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XP Still Powers 95% of ATMs According to one of the major suppliers of ATM machines in the U.S., 95% of the ATMs int he world are still running on Windows XP. And even though Microsoft is ending security support in April, not a lot of banks have plans in place to upgrade quickly, though they are expected to move to Windows 7 gradually during 2014. Many companies are buying the special extended support that Microsoft is offering to companies as they transition to Windows 7 or Windows 8. Verizon Cuts Price For Basic Data Plan Verizon is hoping to move more basic phone customers towards smart phones by offering offering a Share Everything plan for $60 a month. That's $20 less than their previous lowest-priced plan. This plan is targeting users who don't necessarily a whole lot of data. The plan offers 250 MB of data per month and includes voice and text messages. You could add a tablet to the plan for an extra $10 per month and a hotspot for $20. Though, with the limited amount of data available on $60 plan, you might not get a lot of use out of them. Verizon says the offer will be for a limited time only. Windows 8.1 May Let You Pin Metro Apps To Desk Top Some leaked screenshots fueled rumors that Windows 8.1 may soon let users pin Metro/Modern style apps to the taskbar on the desktop. A lot of users have complained that switching back and forth between the desktop and Metro/Modern mode is confusing and it can sometimes be a pain to have to leave the desktop to get to an app you want to use. (last night I had a frustrating time on my Surface because I wanted to use the Pictures App to view photos for a post, but I kept having to leave Word on the desktop where I was composing the article.) It might be a few months before this become available, but it could go a long way to appeasing those who prefer desktop mode. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- Tablet & Phone Storage - Less Than You Think Tablets are certainly a hot product currently, and the price goes up with the amount of included storage space. The same goes for cell phones. For the same tablet or phone, you may pay $50 or more for an extra 16GB of internal storage. However, many aren't aware that when they are purchasing a product that includes internal storage that a portion of that space is dedicated to the operating system and preinstalled software. It could be a large portion of that storage, in fact. For example, it's been announced that a 64 GB Surface Pro tablet only has 29 GB of space available to users, and the Galaxy S4 advertises 16 GB of space, but only 9GB is available to users. All tablets and phones will have this issue, although some may a have lesser percentage available than others. In a recent study done in the United Kingdom, percentages of actual storage space on various products were studied and listed. As you can see, it varies between operating system and manufacturers. When shopping for tablets and phones, if you are concerned about storage, look for expandable storage options. Just remember, what is listed as built-in storage is not all available for you to use! -Audra Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
Windows 8.1 Beefs Part 2: No Shutdown, New Programs Or List Option Mark writes: What's not to like about Windows 8 ? In short everything. I hate icons and have removed all unneeded ones from win 7, Metro page did not include any newly installed software. No shut down button on desktop. no easy way to put everything into a list format vs icons. crashed on the first day . had trouble with external hardware. and they hide anything I had liked about windows and /or replaced it with garbage that doesn't work. hopefully they will learn and totally revamp windows 9 to be more of what customers who use it for work want. Mark, I don't know if you just want to vent or would like some work-arounds to your complaints, but here goes. I'm working with Windows 8.1 here, so if you haven't taken the upgrade, I'd suggest doing so. To shut down quickly from desk-top mode, just right-click on the Windows icon in the lower left and select Shut down or sign out and then either Sign out, Sleep, Shut down or Restart. The reason you don't see newly installed programs automatically in the Metro/Modern interface is that people complained that all of the new programs showing up there made it look cluttered. But it's simple to add them. Either swipe up from the middle of a touchscreen or move your mouse cursor towards the lower left to get an arrow. That brings up the All Apps View where all of your programs are visible. There you can select any of your apps. Choose Pin to start at the bottom left to put any app of your choice on the Start Screen. Once the app is there, you can rearrange the Start Screen any way you choose to put the apps you access most frequently right where you want them. As far as being able to organize files by list. Viewing files works the same in 8.1 as it did in Windows 7. Go to File Explorer. There you can view