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Having trouble viewing parts or all of the newsletter? View the entire newsletter here! Is Someone Checking Your Gmail? Think someone might be checking your Gmail behind your back? Here's a quick way to find out if anyone else has been looking at your account. Go to your Gmail inbox on the web and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Over to the far right, you'll see Details. Click on that. You'll be able to see if anyone is currently logged into your account from another location and also a log of when your account has been accessed. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
You've Never Seen An Anything Like This! A Complete Weather Station! Get The Temperature, Humidity, And Forecast!! PLUS Get The Time & Date! Even Has A Built-In Alarm Clock And Backlight! Blow-Out Price Too! You Gotta Check This Out!! I seriously can't believe this! You are totally gonna LOVE this! It's a complete weather station AND amazing alarm clock! Holy cool gadgets batman!! And wait till you see the knock-out deal too - I'd eagerly pay twice as much for this and I'd do it with a big 'ol grin on my face! OK, let's start with the weather station part - this is a jaw dropper! We're really and truly talkin' a full fledged weather station! Really!!! You'll have BOTH the current TEMPERATURE (Fahrenheit or Celsius) and HUMIDITY! PLUS... It can actually FORECAST the weather for you!! Incredible!! - Just a quick glance and it tells you if you should expect rain or shine (or overcast, or whatever)! Hey - it even has a little face on it to tell you if you should be happy about the weather you got comin' your way! :) In addition to all the amazing weather info it sends your way, this also has the TIME and DATE and an easy to use ALARM CLOCK !!! Plus, you're absolutely gonna love the alarm clock! Set it when your home and never miss a wake-up or appointment! How cool is that? I have mine set for when I need to pick my kids up from school - and I plan to use it this weekend as an alarm clock when I'm out of town! Cool as January in Alaska baby!! Did I mention it also has a really great backlight for when it's dark? So cool... Oh yeah - and the deal is gonna blow you out of the water like a nuclear powered torpedo!! We're talkin' just $10.97 and US shipping is FREE! Heck, it's worth $10.97 just to show this baby off to your friends! Pull your jaw back up off your desk and RUN over to the site and pick up a few of these bad boys! http://store.worldstart.com/product/6836 WARNING!
Learn To Code With Free ONline Resources Pt. 2 Coding stuff Not for me! I'm no techie' If you have ever said that or heard from many others, it is just because- coding does appear for many, a task next to impossible. Although the lengthy pieces of code might appear daunting and cryptic to a beginner, a little exertion of your mind will let you know the beauty of the simple logic behind those lines. But coding isn't an easy task either- logical skills are must. Once you grasp the basic principles of programming and are able to write code on your own, sky is the limit of your growth. The toughest part is overcoming initial doubts about your abilities to learn coding. In part 1 of this article, we looked at four great free resources for learning coding. Now, we continue with four more. 5. CodeAcademy CodeAcademy is an excellent platform to learn and enjoy coding in an interactive way. Its courses are grouped as tracks for users to choose. Along with the basics of web development, there are many languages you can learn including Ruby, Python, jQuery, PHP and more. CodeAcademy has become quite popular for its user-friendly interface and precise instructions that help learn coding quickly. 6. TheCodePlayer
Learning with Code Player is just as though you're sitting beside a professional programmer guiding you along with every line of code. Code Player offers several video walkthroughs created by its users that help you create best web based applications. You can access all the projects and study how these are designed and brush up your web coding skills.
7. HTML5 Rocks If you ever wanted to learn coding with the top people out there, HTML5 Rocks is for you. The website is a comprehensive guide to learn HTML and is developed by many programmers associated with Adobe, Google and other well-known platforms. There are many useful references to help you build rich applications compatible with all platforms. 8. SitePoint SitePoint is yet another resource with the latest references to HTML, CSS and JavaScript. By explaining the basic ideas behind these languages, SitePoint focuses on the 'feature compatibility' issues across different browser platforms and also on the possible errors beginners often make. Have fun exploring these sites and learning about coding. ~ Aditya Patil Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Robert from Mississippi writes: Like to know if you can play DVD movies and DVD TV shows on your computer. I not sure what this means. I checked device manager and it said DVD/DC ROM drive, so does that mean you can play DVDs you buy from the store or what? Totally lost. The answer is yes. You can play DVDs of movies and TV shows on a computer that has a DVD drive. But that doesn't mean you are equipped to do it on your computer. A DVD is a storage medium. When you have data on a DVD, you'll also need to make sure you have a program that can open that data. If you have a DVD full of documents, you'll need a program that can read text on your computer. If you have a DVD full of PowerPoint presentations, you'd need that program to read that data. You'll need to make sure you have a program that can... Want more? Head on over to WorldStart!
Question: How do I get rid of the commercials that play before I watch a video online? Thomas Well, the simple answer is that you can't. Those commercials are called pre-rolls (because they run before the videos you wish to see) and they are how websites pay their bills. It takes a lot of technical expertise and effort to maintain a site capable of playing videos and they have to pay for it somehow. The choices are to charge users subscription or membership fees or to cover those costs by selling advertising. Some pre-rolls will allow you to skip watching the commercial after a few seconds, others make you watch them in their entirety. Sometimes you can skip a pre-roll by hitting refresh on your browser (or using the F5 key), but that doesn't always work. You could just end up starting another commercial from the beginning. Pre-rolls are an important source of revenue for many of the sites you enjoy watching. Most local news operations couldn't afford to have websites without the income generated by pre-rolls. Some sites try to schedule pre-rolls to only come every few video plays, while others take every opportunity to squeeze in as many video plays as they can generate.Fortunately, most pre-rolls are short, usually around 15 seconds. When watching longer programs, you will sometimes... Want more? Just click WorldStart!
