
Tech Tips [ Free Office Apps Just Got Easier To Use + Tablets, Laptops & iPads: What's The Difference? + Comic Books On Your Laptop Or Tablet ] 2/3/14

WorldStart's Tech Tips WorldStart

ws WorldStart Tech Tips 2014-02-03

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Quick Tip

Lalith Wijeratne from Sri Lanka writes:

I connect my HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) modem to my desk top and access Internet. I want to know whether it is possible to connect a laptop also, and access internet at the same time. (like a Wi-Fi router with ADSL)

An HSPDA modem is a device that allows the user to access mobile broadband. What you'll want to make sure you have is an HSDPA Router, also sometimes known as a hot spot. Then it should support multiple devices. You will need to check the specification for your device to see how many devices it can support.

If you are connecting the desktop computer to the router via USB, you probably won't be able to connect to multiple devices at the same time. However, you can connect multiple mobile devices to the router at the same time.

~ Cynthia

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Malware & Spyware Are Trying To Get IN...

Here's The #1 Software That Keeps 'em OUT!


No Recurring Fees. No Lapse In Protection.


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Malware. It's everywhere.

It seems like whatever you do nowadays puts you at risk for getting infected.

The good news is, almost everyone has an anti-virus now... the bad news? That's not enough.

Sure, viruses are bad. But malware is downright NASTY! A virus might try to harm your computer, but spyware and trojans? They can steal your information.

That means more than a damaged PC... now we're talking your identity... your finances... everything!

But it's not all bad... because we found the superhero software that's gonna keep your PC pristine and malware free!

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You might still be saying "But I already have an anti-virus!". . .


Malwarebytes works WITH your anti-virus to fill in all those gaps it doesn't cover.

Viruses and malware are NOT the same. Your anti-virus might stop your PC from getting damaged, but most online threats don't wanna damage your PC... they want to steal from it!

Infected computers are one of the biggest reasons identity theft even occurs! Spyware will track your passwords, malware will redirect you to fake versions of the websites you trust, and adware will cover your web browser from top-to-bottom in ads for all KINDS of junk!

Malwarebytes Pro stops them dead in their tracks. It does it all: preventing, protecting, and disinfecting! If you have malware, this software will remove it. And if you have this software... you won't have to worry about removing ANYTHING ever again!

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Three easy and completed automated steps that restore YOUR computer back to perfect health! If you have malware infections, it'll find 'em, round 'em up, and get rid of 'em once and for all!

Talk about easy! You don't have to be a computer genius to use this!

Not only does it check your PC when you need it to, it actively defends you to stop the malware from infecting you in the first place!

You get it all! Malicious website protection, ultra-fast scans, the real-time protection, and Malwarebytes even has safeguards against infections that try to remove it!

This is the REAL DEAL!

If you think this sounds great, I'm gonna repeat myself a bit here:


Your anti-virus might charge you monthly or yearly... THIS WON'T! It's only $26.97 and you get constantly updating protection for LIFE! YES!

And if you get a new computer, you can even move the license over to that one!

Don't leave your security to chance. There's never been a better deal on anti-malware... if you miss this, you're gonna be kickin' yourself when your PC gets infected!



Computers 101

Free Office Apps Just Got Easier To Use

If you have an Outlook.com or Hotmail address, you also have access to free web app versions of Microsoft Office that you can access from anywhere. Now Microsoft has added a new feature that makes the apps even easier to navigate. Let's check it out.

If you aren't familiar with the Office web apps, it's not surprising. They are sort of tucked away in Outlook.com. Go your Outlook.com account and select that little drop-down arrow in the upper-left of your inbox.

You'll see the option to choose Mail, People, Calendar or Skydrive. Choose Skydrive.

Once in Skydrive, you'll see a + symbol. If you select, it you'll have the option to create Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and plain text documents.

I chose to create a Word Document, you can see that it looks pretty familiar if you're a Word User.

A new feature that Microsoft has recently added is called "Tell Me." Say I want to take a certain action. I can start typing it in the search field and Word will offer suggestions as to the action I'd like to take. The wording doesn't have to be exact and it's easier than searching through help.

Selecting the action applies the action. If I selected "increase indent," I would increase the indent of the paragraph I was working on.

If I type font, I'll get a drop-down menu with several option. By choosing Font Color, the menu to change colors appears immediately.

With so many options available in Word, it can often be very confusing to find what you need. I hope Microsoft considers adding this function to future Office 365 updates.

~ Cynthia

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On The Move

Tablets, Laptops & iPads: What's The Difference?

William from Las Vegas writes:

What is the difference between
1. Ipad
2. laptop
3. tablet
4. Ipad air

Let's start off with the differences between a laptop and a tablet. A laptop or notebook computer is a portable fully functional PC or Mac that comes with an attached keyboard and runs full versions of the Windows or OS operating system. These devices can be used on or offline. They may or may not offer a touchscreen.

A netbook is a smaller Windows device, that also comes with an attached keyboard that is designed for accessing the Internet. A Chromebook is a device designed for accessing the Internet using the Google Chrome operating system. It functions using Apps from Google and needs to be online for optimum use. A Chromebook also has a built-in keyboard.

A tablet is a device that functions using ...

