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Laurie from New York writes: I am using a laptop running windows 8. Every time I go on the web I see a box that says I need to download a Flash Player. I've tried once or twice, and I get some odd type of flash player that installs a bunch of other junk with it. What do I do to update Flash Player properly? Those tricky little reminders to update Flash Player are a prime way to sneak unwanted toolbars and add-ons onto your computer. They do offer a Flash Player download, but with strings attached. My advice is to never click on one of those suggestions to update Flash Player. If you think you legitimately may need a Flash Play update, go to Adobe's official site and download any updates from there. Click here to go to get.adobe.com/flashplayer/. You'll notice an option for a free McAfee Security scan, but you can just uncheck that and choose install. Make sure you turn on automatic updates for FlashPlayer or regularly check Adobe for updates. That way you know you'll always have the latest version. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- In The News: 12-06-2013 Amazon Looks At Drone Delivery Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says the mega-online retailer has been experimenting with flying drones to deliver packages right to your door. The devices, called "octopters" are expected to be operational within five years. However, the company still has to clear it the Federal Aviation Authority. Bezos says he hopes the drones will replace postal carriers and delivery people and be able to deliver items up to five pounds right to your door within 30 minutes. The drones would use GPS tracking to find your address and be totally automated. Of course this is all pending FAA approval and assuming customers are comfortable with the idea of drone delivery. Nokia-Microsoft Deal Gets Government Approval Microsoft's plan to buy Nokia's devices and services business for $7 billion dollars has gotten a stamp of approval from the Department of Justice. Nokia stockholders approved the deal in November. But the companies still need approval from the European Union. This would be a boost to Microsoft's goal of becoming a company focused on devices and services. The two companies have worked together on the Windows Phone since 2011. Black Friday Online Sales Total $3 Billion Not everyone was standing in line at midnight at a big box store to score deals on Black Friday. Shoppers spent more than $3 billion dollars shopping on the Internet on the day after Thanksgiving. Adobe counted 400 million hits to websites as savvy online shoppers looked for deals. Nearly 25% of those sales came from mobile devices. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version
Jim from Morrisville, Pennsylvania writes: First off, I am using WordPerfect X4 and to me seems easier than using Word. When I used to copy sections of your newsletter to WP, I could copy then paste graphic into doc. At first It would not let me just copy and paste. I have to save, then insert graphic. Sometimes when I do this and then try to insert graphic, all I get is a blank box. Is problem with newsletter or is it my WP X4? Thanks. Jim, there isn't necessarily a problem with WordPerfect or the newsletter. Here's why you have to save the image to use later. The images you see in the newsletter aren't actually contained in the newsletter. With all those images, the newsletter would be much too large a file to send. The images are actually imbedded in the newsletter using a link to an Internet address where that image had been uploaded to a server. You may be viewing an image of a Surface Pro below: But what is actually there is the link to the location where this image is displayed on our server: http://imgsrv.worldstart.com/images/ct-images/2013/09/surface2cropped.jpg By saving the image, you are downloading an actual copy of the image to your computer and inserting it into your document. Some programs will display embedded images when the information is copied and pasted. Others will not. If your intent is to archive the information, the only way to be sure that you actually have the images is to download and save them. If you don't mind, I'll throw in a little sales pitch here. All of our articles are archived on a monthly basis with graphics in our Tech Tips Monthly eMagazine. It's free for Premium Members. As for the difficulty you're having inserting the saved graphics into your documents, I can think of a couple of possible issues. Make sure you've saved the actual image and not the whole web page. Open it up where the image is saved to check. Also be careful of the size of the image you're trying to insert, it might possibly be too large. I was searching through some WordPerfect troubleshooting forums looking for problems similar to yours and it seems that some people having image issues in WordPerfect have found