regarding the privacy of people using the Internet. Lately a lot of people have been asking me how they can protect their privacy online. So I decided that I would write a short article on how to remain anonymous online. There are many online services and programs that claim they can protect your privacy online by hiding your location and IP address (a unique address identifying your computer just like your residential address) and most of them do that, but the truth of the matter is that when the NSA or any government agency comes knocking on their door asking for confidential user data they are bound by law to give out this sensitive information. TOR (the onion router) is a program that provides anonymity online but works a bit differently. Tor directs your Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network which consists of thousands of relays. This protects the users IP address and location so it become difficult for anyone trying to track or monitor your activities online. Get more at WorldStart!
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phrase.it This is a really fun site to visit when you're bored. I like to make up captions, thought bubbles, and speech bubbles for photos. The cool thing about this site is that you can either use your own photos via your computer, phone, or Facebook, but you also have the option to select from random stock photos. So the first step is to decide where your photo is going to come from. Either from your collection or the random stock photos. Once you've decided and the picture has loaded, you can begin. The next step is to select the type of thought/speech bubble you'd like from the drop down menu (it should automatically open to this when your photo loads) and then place it where you'd like on the photo by dragging it. The speech bubbles have a menu to the right that allow you to allow you to close out of it (X), change the font to all lowercase or all capital letters (Aa), or resize the bubble (double arrow button). Drama lets you select different filters that you can apply to your image. They are No Drama (no filter), Lomo, Nashville, Toaster, and Gotham City. When you're all done, just click the Preview & Save button at the top of the page. You'll be shown a preview image, and then be asked for your e-mail address for a download link and to decide whether or not you want the image kept private. Once you've decided, click the Alright, Save It! button. If you didn't chose to make it private, along the left side you'll have options to share your image over Facebook or Twitter, to download it, or share it via e-mail. You can also use the Complain About It if you run into images with content that is not appropriate. You also have the option to Create a New Image so you can go back to making images. This is pretty fun to do with friends and family and then share them among yourselves. Go check it out today! ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
Good Luck Showing Off Your New Vacation Video... ON THAT TINY PHONE, TABLET, OR CAMERA SCREEN! Why Not Hook It Up To The BIG Screen? One Cable Hooks Your Devices Up To Your HDTV! WOW! Phones, Tablets, Cameras, Even Laptops & More! Just One Simple Cable?! That's AMAZING! Share Vacation Photos, Videos... Anything From Your Device!
Everything Looks Better On Your HDTV! Take any photos or video recently with your camera or phone? You know what a pain it is to get those uploaded to your computer! And even after you do, your computer monitor is what, MAYBE around 20" max? Guess what's bigger, clearer, and easier to show your videos off on? YOUR HDTV! But, But... HDTVs only take full-sized HDMI - Uh oh... YUP - when you try to connect your tablet or camera to your HD TV, you quickly discover the connectors are the WRONG SIZE! ARRGH! Here comes the cord to save the day! Talk About Easy - All you have to do is pop this bad boy into your tablet/camera/device! Now you can hook up your mini-HDMI devices right to your TV. What Will This Work With? EVERYTHING! If it has a mini-HDMI out, you can hook your device up to ANY HDMI-ready device!
You're gonna be able to hook up to pretty much anything that takes HDMI input now. That's more than just HDTVs... how about computer monitors or even PROJECTORS? If you thought your movies, photos or videos looked impressive on your tablet before, wait until you're showing them off on a 50 inch television. Wow... that's gonna turn ANYTHING into a stunning visual experience. You'll see your favorite HD video or photos come to life a second time right before your eyes. It's hard to believe this isn't magic. Almost EVERYONE has an HDMI-compatible television or monitor nowadays! Get the most out of what you own! Even better: these are INCREDIBLE quality HDMI cables! You'll get the best image possible from HDMI! And you'll do so in an environmentally friendly way! All you need is this cord, and it's going to cost way less than you'd think. Turning your HDTV into the ultimate media center is only $4.97 with FREE SHIPPING IN THE US on any order over $5! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9407 And don't forget, if you freeze frame on this deal for too long, you're going to miss out. If you have EVER wanted to get the most out of your tablet or camera, this is NOT a deal to pass by. And when Friday rolls around, the price is going up to $8.97
January Wallpaper Is Ready! Happy New Year! Our free January desktop background wallpaper is ready to go! Make sure you check out the 100+ other selections on the site! All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!
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