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From The Archives

Comic Books On Your Laptop Or Tablet

Remember standing at the magazine rack reading comic books while your mom did the shopping? Well, I sure do, all all these years later I am still a huge comic book fan. I married an even bigger comic book geek, (so much so that many people know him by the nickname of "Comic Book Guy.") I'm also a bit of an electronics geek, so I am a big fan of Comixology.

Comixology is a free app (though most of the content costs) that brings your favorite comics and graphic novels right to your phone or tablet. The app is available for iOs, Android and Windows phones and tablets and you can also use the Comixology website if you don't have a smartphone or tablet. They offer all of the major comic titles, you'll find Superman, Batman, The X-men and Avengers plus a wide variety of things you might have not be familiar with. Digital version of comics are frequently available the same day the paper copy arrives at comic stores.

Want more? Head on over to WorldStart?

Today's Feature

PS4 vs. Xbox One Part 2: Tech Specs

First off, let me say that I don't expect what you're going to read in this article to turn you from one console to the other. If you are, like me, a long-time Playstation user, this won't turn you to Xbox 1 or vice-versa. This is more for those users that are on the fence. Those users who want to engage in the console wars, but haven't really decided which way they're going to go. But, unless you are a true gear head, this may not make the decision for you either. You're more likely to go with whichever system more of your friends use.

Let me also say that there aren't major differences between the two. The Playstation line has historically had slightly better graphics, while the Xbox line has historically had a more lively on line community. But we're not talking great graphics vs. cruddy graphics or an online community where you can find everyone vs. an online community where you can only find your granny.

Having said that… here we go...

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Amanda's Coolsite


The one thing I hate about traveling, be it to another city or a long road trip, is trying to figure out where to park!

It's very easy to use too! All you have to do is type in the location you want to go to and click the Find Parking button. It then will display a map, with parking lots marked on it. When you click a marker it pops up with information about that lot. For example: Parking Restrictions, Type, Height Restrictions, Hours, and Price.

Here check out this example, it's a map of parking lots accessible to the Toledo Museum of Art. It will give you a good idea of how the map interface works.

Back on the main page you also have the option to check out popular searches. This brings up Cities, Airports, and Attractions.

I think this is a great resource to take the anxiety out of finding a place to park.



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Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?

Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com

One More Big Deal

A Portable 6-in-1 Screwdriver Keychain...


JUST $1.97?!


6 Bits & The Perfect Comfortable Size!

The Base Even Stores The Extra Bits!

Cap It And Pop It In Your Pocket or Bag! YES!!

Have a Screwdriver WHENEVER You Need It!

The One Tool Everyone Needs!

There's not a single person you'll meet that can honestly say they've NEVER needed a screwdriver!

It doesn't matter if you love electronics, hate them, work with wood, metal, or anything else. SOMETHING you use needs a screwdriver.

But NOBODY carries one around with them most of the time! Why is that? We keep pocket knives and can openers around... but I bet you need a screwdriver even more often!

It's because screwdrivers weren't really designed for carrying around... UNTIL NOW!

Philips, Slotted, and even Pozidriv Bits! YES!!

With 6 bits to choose from, you know this screwdriver is going to work with most of the screws you come across on a day-to-day basis!

When everyone is standing around trying to figure out how to pop open a panel or lid since nobody has a screwdriver... that's when you're gonna be the superhero!

Combining one of the most universal tools out there with a compact & portable design... THAT'S GENIUS!

Especially when you consider that easy little chain! Keep it with your keys, wrap it around a bag, toolbelt, ANYTHING! It's so easy to pop on or off. It's the most versatile design out there!

You know what's even more genius though? A PRICE THAT NOBODY CAN HATE!

These little screwdrivers are gonna be with you 24/7. And when you can get them for only $1.97 with FREE US SHIPPING on any order over $5?! THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE!

Get 'em here!


PS - Awesome item. Ridiculously low price. These are gonna be gone QUICK! And even if they aren't, that awesome sale ends Tuesday and they go back to $7.97

Monthly Wallpaper

February Wallpaper Is Ready!

Here it is - our free desktop wallpaper for February! I've featured a couple winter scenes plus one shot for those who are thinking spring ;) Remember, we have 100+ of these on the site, so head on over and take a look around.

All can be found here and are 100% free:


Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!

King Of The Arctic

This was captured in the last hour of Polar Bear photography we had up near Churchill Canada. We had spotted this guy while he slumbered in a snow drift and we were lucky all the way around. First, we were lucky he decided to stand up at all – they can happily lounge around for hours and hours. A bit like my kids in fact, but I digress…(More)

Doe's First Winter

had been out tromping through the snow all morning at a local park and was heading back to the 'ol truck when I spotted this little gal. She was a bit shy at first, but it didn't take too long for her to start to get a bit curious about me and come over to investigate. After all, it's not every day you see a guy with three extra legs (tripod) and a huge extra eye (camera / lens). I could see... (More)

Hocking Hills Cascading Creek

This was taken one misty morning in Hocking Hills State Park. We were hiking through the Old Man's Cave area and couldn't help but notice the creek that flowed through the gorge looked especially spectacular this particular AM. So, I scampered over some rocks and... (More)

For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to:


As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy!

Photo Tips

Did you get a chance to check out my new photo tips from last month? If not, head over to my YouTube channel and check 'em out:


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