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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! G. Pappy from Oregon writes: I am getting used to win8 but it looks like 8.1 will tie everything to the cloud. I live in a motorhome and enjoy retirement wandering around this beautiful country we live in. My problem is that I often have no internet connection or an unsecured connection. I am aware I can tether with my cell phone but that uses considerable data. Is there a way to upgrade to 8.1 without everything going to the cloud? I know my email is and has been there but I don't care for storing all my pictures and documents in a cloud! You'll be relieved to know that's there's not much difference between using Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Most of the changes are in the interface and have nothing to do with cloud connectivity. Just like Windows 8, you can choose to use it online or offline. You will need to connect to the Internet for your free upgrade, but after that, it's up to you. You can choose to connect only when you want to go online, check e-mail or do Windows updates. Saving photos and documents to the cloud is an option, just like with Windows 8 or even Windows 7. It's not required. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
It WILL Happen To Everyone! Backups Are The ONLY Way To Prevent Losing Your Data! "But Steve... It's a PAIN To Backup!!" NOT ANYMORE! The Lexar Echo 8 GB Backup Drive! It Does EVERYTHING For You! Completely Automatic Backups! Let The Flash Drive Do All The Work! Plug It In! You're 99% Done! (It Even Shows How Much Space You've Used!)
Hard Drives ALWAYS Crash! There's only a few guarantees in life. Your hard drive crashing is one of those guarantees. When they go, they take EVERYTHING they had with 'em! AND THAT ALMOST ALWAYS SPELLS DISASTER! What do you do when your hard drive crashes? Well, there's two possible reactions... If you guessed the one on the right... correct! Why's she so happy? Because getting all her files back was THIS easy: You simply take your handy Lexar 8GB back up flash drive and plug it into any computer. It automatically loads the files you backed up and you can get them ready to use again. You don't lose a single file, and you don't spend the weekend wishing you had printed those vacation photos that you'll never get back. Who would YOU prefer to be in that scenario? There's only ONE reason not to back up data: It USED to be hard. It took a lot of time, it took expensive hardware or software, and it took some tech-savvy. You had to know file extensions, directories, the whole works. NOT ANYMORE! It's literally as easy as clicking your mouse! See below:
The Lexar 8GB Instant Backup Flash Drive! NO extra software. NO long set up. NO time consuming steps. All you do is plug it in and pick what you need to backup! Could it BE any easier? The first time you pop it in, it lets you choose automatic or specific folders. That's all there is to it! Your files are backed up and you're safe from disaster! What's great is that it keeps ALL of your directories and folders right in the order you have them on your PC. So you'll know EXACTLY where to find them on the flash drive or after you back them up to another PC! Think about everything you have on your computer: TONS of photos. ALL of your favorite music. Family videos and contact information. How about work documents, important files, sensitive documents. Even your passwords, e-mails, favorite web pages... EVERYTHING! After a crash, you can't get those photos back. The videos are now distant memories. And your passwords? Good luck remembering the ones you haven't had to type in for years. BUT IF IT'S BACKED UP, YOU WON'T LOSE ANYTHING! PERIOD! And with backing up this easy, you won't even have to think about it! This DEFINES User Friendly! Ultra Sleek, Ultra Secure, ULTRA FAST! It looks, feels, and acts just like your standard flash drive (of course, standard flash drives can't hold a candle to this one) so you know it's gonna be easy and lightweight to move or store. Plus, it has a retractable connector so you ALSO know it's gonna stay safe from any potential accidents! IT WORKS JUST LIKE A REGULAR FLASH DRIVE TOO! That's right - Just drag and drop files to it and use it like any other flashdrive! Talk about the best of both worlds!! Take it anywhere! Back up any PC or laptop! Use it for EVERYTHING! And if you're looking for fast, this thing is gonna BLOW YOU AWAY! This flash drive is part of the Lexar "Ultra" series, their fastest USB 2.0 drives out there. Simply put? USB 2.0 has NEVER been faster! Last but not least: IT'S SECURE! When you back up anything on this drive, you can choose to encrypt it and guard it with a password of your choice! Nobody but you or those you trust get access to YOUR files. So all your tax, financial, and confidential documents? You can back them up too without worrying! FINALLY! All those passwords on your PC don't mean a thing if you don't have SECURE backups. But with this Lexar, it's not a problem. A Backup Drive For UNDER $13! WOW! If you go anywhere to try and get a backup drive, you'll be looking $40 for the BARE MINIMUM! And those are bulky, heavy external hard drives that you really can't move or store. I'd like to add... the ones I got in to test have quickly became my new backup drives for my photos and music. They're just so easy and useful! You will NOT find a faster, more convenient backup drive out there for just $12.97 with FREE US SHIPPING anywhere else! These are simply one of the coolest devices I've ever seen. PLEASE don't miss out on this deal. We only have so many and once they're gone... that's it. http://store.worldstart.com/product/9293 LIMITED QUANTITY - Again, we can't get any more than the ones we have! And after Wednesday this sale will end, with the price going back up to $18.87! HURRY TO THE STORE!