Can't Play A File? VLC Player Saves The Day Have an audio or video file that you can't seem to open on your computer? Let me tell you about a great, free program that can make your life a whole lot easier. VLC Player is the answer to your codec error problems. What's a codec you might ask. My flip answer is that codecs are the devil, but the more technically correct answer is that a codec is a device or program that compresses data for faster transmission and then decompresses the data. You'll see a codec error when the programs on your computer don't recognize the program that compressed the data in the file you're trying to open. I worked for many, many years in television and codec errors were the bane of our existence. A commercial made on a particular editing system would refuse to open on another one. Sometimes a file would refuse to open on the same system running a different version of software. Where it really caused problem was when we tried to open surveillance video provided to us by various law enforcement agencies. Every single one of them used a different format. Good luck finding America's most wanted when you can't open the video. Thankfully, a very wise engineer introduced me to VLP. It's free and I've yet to find anything it won't open. VLC Play was developed by VideoLAN organization, a non-profit the promotes free, open-source multimedia solutions. You can choose to donate if you wish, but it's not required. Take a look at the video formats it supports... Just click WorldStart to learn more! For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
A Place To Love Dogs I love dogs! Adore, and could not live without canine companionship. I really thought my world was ending when my little Shih-Tzu, Dulcie, was having surgery to remove the blockage from her kidney and I had to go out of town. It scared the pants off of me that something could happen to her when I wasn't there. Thankfully, a year later, she's back to being her ornery self. I've always been a dog person, and have a soft spot for Shih-Tzu's because the first dog in my life was one. This site is for people who love dogs! I hang out here for the adorable galleries of photos of dogs but you'll also find news stories, quotes about dogs, videos and more! When you arrive at the site, you'll find you have a lot of navigation options. You can browse the featured content on the main page that is displayed blog style. You can check out the blue navigation strip with the categories: Great Dog Pictures, Your Photos, Dog Breeds, Dog Quotes, Dog Stories, Dog Videos, Funny Dogs, and Newsletter. And if that weren't enough there's even a Featured Navigation Strip where you'll find: Boo the Pomeranian (sooo cute!), Top Ten Dog Lists, Dogs That Don't Shed, Dogs and Heaven, Puppy Pictures, and Inspirational Dogs. I don't think you go wrong in your selection of places to go, but I always start out in the photo gallery. Today it was the Puppy Pictures I desperately want a corgi puppy right now. But I also adore the Great Dog Pictures section and the featured photo gallery in the scrolling features was awesome too! If you love dogs, you've got to check this site out today! ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
The One Pair Of Reading Glasses That NOBODY Can Resist! Illuminate Your Vision With Built In LEDs! Dark Restaurants, Bedtime Reading, Even Working In The Garage! These Are Perfect For EVERYTHING! Light Up Exactly What You're Looking At! Once You Use These... Regular Glasses Are Gonna Look USELESS!
"I CAN'T READ IT!!!!" If you've ever been to a nice restaurant, you know that they LOVE to keep the lighting down. It's like trying to find your way in a movie theater! Which just makes it worse when you're going to order... The small text on your menu is bad enough... ...but now you can't even see it because it's so dark! Or maybe you're like me and love to read before going to bed... but you hate getting up to mess with the lights when you're finally tired enough to pass out. You've got your favorite pair of reading glasses but they're just not cuttin' it! Sure, it fixes the SIZE of the text, but glasses can't fix inadequate lighting... ACTUALLY, THEY CAN! YOU JUST NEED THE RIGHT GLASSES! Two Powerful LEDs - One Comfortable Pair of Glasses! Talk about a million-dollar idea! Take the glasses that EVERYONE is wearing to read anyway and put two LEDs to give off the perfect light right in 'em! They're bright, but not TOO bright. It's a great balance that gives you all the help you need to see small text in dark places, but you won't even remember that it's your glasses doin' the illuminating! Plus - you can enjoy all this without disturbing ANYONE else! I'm sure your wife or husband just LOVES it when you're turning the bedroom light on as they're trying to sleep, right? Now you can read your book in bed and they won't even notice! And if you're a hobbyist, how many times have you struggled with poor lighting on something small? It doesn't matter how deft you are if you can't see what you're working with! Heck, even auto mechanics would love this - finally have both hands free when you're working under the hood or anywhere else, really! Anyone kinda handyman would love to have these! These glasses = no more holding flashlights in your mouth! Gross! EVERYONE Should Have a Pair! This is such a simple idea that all we can say about them is "Why doesn't everyone have these?!" As soon as I heard about these I got a set for the whole family... because at a price like $12.97 with FREE US SHIPPING? You CANNOT go wrong! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8938 The prices elsewhere on these were outrageous when we looked around, so don't miss out on this deal, it ends Friday !!!
February Wallpaper Is Ready! Here it is - our free desktop wallpaper for February! I've featured a couple winter scenes plus one shot for those who are thinking spring ;) Remember, we have 100+ of these on the site, so head on over and take a look around. All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy! Photo Tips Did you get a chance to check out my new photo tips from last month? If not, head over to my YouTube channel and check 'em out: http://www.youtube.com/backcountrygallery
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