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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! Linda writes: You may want to address why emails do not get deleted from the mail account when you delete them on a tablet or smartphone. I always have to delete from my desktop or laptop also. Double work. It's possible you may have your e-mail client set up as a POP account that is downloading copies of the messages from the server. Linda, since I see you have an Outlook.com e-mail address, the solution may be as simple as going to settings in your inbox. Then select more settings. Choose Connect devices and apps with POP. Then choose the setting that will allow your device to permanently delete the message. Other services such as Gmail also have similar settings. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
It WILL Happen To Everyone! Backups Are The ONLY Way To Prevent Losing Your Data! "But Steve... It's a PAIN To Backup!!" NOT ANYMORE! The Lexar Echo 8 GB Backup Drive! It Does EVERYTHING For You! Completely Automatic Backups! Let The Flash Drive Do All The Work! Plug It In! You're 99% Done! (It Even Shows How Much Space You've Used!)
Hard Drives ALWAYS Crash! There's only a few guarantees in life. Your hard drive crashing is one of those guarantees. When they go, they take EVERYTHING they had with 'em! AND THAT ALMOST ALWAYS SPELLS DISASTER! What do you do when your hard drive crashes? Well, there's two possible reactions... If you guessed the one on the right... correct! Why's she so happy? Because getting all her files back was THIS easy: You simply take your handy Lexar 8GB back up flash drive and plug it into any computer. It automatically loads the files you backed up and you can get them ready to use again. You don't lose a single file, and you don't spend the weekend wishing you had printed those vacation photos that you'll never get back. Who would YOU prefer to be in that scenario? There's only ONE reason not to back up data: It USED to be hard. It took a lot of time, it took expensive hardware or software, and it took some tech-savvy. You had to know file extensions, directories, the whole works. NOT ANYMORE! It's literally as easy as clicking your mouse! See below:
The Lexar 8GB Instant Backup Flash Drive! NO extra software. NO long set up. NO time consuming steps. All you do is plug it in and pick what you need to backup! Could it BE any easier? The first time you pop it in, it lets you choose automatic or specific folders. That's all there is to it! Your files are backed up and you're safe from disaster! What's great is that it keeps ALL of your directories and folders right in the order you have them on your PC. So you'll know EXACTLY where to find them on the flash drive or after you back them up to another PC! Think about everything you have on your computer: TONS of photos. ALL of your favorite music. Family videos and contact information. How about work documents, important files, sensitive documents. Even your passwords, e-mails, favorite web pages... EVERYTHING! After a crash, you can't get those photos back. The videos are now distant memories. And your passwords? Good luck remembering the ones you haven't had to type in for years. BUT IF IT'S BACKED UP, YOU WON'T LOSE ANYTHING! PERIOD! And with backing up this easy, you won't even have to think about it! This DEFINES User Friendly! Ultra Sleek, Ultra Secure, ULTRA FAST! It looks, feels, and acts just like your standard flash drive (of course, standard flash drives can't hold a candle to this one) so you know it's gonna be easy and lightweight to move or store. Plus, it has a retractable connector so you ALSO know it's gonna stay safe from any potential accidents! IT WORKS JUST LIKE A REGULAR FLASH DRIVE TOO! That's right - Just drag and drop files to it and use it like any other flashdrive! Talk about the best of both worlds!! Take it anywhere! Back up any PC or laptop! Use it for EVERYTHING! And if you're looking for fast, this thing is gonna BLOW YOU AWAY! This flash drive is part of the Lexar "Ultra" series, their fastest USB 2.0 drives out there. Simply put? USB 2.0 has NEVER been faster! Last but not least: IT'S SECURE! When you back up anything on this drive, you can choose to encrypt it and guard it with a password of your choice! Nobody but you or those you trust get access to YOUR files. So all your tax, financial, and confidential documents? You can back them up too without worrying! FINALLY! All those passwords on your PC don't mean a thing if you don't have SECURE backups. But with this Lexar, it's not a problem. A Backup Drive For UNDER $13! WOW! If you go anywhere to try and get a backup drive, you'll be looking $40 for the BARE MINIMUM! And those are bulky, heavy external hard drives that you really can't move or store. I'd like to add... the ones I got in to test have quickly became my new backup drives for my photos and music. They're just so easy and useful! You will NOT find a faster, more convenient backup drive out there for just $12.97 with FREE US SHIPPING anywhere else! These are simply one of the coolest devices I've ever seen. PLEASE don't miss out on this deal. We only have so many and once they're gone... that's it. http://store.worldstart.com/product/9293 LIMITED QUANTITY - Again, we can't get any more than the ones we have! And after Friday this sale will end, with the price going back up to $18.87! HURRY TO THE STORE!