your programs and files as icons or lists and sort them however you choose. Your options for viewing icons on the desktop are the same in Windows 8.1 as in Windows 7. If you don't care for a cluttered desktop, the fantastic search features in Windows 8.1 make it easy to keep your desktop icon free. You can find any file or program in seconds just by typing it in the Search Charm and frequently used programs can be pinned to the taskbar for quick access. You can also keep the Metro/Modern screen clutter free by removing anything you don't use frequently. I haven't had any experience with Windows 8 or 8.1 crashing on my device. For me, it's proved to be the most stable platform I have ever used. Hope some of this helps you navigate more easily. And remember, if you have any questions about Windows 8.1, you can ask us. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- Georgie Ann from Greenup writes: I like to save recipes from Facebook by posting them to my wall. I went back to look for some and I couldn't find them at all. Where did they go? I did just like the instructions said and shared them and that said it would save it. What happened? Many of us have seen those tempting recipes that advise us to share a photo to save it to our Facebook timeline. So, after some time passes, you might decide to go back and look for that recipe. You head on over to your timeline by clicking on your name up at the top of the page. Select the time frame, you'd like to search for your post in over on the right. Up at the top of your timeline, you'll notice Highlights in a very small type with a drop-down menu beside it. Click the arrow and you'll see the option to view all stories. Check for those recipes now. Are they there? If not, there's another possibility. When you share something and it posts to your timeline, you really aren't saving it permanently. If the person who originally posted that photo or link decides to delete it at a later date or perhaps their Facebook account were to be deleted, that item would disappear. So if I posted a photo detailing my recipe for slow cooker chicken barbecue and 800 people shared it and I five months later decided to delete that post -it would disappear from all of those people's timelines. If you really want to save a recipe from Facebook for good, you'll need to save the photo and copy the text. I detailed the steps in this article. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
You know the name -- SanDisk. So you know they are a QUALITY PRODUCT. That's right. No more settling for obscure knock-offs just to save money. Get the real-deal and still save money! You know you can get a ton of stuff on a 1GB card, so imagine how convenient it will be to get everything you want onto this 2GB one! And this card is a MICRO version so it works in all those newer cell phones, digital cameras and laptops! But it also works in all products using the standard size card because this micro SD comes with AN ADAPTER to fit almost any digital camera, MP3 player, digital camcorder, handheld PC, and even some phones and PDAs! One more thing that we almost forgot to mention it has built-in write protection! That's correct, a write protection switch is built-in so you don't have to worry about accidentally deleting any of those cool pics or tunes you love! You could pay a lot more for this card elsewhere; go see for yourself at your local office supply store! Or, you can get the best deal going on this brand name memory card... Only $4.97 plus FREE shipping on all orders over $5.00! At this price you might want to grab a couple! Text your friend, right now, and see if he/she wants you to grab a few for them while you're ordering! http://store.worldstart.com/product/7875
Help! What Kind Of Tablet Do I Need? Charlotte writes: I need to choose a tablet or something. I realize I know very little. We want to read books, but I realize there are tablets out there that will do more than the Kindles and Nooks do. I suspect the prices are similar. What is a Nexus? I really do not know what I need, but I do need help. First of all Charlotte, Nexus is a kind of Android tablet. It's the name used for tablets manufactured by Google, the owners of the popular Android tablet operating system. Android is an operating system for tablets and smartphones, much in the same way Windows and iOS are operating systems for computers. Kindles and Nooks are also Android tablets, but with specialized versions of the Android system that have been altered to... Want more? Head on over to WorldStart! -- Bring 3D Printing Home Having a 3D printer for you home or business is a whole lot easier these days thanks to MakerBot. It's still not exactly cheap, the tabletop 3D printer starts around $1,400. But that's still within the realm of possibility, no more expensive than a fancy TV set. MakerBot has three new 3D printers, the Replicator Mini which costs $1,375. The Replicator, which retails for $2,899. And the Replicator Z18 for $6,499. To learn more about home 3D printing, just click WorldStart!
