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For a limited time ONLY... if you place any order in our store, you get a random freebie included! Just add the "Random Freebie" to your cart as you're checking out (don't worry, it'll pop up to remind you!) Just take a look at some of the freebies you might get!
Here's a few people who received freebies from the last few random freebie sales!
You don't need to spend a ton to get a quality Freebie! Some of the orders above were under $20! Check out our store - we GUARANTEE you'll find something you can't live without! ON SALE | NEW PRODUCTS | FEATURED PRODUCTS | COOL GADGETS PC HARDWARE | SOFTWARE | MUSIC & MOVIES | CONSOLE GAMES Wish Your Computer Had a REWIND Button? Wanna Go Back To BEFORE It Had All Those Problems? INCREDIBLE SOFTWARE MAKES IT POSSIBLE! Take a SNAPSHOT Of Your Hard Drive... And Restore To It In MINUTES! FULL System Restores, Retrieve Lost Files... Move ALL Your Data From One PC to Another... EVEN SAVE YOURSELF FROM A DAMAGING VIRUS! LapLink Disk Image Is The EASIEST Software Out There! "Wait... WHY ISN'T MY COMPUTER WORKING?!?!" Hard drive crashes are INEVITABLE! It's happened to everyone. And if you're saying "Well, it hasn't happened to me yet!" then it's probably just around the corner! Your hard drive won't last forever and when it's day comes, you NEED to be ready! It's like nothing else! The ordinary person cannot recover lost data. Period! And even if you happen to have the ridiculously expensive recovery software, there's no guaranteeing WHAT you recover! It might be the important family photos you lost. It MIGHT be an arbitrary text file you accidentally made four years ago! The bottom line... A Computer Crash Can Be DEVASTATING... Oh, and what about your software? You can spend DAYS trying to locate and reinstall your old software! Months, even! But after all that hard work, you're almost guaranteed not to have everything you did before the crash. And good luck trying to recover those old serial numbers to prove that you indeed bought that software at some point. Who just keeps that stuff lying around? Nope - if your computer crashes, you're gonna burn... Let's face it: a system crash is inevitable at some point. Be it in the form of a crash, malware or a virus. What's going to happen to all of your files, software and programs? How long will it take you to recover and reinstall everything? How much money would it end up costing you? It's going to be a miserable experience... Unless you have LapLink Disk Image, of course... Then everything is fine! Computer Crashes No Longer Mean a Thing! Before we get to any of the specifics with this program, there's a couple of things you should know: this program is very easy to use (anyone can do it) and the bottom line is this: LapLink Disk Image makes an EXACT copy (image) of your hard drive. If your PC crashes and you've used this program first, you can restore EVERYTHING back to the way it was when you did the backup by sticking the disc in and letting it do it's thing! This image can be created on another hard drive, an external drive, a zip drive, a set of CD's or DVD's - whatever works for you. It's fast and couldn't be easier to use - IT RUNS DIRECTLY THROUGH WINDOWS! That's right: software, files, programs, pictures, music...EVERYTHING! Whether you accidentally downloaded a terrible virus, are experiencing a massive PC crash, got a ton of malware, have a PC that won't start - whatever - if you've used Disk Image, you'll have access to everything you backed up before your PC kicked that digital bucket. Restore Individual Files! This is TOO cool! Disk Image allows you to restore individual files as needed! Let's just say you accidentally deleted an important file. Or somehow, you managed to corrupt a bunch of pictures you had saved on your computer. Disk Image allows you to restore ANY file you want - YOU get to pick and choose! Simply pop your disk in and choose which file to reinstall. It's laid out right in front of you, and it's a quick and easy process. No matter what happens to your files, hardware, pictures - whatever - you can rest assured that it's safely backed-up and ready to be reinstalled whenever you need to! Creating Back-Ups has NEVER Been Easier! And let's say you just bought yourself some EXPENSIVE new hardware. Install it and copy it with ease! Now it's backed up in case anything at all should happen to it! And speaking of getting a new computer...maybe you're not aware, but most newer computer's don't come with a Windows restore disk anymore! Nope, the almighty dollar must be more important to them than customer loyalty...so get ready to shell out an extra 40 bucks on top of that new computer cost. OR use Disk Image - and restore windows on all your programs on your computer! Look at that - this program has already paid for itself! DON'T BE FOOLISH: MAKE A COPY OF YOUR SOFTWARE WITH EASE! Added Bonus: Makes Adding A Larger Hard Drive Super-EASY! Eventually you're going to run out of hard drive space. This happens to pretty much everybody, that's why external HD's are sold everywhere. Now, maybe a better idea would be to actually just put in a new, larger hard drive - but that's normally the kind of thing that would