Hack Your Mac Part 4 Hidden within the confines of the elegant Mac OS X, is a powerful Unix based terminal that allows you to fully utilize your system and its resources. This tutorial is aimed at helping you become familiar with some useful commands that will help you customize your OS, secure your system and entice you to dive deeper into the operating system. All that's required is Mac OS X, and a little curiosity. This tutorial will be broken up into four parts. The first part explained how to utilize and explore the terminal, This second part consisted of security related commands or commands that can be used to secure your system. This third part dealt with the customization of your operating system, and some useful commands you can use to impress your colleagues and friends. Lastly, this tutorial will explore some of the tools utilized to test your Mac and it's performance. Just to reiterate, all that is required is Mac OS X and a little curiosity. Part 4 Configuring and Testing Your Mac: From time to time you may run into performance issues on your Mac. The following command will help you determine if there's a problem with your CPU. Hopeuflly, once you type the command your system should continue to run without any issues, however if your computer crashes or freezes there's a good chance your CPU or your RAM need to be replaced. Enable Command: yes Disable Command: control Z + yes Note: Depending on the number of cores your Mac supports you can type additional yes commands to test the performance. For example, if you have a dual core Mac you can type (yes & yes) Another very useful command that helps you determine which programs are running and how much of your computers resources each program is consuming is the "top " command which will show running processes. Enable Command: top Reversal Command: control + c Another very useful command that perfectly compliments the "top" command is the "kill" command. The "kill" command in conjunction with a program id (PID), which you can retrieve using the "top" command immediately stops the process associated with it. For example "kill 23978" would forcefully quit my mail application. Enable Command: kill process ID Hopefully, your terminal hacking went well and you have a new found appreciation and curiosity for what lies under the Mac OS X hood. The above commands are only a tiny slice of what the terminal can do you for you. I urge you to continue to explore and always ask yourself, how far can I push my Mac? ~ Rasheen Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Amazing New Home Automation Technology Shouldn't our homes be run by robots and computer generated personal assistants by now? While we haven't quite perfected the robot yet, some of these ideas may not be far from reality with the latest advancements in technology, like big data cloud computing. In the world of home improvement, home automation is creating exciting possibilities. Home automation essentially refers any technology that makes controlling a home's functions easier and more convenient. These products are generally attached to a central system that can be controlled from a smartphone or tablet.
More and more people across the world are realizing its benefits. Home automation for example can be used to protect a home and keep homeowners up to date on any strange activity surrounding their house. It can also be used in entertainment systems, allowing users to control sound, lighting thermostat and other home functions from a single location. Apart from these basic functions, home automation is expanding into exciting realms. The following are devices to look out for in the future... Want more? Head on over to WorldStart!
James from Oklahoma writes: Yesterday I was doing a security scan of my wife's computer and had noticed that after the scan finished it had 2,000,000 plus files, where are all these files coming from? How do I get files reduced? Answer: As you use your computer to browse the web, download e-mail, edit photos and all of the other daily tasks, many small files are created and stored in the process. These files vary from cache files that allow website images and video to display quickly to configuration files and user data. While the gut reaction to seeing tons of files on your hard drive may be to spend hours going through directory by directory and deleting files, I would not. Instead, look at total space used and decide if it's necessary to free up room or if you've got plenty to spare. You can check by going to Computer or My Computer and right-clicking on your hard drive, then clicking Properties. You will be shown a pie graph showing free space and used space on the hard drive. The blue color is the used space on your drive and the pink is the free space on the drive. You should only be concerned if the blue is ... Head on over to WorldStart for more of this helpful tip!
