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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! Frank writes: Hi, I have been a professional programmer/architect for over 25 years, my Sister has been for over 35 years. My thought is this We have never found anything wrong with the Vista (Pro) OS. I don't get it, we both had it it since it first came out. My wife had Windows 7 and I don't see much functional difference. Is it all just marketing? Part of the issue with Vista was change. It was very different from XP. Some programs that worked with XP, didn't work with Vista. Some of the difference include the Windows 7 XP mode that allows you to run a virtual XP machine. (I used this a lot at a previous job where the software was nearly a decade old). Win 7 also allows you to pin almost anything to the taskbar and it came with a native ISO burner, has improved handwriting recognition and improves performance on processors and boot performance. It's a bit like the differences between 8 and 8.1. Except 8.1 was free. I was fine with Vista and asked this same question to an IT guy a few years back and he grumbled and said, "It's just different." I'm curious to know what other users think about the differences. Let us know in the comments. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
Good Luck Showing Off Your New Vacation Video... ON THAT TINY PHONE, TABLET, OR CAMERA SCREEN! Why Not Hook It Up To The BIG Screen? One Cable Hooks Your Devices Up To Your HDTV! WOW! Phones, Tablets, Cameras, Even Laptops & More! Just One Simple Cable?! That's AMAZING! Share Vacation Photos, Videos... Anything From Your Device!
Everything Looks Better On Your HDTV! Take any photos or video recently with your camera or phone? You know what a pain it is to get those uploaded to your computer! And even after you do, your computer monitor is what, MAYBE around 20" max? Guess what's bigger, clearer, and easier to show your videos off on? YOUR HDTV! But, But... HDTVs only take full-sized HDMI - Uh oh... YUP - when you try to connect your tablet or camera to your HD TV, you quickly discover the connectors are the WRONG SIZE! ARRGH! Here comes the cord to save the day! Talk About Easy - All you have to do is pop this bad boy into your tablet/camera/device! Now you can hook up your mini-HDMI devices right to your TV. What Will This Work With? EVERYTHING! If it has a mini-HDMI out, you can hook your device up to ANY HDMI-ready device!
You're gonna be able to hook up to pretty much anything that takes HDMI input now. That's more than just HDTVs... how about computer monitors or even PROJECTORS? If you thought your movies, photos or videos looked impressive on your tablet before, wait until you're showing them off on a 50 inch television. Wow... that's gonna turn ANYTHING into a stunning visual experience. You'll see your favorite HD video or photos come to life a second time right before your eyes. It's hard to believe this isn't magic. Almost EVERYONE has an HDMI-compatible television or monitor nowadays! Get the most out of what you own! Even better: these are INCREDIBLE quality HDMI cables! You'll get the best image possible from HDMI! And you'll do so in an environmentally friendly way! All you need is this cord, and it's going to cost way less than you'd think. Turning your HDTV into the ultimate media center is only $4.97 with FREE SHIPPING IN THE US on any order over $5! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9407 And don't forget, if you freeze frame on this deal for too long, you're going to miss out. If you have EVER wanted to get the most out of your tablet or camera, this is NOT a deal to pass by. And when Wednesday rolls around, the price is going up to $8.97
Patricia from Poloius, CT writes: Can I transfer my Adobe Acrobat Pro to my Microsoft Surface tablet and have it work correctly? Patricia, that will depend on which version of the Surface you own. If you own the Surface Pro or the Surface Pro 2, you should have no problem. The Surface Pro tablets are fully functional PCs. Models that run on Windows RT, however cannot support PC versions of programs. Here are some of the major differences between the devices. The Surface Pro operates using an Intel-based processor. The Surface RT uses an ARM-based processor. That means that a Surface Pro can run full Windows desktop programs like Office, Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat Pro. The Surface RT runs apps downloaded in the Windows App store. That doesn't mean you can't get a lot done with a Surface RT. There are app versions of Microsoft Office and other programs.Plus the Surface RT is much lighter and less expensive than a Surface Pro. Looking in the Windows Store, I don't see an App version of Adrobe Acrobat Pro, but I do see a variety of other PDF editors that may meet your needs. I would advise anyone deciding between purchasing a Surface RT and a Surface Pro to consider if there are any Windows desktop programs you absolutely need to run. If you are leaning towards an RT, check the app store and make sure there's an RT compatible app version of that program. I've used a Surface Pro as my main computer for almost a year and I really do love it. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Perfect Gadgets For Travel So you're ready to do a little traveling grab a backpack and and hit the road as you take time to explore yourself and the world around you. There's lots to look forward to in the adventure that lies ahead, but it's also important to be properly prepared with any equipment and technology that will ensure your safety and comfort along the way. Check out the following items that seasoned travelers have dubbed worthy, and use this as a starting point as you complete your checklist. Bon voyage! 1. Ultrabook or Small LaptopAccording to an old Spanish proverb, even a straw becomes burdensome when on a trip. Lightweight is decidedly the way to go, so use that same line of thinking when it comes to your laptop. The lighter and slimmer, the better. Consider an Ultrabook to reap the benefits of functionality, connectivity and durability, without the bulk. Head on over to WorldStart for the rest of this helpful tip!