Hack Your Mac Part 3 Hidden within the confines of the elegant Mac OS X, is a powerful Unix based terminal that allows you to fully utilize your system and its resources. This tutorial is aimed at helping you become familiar with some useful commands that will help you customize your OS, secure your system and entice you to dive deeper into the operating system. All that's required is Mac OS X, and a little curiosity. This tutorial will be broken up into four parts. The first part explained how to utilize and explore the terminal, This second part consisted of security related commands or commands that can be used to secure your system. This third part will deal with the customization of your operating systems, and some useful commands you can use to impress your colleagues and friends. Lastly, this tutorial will explore some of the tools utilized to test your Mac and it's performance. Just to reiterate, all that is required is Mac OS X and a little curiosity. Part 3: Customize the OS Our first command, Display Full File Path will display the entire file path in the path window when you open a folder from the finder. For the typical user, documents, pictures and desktop will probably be all you access however the more you dive into your system the more you'll find yourself asking "where am I"? This command answers that question. Enable Command: defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES Reversal Command: defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool NO This next command, Quit Finder, is truly a hack of the OS operating system. By default you don't have the option to quit the Finder Menu, however with this command you'll actually have the option to quit the Finder and save some resources on your system. Enable Command: defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem 1 killall Finder Reversal Command: Defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem 0 Killall Finder In the final part of our series, we'll look at configuring and testing your Mac. ~ Rasheen Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
What Should I Do With My Old Power Cords? Chances are, if you are like pretty much anyone I know, you have a box or two of old power cords that you don't know what to do with. Everything you order nowadays seems to include all the cords you would need, so the old ones pile up. So what do you do with all those leftovers? First off, it is not the best idea to just throw them away. Most places have laws again improper disposal of electrical component. Electronics often have toxic chemicals, such as mercury and lead, in them. Cords can also be a hazard and should be disposed of properly. The first thing I would do is see ... Head on over to WorldStart for more!
Robert from Bossier City, LA writes: I know, eventually, I will need to replace my Windows XP computer. I am wondering if I can use Windows 8 with a mouse and keyboard not using the touchscreen at all. I haven't seen any information on this and since no computer company is really getting into how Windows 8 works, I am curious if there is a way to use Windows 8 without having to touch the screen? Thank you. Answer: The good news is that you do not need a touchscreen to operate Windows 8. While many of the features of Windows 8 are more intuitive with a touchscreen display, you can still navigate with a mouse and keyboard. Below is a list of the gesture motions for Windows 8 and the corresponding mouse and keyboard actions... Just click WorldStart to learn more!
Alice writes: I use AVG antivirus on my XP computer so won't this keep me safe? If not then I have the windows 7 disk, but can I use this on my XP? Thank you for your help. Windows is stopping all security support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. That means there will no longer be a team of highly-trained security experts whose job it is to stop attacks against Windows XP working to protect the system. Companies like AVG, Norton and McAfee get their fixes for Windows XP from Microsoft. Microsoft has key information about the program that you would need to fight attacks. No new information from Microsoft means no protection against anything that hackers come up with after Microsoft stops providing security updates. Why is this such a big deal? ... Go to WorldStart for more on this tip! For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
Maps That Will Help You Make Sense Of The World Twisted Sifter collected 40 maps from all over the internet that will help you make sense of the world we live in. Navigation is very easy! Just scroll down the page. The entries are numbered, and if you want to see the map in its original location just click the link beneath it. Some of these maps I had seen before, and others were completely new to me. I loved #4 Map of Pangea with modern borders displayed, #10 Global Internet Usage around the World by time of day, #27 a map of the different writing systems used around the world, and #35 - The Most Dangerous Areas in the World To Ship Due to Pirates. Go check these different maps out for yourself today! http://twistedsifter.com/2013/08/maps-that-will-help-you-make-sense-of-the-world/ ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
These Earbuds'll Have People Talking ALL DAY! But That Won't Distract You... BECAUSE OF THE NEW NOISE REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY! Your Ears Are Gonna LOVE These! Amazing Sound, Amazing Comfort, AMAZING PRICE! These Are The Earbuds You've Been Waiting For! Sends Every Other Set Of Earbuds Cryin' For Their Mommas! Only $2.97 - LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Audio Quality with Comfort to Match Remember the last pair of earbuds you used? They were probably uncomfortable, the audio quality was laughable, and they kept FALLING OUT! You need an upgrad to earbuds that KNOW what they're doing! That's why I was so excited found the PERFECT set! We've just come across an incredible pair that sound GREAT (Yep...they're STEREO with NOISE REDUCTION) and equally as important.... they're VERY comfortable. These really are simply a great set of earphones that you can take where ever you go! Or even at home! If you're a late-night PC user or have an audio-jack in your TV... you can keep the noise down while fully enjoying your music, show, or software!!And the cord is long enough (4 foot) without being too long so as to get tangled and in the way (another small point but something I've noticed as a problem with other earphones I've tried!) And in case you were wonderin', this is the common plug (3.5 mm) that fits into the front of your computer and most other audio devices, like portable radios, laptops, CD / DVD / MP3 players, iPods etc. Do NOT let the low price fool you on this. We just happened to get a great deal on these so we're passin' along the savings! Believe it or not, today these are just $2.97 and shipping in the US is FREE on all orders over $5.00! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8475 PS - At this price, might want to consider picking up 2 or three of these so you have one at your computer, one in the car and one you can stick in your pocket or purse for walks or bike rides! Warning - This price is set to increase soon! Don't pay $9.97 for 'em later - grab 'em today!
January Wallpaper Is Ready! Happy New Year! Our free January desktop background wallpaper is ready to go! Make sure you check out the 100+ other selections on the site! All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!
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