even give Stephen King nightmares! Ahh, but if you have Disk Image, it's a snap! Just create an image of your current system onto the new drive and BINGO - Install the new drive and everything is just like it was before the upgrade - except now you have all the extra space! Sweet! I'd say this alone is more than worth the cost of the program! Talk About a BRILLIANT Program - Just Look at these Features! Let's just sum this up, shall we? This might seem like a big bad program, but trust me - it's simple to use, powerful, and it WILL save you time, money and sanity! Check it out: THE BEST PART: It's EXTREMELY user friendly with a simple-to-follow wizard! Anyone can use this amazing program with ease! Save Yourself a TON of Misery for a VERY SMALL PRICE! So WHEN your computer finally crashes, will you be prepared? Today, you can take advantage of a HUGE deal on this brand new, computer saving software! For just $14.97 with FREE US SHIPPING, you'll be all set no matter what happens! http://store.worldstart.com/product/7784 PS: This is a brand new item that we scored at an introductory price. As soon as our supplier raises their price, we're forced to do the same - so take advantage of this special offer now! Getting a New PC? Planning On Getting Windows 8? DON'T LEAVE YOUR FILES BEHIND! One Easy Cable Lets You Move ALL Your Important Data Quickly! You Have Too Much Data For CDs/Flash Drives! TRANSFER IT OVER FASTER, EASIER, AND CHEAPER! Just Plug This Cable Into Both Computers... AND YOU CAN MOVE ANYTHING! YES! It's Like The #1 PC Moving Crew! So there you are. You got a new PC, or you just upgraded to Windows 8, or any of the other million reasons you might have a nice, new, clean PC & hard drive. But there's one problem. Your files are all on your old computer. We're talking hundreds of gigabytes of data. HOW DO YOU GET THEM TO YOUR NEW PC?! Sure there's lots of ways to do it - and they all fall under "hard and miserable"! You could spend your afternoon burning CDs. You know, if you have a couple HUNDRED disks and a week's worth of time to waste. You could always try e-mailing the files to yourself (please tell me you don't do that). Except after maybe 30 pictures alone you'll hit your storage capacity on your e-mail. Oh, you could put them on a flash drive. At the maximum possible speed, it would only take you about an entire day and a handful of flash drives that cost $30-40 a piece. Yeah, that doesn't sound very good to me either. Come ON! Your time is WAY more valuable than that!! Right? Then join us here in this decade doin' it the EASY WAY... Grab the amazing Maxell 36" High-Speed Transfer Cable! It effortlessly networks your two computers together with just a cable - all automatic! I looked up the word "easy" in the dictionary and I think I saw a picture of the Maxell High-Speed Transfer Cable! How's it work? Simple! Just plug one end into each computer's USB port - you're over half way done! That's right - if you can use a USB plug - YOU'RE already an expert! EASY! Oh, and you'll absolutely love this - once you plug in, a friendly "Windows Explorer" style window automatically pops open so you can quickly drag and drop your files from one computer to another! That's really it! So easy it ought to be illegal! YESSSSS!! This is works back and forth with everything from Win 98 right up to Windows 7 - talk about great compatibility!!! Plus it's lightning fast too! This uses high-speed USB 2.0 so it's the smokin' hot Ferrari of data transfer! There's nothing like a fast, zippy progress bar on your screen to bring a smile to your face! Without a DOUBT - this is the one accessory NO computer user should be without! Just imagine - next time you need to transfer documents, loads of photos, tons of music - it can all be done with this little cable! Oh, and you are in for a real TREAT when you upgrade to your next computer! You know ALL those files you need to get from one machine to another? Yup, use this cable, sit back, and relax! It's done baby!! You and I BOTH know you've gotta be crazier than an outhouse rat to sit there trying to copy all your data to CDs or flash drives - or worse - trying to network two computers together just to get your data moved! If you're ever, in your life, going to buy another computer YOU need this!! Heck, if you're ever going to transfer a batch of files from one computer to another you need this! Best computer accessory. EVER. PLUS... YOU get a deal so smokin' hot you should need a permit from the fire dept.! Today only, you can get this for just $12.97 and US shipping is FREE! Oh, and take it from me - once you get your hands on this bad boy you'll be patting yourself on the back for grabbin' it!! It's THAT good! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8829 A word of warning though - this was a VERY limited quantity buyout, so once these are gone, we can't get more. Don't get left out in the cold - GRAB this deal today! The Most SURPRISING Thing You'll Ever See! These Little Flashlights Pack a HUUUUGE Shine! I Can't Explain It, But It's Too Cool For Me To Care! It's Even Got an Adjustable Focus! With Its Own Keychain, You Can Have It 24/7! Convenient, Bright, Sturdy... What More Could You Ask For? OH YEAH - IT'S ONLY $3.97!