Lonnie from Cisco, TX writes: I would like to know how to use Thunderbird to read my Gmail account. I use Thunderbird to read my local ISP e-mail and would like to do the same with my Gmail account. Answer: Thunderbird, the free e-mail client available from Mozilla by clicking here, supports receiving and sending mail from any POP3 or IMAP e-mail provider. Adding your Gmail account to Thunderbird is simple. Start by going to the Tools Menu in upper right-hand corner and click the arrow next to Options then click Account Settings. In Account Settings, click Account Actions and then click Add Mail Account. Head on over to WorldStart to learn more! -- Zero TV - Are You Ready To Cut The Cord? More and more Americans are saying goodbye to watching traditional television. The number of homes who report no television jumped to 5 million in 2012 and that has broadcasters worried. Most of these homes aren't giving up on media and turning to books, they are finding new ways to consume their programming. When television first began broadcasting, you needed an antenna and television with a built-in receiver to watch shows. Then gradually that changed to include the option of getting signals from a cable or satellite provider. Now it's possible to get nearly all the programming you want to watch without even owning a television. But you will need a decent Internet connection in order to stream programming. Customers who discontinue cable and satellite services have been called cord-cutters meaning they aren't tethered to a single provider for their entertainment. So, if you decide to cut the cord, where do you turn for entertainment? One thing, just because you aren't watching "television" doesn't mean you might not have a nice large monitor in your living room. But you aren't using it the traditional sense of watching broadcast television on the broadcasters schedule. You are watching on-demand what you want, when you want. So if you say goodbye to the antenna and the cable box, how do you watch programming and get news? You have several options: Want more? Head on over to WorldStart! For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
Online Converter Okay, I absolutely have to confess that I'm just collecting conversion sites now. I just keep finding amazing ones! So now I've started a bookmark folder that I'm just filling with different conversion sites. I even have a subfolder for knitting ones! This one is so amazing! It features TWELVE, count them, twelve different conversion calculators including one for Morse Code! How cool is that? So what converters do you get? Column 1: Distance & Length, Pressure, Morse Code They're very easy to use. You just input the values you want to convert and click the Calculate button. If you need to reset the values you've entered, just click the Reset button. I think this one is bookmark worthy, go check it out today! http://www.peters1.dk/webtools/conversion.php?sprog=en ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- phrase.it This is a really fun site to visit when you're bored. I like to make up captions, thought bubbles, and speech bubbles for photos. The cool thing about this site is that you can either use your own photos via your computer, phone, or Facebook, but you also have the option to select from random stock photos. So the first step is to decide where your photo is going to come from. Either from your collection or the random stock photos. Once you've decided and the picture has loaded, you can begin. The next step is to select the type of thought/speech bubble you'd like from the drop down menu (it should automatically open to this when your photo loads) and then place it where you'd like on the photo by dragging it. The speech bubbles have a menu to the right that allow you to allow you to close out of it (X), change the font to all lowercase or all capital letters (Aa), or resize the bubble (double arrow button). Drama lets you select different filters that you can apply to your image. They are No Drama (no filter), Lomo, Nashville, Toaster, and Gotham City. When you're all done, just click the Preview & Save button at the top of the page. You'll be shown a preview image, and then be asked for your e-mail address for a download link and to decide whether or not you want the image kept private. Once you've decided, click the Alright, Save It! button. If you didn't chose to make it private, along the left side you'll have options to share your image over Facebook or Twitter, to download it, or share it via e-mail. You can also use the Complain About It if you run into images with content that is not appropriate. You also have the option to Create a New Image so you can go back to making images. This is pretty fun to do with friends and family and then share them among yourselves. Go check it out today! ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
Amazing Mini-HDMI to HDMI Adapter! Connect ANY Mini-HDMI Device To Your Big Screen TV!
Bigger Screen, Better Image! How many mobile devices do you have? A digital camera? A tablet? Almost definitely a smartphone nowadays... maybe even a laptop?! Aren't you TIRED of looking at those dinky displays? Oh great, you paid big bucks for a phone or camera only to be stuck trying to watch your videos or enjoy your photographs on a 3 inch screen. You COULD be watching them on the big screen, you know! HDTVs and newer monitors all have HDMI ports that can connect to almost any modern mobile device. Oh wait... your device has a "mini" HDMI port. They're not the same! Here comes the adapter to save the day! Talk About Easy - All you have to do is pop these bad boy right on your HDMI cable and it's ready to go. Now you can hook up your mini-HDMI devices right to your TV. You're gonna be able to hook up to pretty much anything that takes HDMI input now. That's more than just HDTVs... how about computer monitors or even PROJECTORS? If you thought your photos or videos looked impressive before, wait until you're showing them off on a 50 inch television. Wow... that's gonna turn ANYTHING into a stunning visual experience. You'll see the world you captured come to life a second time right before your eyes. It's hard to believe this isn't magic. This isn't just a standard adapter, either. Besides the fact that it's stylish and compact, the connectors are gold-plated! That gives you the OPTIMAL signal quality no matter what! If you own a device that uses mini-HDMI, you probably already have a mini-HDMI cable! Don't go out and spend even MORE to get a specialized cable to hook up your devices: use the one ya got! All you need is this adapter, and it's going to cost way less than you'd think. Bringing your mobile devices to the big screen costs only $3.97 with FREE SHIPPING IN THE US on any order over $5! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9440 And don't forget, if you freeze frame on this deal for too long, you're going to miss out. If you have EVER wanted to get the most out of your camera, this is NOT a deal to pass by. And when Saturday rolls around, the price is going up to $8.97
February Wallpaper Is Ready! Here it is - our free desktop wallpaper for February! I've featured a couple winter scenes plus one shot for those who are thinking spring ;) Remember, we have 100+ of these on the site, so head on over and take a look around. All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy! Photo Tips Did you get a chance to check out my new photo tips from last month? If not, head over to my YouTube channel and check 'em out: http://www.youtube.com/backcountrygallery
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