Create A Free Collage Cover Image For Facebook What do you have as your cover image on Facebook? A boring, poorly cropped photo you took during your last vacation? That's what I had until I found a way to create a beautiful collage Facebook cover image online for free using Picmonkey.
Picmonkey is a free online photo editing service that has lots of preset options you can use. Even if photo editing is not your strong point, you'll be able to create amazing collages and edits using Picmonkey's presets. Today I'm going to show you how to create a Facebook cover image in less than five minutes. Head on over to WorldStart for more of this tip! For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
Print Friendly I hate when I got to a webpage and need to print something out but there's no print friendly option be found. I still have nightmares about printing in the 90s as a teenager; I would want to print one recipe or poem and bam, 100 pages later it would print the page I wanted. Now it's gotten a lot better, but some places still don't offer a print friendly option. Never fear, you can just go to Print Friendly and get a print friendly version easily. Navigation is easy! First you'll need a site you want to make print friendly. You'll copy the URL of the page you want to print and then paste it in over at Print Friendly in the blank text bar! Then click Print Preview. It then generates a print friendly version of the page URL you pasted in. You can also check out the how it works video on the main page. It runs 1:42. I think the video shows exactly what I was talking about in my opening to this review. Their example site would be 16 pages and with Print Friendly it becomes 4. It also shows more deftly than I describe the options you have for minimizing excess clutter on the page you don't want. You can remove all the images, choose sections of text not to print, all so you end up with just the information you want. Another great feature offered is the bookmarklet, that you can drag to your bookmark bar for easy access to Print Friendly when you're surfing the web. If you have trouble with dragging and dropping it to your bookmark bar (I had to open a new tab in Google Chrome so I could see my bookmark bar) you can check out the Instructions link for help! (I checked Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer there's a button for all of them. What are you waiting for? Go save Print Friendly to your bookmarks or use their handy button today for those time when you need to print friendly! ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
You Can't See Anything In This Weather! Windshield Wipers Can't Do The Job Alone! Repel-It Windshield Treatment Clears Things Up! Convenient Wipe Lasts For Up To Six Months! No Streaking! Car Dealers Charge Outrageous Prices For This Treatment We've Got It For Under $5.00! You know how it is, you're driving in the rain and it looks like someone is throwing buckets of water right onto your windshield. Your windshield wipers are doing the best they can, but And it's not like those wipers are falling apart, you just bought them. And if you're out driving on the highway with big trucks throwing water back at you, it can be pretty darn scary. The solutions is Repel-It Windshield Treatment. It makes your windshield hydrophobic. That means water (and the grime and gunk that can splash up on your windshield with it) will bead up and make it much easier for your windshield wipers to swoop it away. It's not just rain that will stay away... Dust and bugs are much easier to clean off. EVEN SNOW AND ICE will be easier to take off. Where I live, there's a saying. If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes. We get it all. Rain, snow, ice, sleet... We'll go from 70 degrees and rain on Wednesday to 20 degrees and snow on Friday. And let me tell you, I end up doing a lot of driving not matter what the weather is like. This treatment is absolutely perfect. Look at the difference it makes! TREATED UNTREATED
You could have it done at your car dealer, but look what they charge you! I grabbed this shot from an actual car dealer's website. the price starts at $29.95 and you know how they love to tack on extras. Repel-It Windshield Treatment is only [[saleprice]] ! This durable treatment can last for up to six months! Plus it's a wipe, so it's super easy and convenient to apply to your windshield. Not only will this improve your vision, your wipers will last longer because they'll have a lot less work to do. There's no bottles or applicators to fuss with! Just open the convenient package and apply the treatment with the disposable wipe for streak-free protection! We managed to get a special deal on these, so we've got a limited quantity and at $4.97 , they won't last long. And if your order is over $5, you get FREE US Shipping! So click the store link below and get yours now! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9337
January Wallpaper Is Ready! Happy New Year! Our free January desktop background wallpaper is ready to go! Make sure you check out the 100+ other selections on the site! All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!
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