You WILL NOT believe how bright this is until you see it! I'm 100% serious when I say that I was NOT expecting the intensity these blast out when I first got 'em in. I opened up the box, turned one on and HAD to run around showing it off to everyone nearby! It instantly became a permanent fixture on my keychain. No matter where I go, this is the little guy I trust when I'm in a bind and need fast access to a light. Do NOT be fooled by the size! These might as well be nuclear powered for as strong as they are! This thing is a LIFESAVER! Whether you are walking to your vehicle in the dark, lookin' for that money that you dropped or trying to unlock your house door - this is the light you want! It's small enough to hook it on your backpack, put it in your purse, or carry in your pocket and not get in the way!!! If you're in a power outage and you can't find a candle, lighter, or match? No worries - you'll always be prepared with this LED Keychain Light on hand!! Plus - since it's an LED, you KNOW it'll last A LONG TIME- you could leave it on for 10 years straight and the LED wouldn't burn out!! Talk about reliable!! It just keeps gettin' better... Today we've got these babies for just $3.97 and US shipping is absolutely FREE on any order over $5! http://store.worldstart.com/product/7257 PS - For that kind of money, it's crazy not to grab a couple!!! You'll want to get yours today...since the price is heading up to $7.97 Thursday!! BIG BOX STORES ARE RIPPING YOU OFF! A Different Charger For Every Device!? WHY?! GET ONE THAT DOES 'EM ALL! Even Better: It Works At HOME & In The CAR! This Brand New AC/DC USB Charger ROCKS! Any USB Device - Anywhere You Are! 2 High-Speed USB Ports to Charge Everything You've Got! The Plugs Even Fold In! Talk About Portability and Convenience!
Chargers... EVERYWHERE! You're used to it by now, right? You have a cell phone charger that plugs into the wall at home. You have an iPod charger that connects to your computer. You have a battery charger for your digital camera. How many others? So let's say you're on a road trip and your iPod dies before you reach your destination. Oh, and your phone is down to one bar on the battery. To charge either one of these, you need to be at home where you have a wall outlet (or your computer for your iPod). What do you do? You drive in silence and turn your phone off. That certainly sucks, doesn't it? Now You Can Charge ANYTHING... ANYWHERE! This USB AC/DC Power Adapter is an AMAZING new charger that allows you to charge your USB devices both at home AND in the car! It's a PERFECT hybrid of two chargers that we ALL have to use to keep our devices charged. So now instead of having a bunch of them laying around, you can just keep one - and bring it with you EVERYWHERE! Imagine NEVER worrying about your devices running out of battery power again - whether you're at home OR on the road! How's it Work? LIKE A DREAM! It's SIMPLE! As you can see from the picture above, there's an AC plug meant for charging through an outlet, AND there's a DC plug that goes directly into your cigarette lighter in your car! Now, no matter where you are, your devices won't run outta juice! There's a single USB port on the top of this bad boy, so whatever USB device you have, it'll charge! All you need is your USB Power Cord that came with whatever device you're charging, then BAM! You're powering up your device! WORKS ON ANYTHING THAT CHARGES VIA USB! This is REAL universal power! IT DOES WHAT? IT FOLDS! As if this thing could get ANY better - it does! That wall outlet would be quite a pain, but guess what? IT FOLDS IN when you're not using it! So when you're charging in the car, you fold the AC plug in and it's like it's not even there! This is also PERFECT when you're traveling! And if you're using it at home, you can fold the DC plug in! YES! Maximum Storage, Maximum Portability, HUGE Power! So what USB devices do you have? DOESN'T MATTER - it'll charge it up with speed! Whatever USB device you throw at it - it'll charge in no time! The PERFECT Charger at an AMAZING Price! How much do you think you'd pay for one of these at your local box store, say Best Buy or Radioshack? Oh, somewhere around $35+ AT LEAST! But not at WorldStart... Today, this REVOLUTIONARY home AND car charger hybrid can be yours for just $12.