Richard asks: When I tag a photo of someone on Facebook, it won't go to their site. How do I fix this? Answer: If I understand you correctly, when you tag someone in a photo, you'd like it to post on their News Feed or Timeline. There's not really anything you can do about that. Some Facebook users choose to be notified when they are tagged in photos and others do not. Some have privacy settings that don't allow you to tag them without their approval, while others won't permit anyone to tag them at all. A user can choose whether or not they want tagged photos to appear in their News Feed or on their Timeline for others to see. Just click WorldStart to learn more! Cold Weather Photography Cold climates pose a serious issue with photographers. However, knowing how to do a few things can completely turn your experience around. Here are a few precautions you should take when heading out in the cold to take some photographs! To avoid condensation and fogging up your lens, it's best to wait awhile whenever you step into any extreme temperature situation. Take this scenario for example: You're out in the snow and you return to the warm interiors of your wooded home. Instead of going click, click, click the moment you enter your home, it's best to let your camera warm up to the new climate. The best way to do that is to not only leave your camera cap on, but also leave it in the camera bag for awhile. That will not only help your camera adjust to the changed temperature, but it will also greatly decrease the possibility of the lens fogging up and condensing. Juice It Up Just as the sensor is important to a camera, the batteries are crucial for your digital photography experience. Therefore, it's important to... Go to WorldStart to learn more! For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
Favorite Words I have a love for language, especially collecting words. My favorite recent addition is calumny. The premise of this site is to provide a social experience where you collect words, your favorites, and learn more about yourself. And it's free! To get started you'll need to type in a working e-mail address and create a password, then click the red Sign Up button. Next you'll need to verify your e-mail address. I found my activation link in the Spam folder so be sure to check there if it doesn't show up in your inbox. When you've activated your account, you'll be asked what you'd like to be called. And then you'll provide at least three of your favorite words. After that you'll be whisked off to your dashboard on the site. From there you can edit your profile, explain why those are your favorite words, and a host of activities you can do. You can also invite your friends and family from there so that you can share your favorite words with them. Then if you click Words at the top of the page, you can start adding more words to your list. How many words can you collect? Why do those words matter to you? What words do you have in common with your friends and family? These were interesting for me to sort out. Well, what words will you collect? Go start your collection today? ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
Dust, Smudges, Dirt, Grime... The List Of Stuff That Wants To RUIN Your Possessions! Keep Them In Pristine Condition The RIGHT Way! Paper Towels Are WASTING Your Money & Time! Meet The Smart Microfiber Cloth! Clean & Polish Everything! No Messy Sprays - Machine Washable! THIS CLOTH IS FOR LIFE!
Wait, you still use paper towels? Are you crazy, or do you just love wasting money?! Wipe twice, throw 'em out. Repeat a few times, the roll runs out, and you've just wasted $5! Now do it again every week (or sooner, depending on how fast you go through those things!) And that's not even getting into the FACT that wood-based products like tissues and paper towels WILL scratch sensitive surfaces. Your touchscreen phone? Your computer monitor? Your television? Your laptop screen? Your GLASSES? Do NOT use regular paper towels or tissues on those! You'll just replace gross smudges with PERMANENT scratches! (And NOTHING wipes off a scratch!) You aren't cleaning those things when you do that - you're DESTROYING them! You NEED the smartest microfiber cloth in the WORLD! AND WE'VE GOT IT FOR $4.97!!! For less than a burger and fries, you could keep ALL your sensitive electronics (plus every other surface, for that matter) safe and clean FOREVER! If you use ONE roll of paper towels, you've already spent more for less benefit. Now tell me that's not the best deal of 2014?! Microfiber is just BETTER! The most important part is NO SCRATCHES! Microfiber cloth is specially designed to be safe on ANY surface! Besides, other wipes won't even get rid of the oily fingerprints and smudges. They just wipe it all over. So instead of a fingerprint-sized unreadable section... your entire SCREEN gets covered in an oily gloss! That's gross and frustrating! This amazing cloth takes ALL that stuff and removes it completely! Smudges, grime, dust, dirt, fingerprints, everything! Use the plush side to get your device or surface clean! Then follow it up with the silk side to make sure it's polished up and looking pristine! You'll NEVER get a clean like this with inferior cloths and wipes! You need an expertly crafted microfiber cloth like this or you're just moving dirt around, not cleaning it! NO LIQUIDS! NO SPRAYS! NO RISK! After all, who likes chemicals?! They're abrasive, potentially toxic, and can ruin the electronics of your device if you use too much! This saves you the trouble, without sacrificing any cleaning power! And with the anti-microbial coating, you won't have to worry about the REAL little things! Bacteria for mold and mildew are everywhere - this prevents your microfiber cloth from ever getting nasty! When you've used it a bunch just throw it in the wash! It's easy as pie to clean and you can use it over and over and over and over and over! We found these online and NOBODY has 'em this cheap! The lowest price we found anywhere was $10! We've got them for HALF that! (And some places had 'em for WAY more!) REMEMBER - IT'S ONLY $4.97!! And US shipping is free on any order over $5! That's just a straight-up unbeatable price! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9430 Do NOT wait - Wednesday the sale ends and these go to $8.97!!
January Wallpaper Is Ready! Happy New Year! Our free January desktop background wallpaper is ready to go! Make sure you check out the 100+ other selections on the site! All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!
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