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8724 Act fast or these chargers will be ALLLLL GONE! And on Thursday the price goes up to $18.97! LOWEST PRICE EVER! Regular Price: $9.97! Today ONLY $1.97 These Earbuds'll Have People Talking ALL DAY! But That Won't Distract You... BECAUSE OF THE NEW NOISE REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY! Your Ears Are Gonna LOVE These! Amazing Sound, Amazing Comfort, AMAZING PRICE! These Are The Earbuds You've Been Waiting For! Sends Every Other Set Of Earbuds Cryin' For Their Mommas! Only $1.97 - LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Audio Quality with Comfort to Match Remember the last pair of earbuds you used? They were probably uncomfortable, the audio quality was laughable, and they kept FALLING OUT! You need an upgrad to earbuds that KNOW what they're doing! That's why I was so excited found the PERFECT set! We've just come across an incredible pair that sound GREAT (Yep...they're STEREO with NOISE REDUCTION) and equally as important.... they're VERY comfortable. These really are simply a great set of earphones that you can take where ever you go! Or even at home! If you're a late-night PC user or have an audio-jack in your TV... you can keep the noise down while fully enjoying your music, show, or software!!And the cord is long enough (4 foot) without being too long so as to get tangled and in the way (another small point but something I've noticed as a problem with other earphones I've tried!) And in case you were wonderin', this is the common plug (3.5 mm) that fits into the front of your computer and most other audio devices, like portable radios, laptops, CD / DVD / MP3 players, iPods etc. Do NOT let the low price fool you on this. We just happened to get a great deal on these so we're passin' along the savings! Believe it or not, today these are just $1.97 and shipping in the US is FREE on all orders over $5.00! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8475 PS - At this price, might want to consider picking up 2 or three of these so you have one at your computer, one in the car and one you can stick in your pocket or purse for walks or bike rides! Warning - This price is set to increase soon! Don't pay $9.97 for 'em later - grab 'em today!
Love To Walk, Jog, Run, or Just Work Out? Now You Can... WITH A SOUNDTRACK! Amazing Headband With Built In Headphones & Microphone! Exercise. Jam Out. Keep Your Ears Warm. Talk On The Phone. And Do It All Easily! Looks Normal On The Outside... But Inside, It's a Musical Paradise! The Easiest Way To Move, Listen, And Chat! Stop Dealin' With Earbuds That Fall Out Every Step!
Have You Ever Tried To Do ANYTHING With Regular Earbuds? If you take so much as a step, they fall right out! No matter what they advertise, earbuds just don't stay in! You COULD force 'em in and they might stay... but at the expense of damaging your ears and making them sore too! And regular headphones? Don't get me started! Over-the-top ones fall off just as easily, and the ones that hang onto your ears will rub the skin right off 'em after one light jog! Nope, you need a simple, comfortable solution and these things are just that! Looks Like a Headband, But It's SO Much More! Onlookers will be none-the-wiser when they see you passing by with these on! To everyone else, they just look like a normal old headband! In fact, it IS a headband/sweatband! Made of a special wicking fabric, it draws moisture away from your head! That means no sweat in your eyes! And since it's coverin' up your ears, that chilly winter air won't slow you down a step! Even if you don't feel like jamming out, this sweatband is gonna make working out a lot more comfortable! GET YOUR MUSIC ON THE MOVE! This is by FAR the best part! The headphones built into the headband are amazing when it comes to quality! If you think bigger is better, this is gonna prove it... They're STILL compact... but they blow earbuds out of the water! You just can't get the audio quality like this out of tiny little buds! The headband holds them perfectly in place, too! You could be doing a military obstacle course without missing a single note from your favorite song! Now THAT'S what we've all been looking for! You'll be looking for excuses to go out for a walk or a jog once you have these! Nothin' takes the boredom away from an exercise like losing yourself in a great album! Hands-Free Chatting! NO JOKE! I know, I know, this is starting to sound way too good to be true... but it is true! If you plug these bad boys into a smartphone, you can use the built in microphone to talk without having to take your phone outta your pocket! The audio from the person on the line will go through the headphones, so you can have a complete conversation with your phone STILL safely tucked away! It's convenient. It's safer. And it's gonna make sure you don't have to slow down a step when you're in the middle of keeping yourself healthy! The phone quality is BETTER than normal! This might be my favorite part! With the way new smartphones are designed, you don't always get the best position for audio quality, both outgoing or incoming. When you use this headset to chat, you'll be able to understand them more clearly! Get Ready For An UNBELIEVABLE Price! If you think these are going to cost $30-50 like you'll find 'em elsewhere... think again! THEY'RE ONLY $16.97 with FREE US SHIPPING! Wondering if these will sell out fast? They will! http://store.worldstart.com/product/9277 Heads up, the sale ends Thursday and these go up to $19.97 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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