success by uninstalling and reinstalling WordPerfect. Hope this info helps. ~ Cynthia Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- Charlene from Tenn writes: "Steve, I was reading your article about this new Outlook.com. My Hotmail account was upgraded to it so I went in to try it out. I don't know if it's that program or my browser, but each time I try to insert, say, a picture whether in line or an attachment, I get this God blessed box every time that that says Internet Explorer encountered an error and needs to close. Is it on my end or who's? This is driving me nutso thanks so much." Hi, Charlene. Thanks for the great question. When I looked into this issue, I discovered that you are not alone. This is apparently a conflict between newer versions of Outlook being used with older versions of IE. In other words, this is another of the notorious KNOWN ISSUES with Microsoft. You didn't provide any of your version information, but I bet you a Coke that you're running Internet Explorer 6 or earlier with with Server 2003. If you are, look here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/889100 for a download to resolve your problem. If you have a different version of IE or are not running 2003, then I'd just check to make sure that all of your programs are up-to-date. That should resolve the problem. You should also go in to check and make sure that your auto-update feature is turned on. You do this by clicking your START button, and then, in the search box enter UPDATE. Do not hit enter, the computer should start populating choices immediately. One of these will be WINDOWS UPDATE. Click on that. That'll open your windows update screen from your control panel. On the left sidewalk, you'll see CHANGE SETTINGS. On the next screen, click the pull-down menu under IMPORTANT UPDATES and choose INSTALL UPDATES AUTOMATICALLY. Under that pull-down menu, you'll find selections to determine the frequency of your auto-updates. I hope that this resolves your problem! ~ Randal Schaffer Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!
Malware & Spyware Are Trying To Get IN... Here's The #1 Software That Keeps 'em OUT! AND IT COMES WITH A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION! No Recurring Fees. No Lapse In Protection. IT'S MALWAREBYTES PRO LIFETIME! It Works WITH Other Anti-Virus Software... And It Stops Anything They Can't! DON'T LET MALWARE & SPYWARE INFECT YOUR COMPUTER!
Malware. It's everywhere. It seems like whatever you do nowadays puts you at risk for getting infected. The good news is, almost everyone has an anti-virus now... the bad news? That's not enough. Sure, viruses are bad. But malware is downright NASTY! A virus might try to harm your computer, but spyware and trojans? They can steal your information. That means more than a damaged PC... now we're talking your identity... your finances... everything! But it's not all bad... because we found the superhero software that's gonna keep your PC pristine and malware free! It's Malwarebytes Pro Lifetime! This isn't just good anti-malware software... this is THE #1 anti-malware software. PERIOD! AND YOU GET IT FOR LIFE! No monthly fees. Just buy it and you've got up-to-date protection FOREVER! Expert-recommended, extensively tested, and proven in the field! We're talking over 200 MILLION downloads with over 5 BILLION pieces of malware removed! That's BILLION with a B! WOW! You might still be saying "But I already have an anti-virus!". . . GOOD! Malwarebytes works WITH your anti-virus to fill in all those gaps it doesn't cover. Viruses and malware are NOT the same. Your anti-virus might stop your PC from getting damaged, but most online threats don't wanna damage your PC... they want to steal from it! Infected computers are one of the biggest reasons identity theft even occurs! Spyware will track your passwords, malware will redirect you to fake versions of the websites you trust, and adware will cover your web browser from top-to-bottom in ads for all KINDS of junk! Malwarebytes Pro stops them dead in their tracks. It does it all: preventing, protecting, and disinfecting! If you have malware, this software will remove it. And if you have this software... you won't have to worry about removing ANYTHING ever again! Scan - Quarantine - Remove! Three easy and completed automated steps that restore YOUR computer back to perfect health! If you have malware infections, it'll find 'em, round 'em up, and get rid of 'em once and for all! Talk about easy! You don't have to be a computer genius to use this! Not only does it check your PC when you need it to, it actively defends you to stop the malware from infecting you in the first place! You get it all! Malicious website protection, ultra-fast scans, the real-time protection, and Malwarebytes even has safeguards against infections that try to remove it! This is the REAL DEAL! If you think this sounds great, I'm gonna repeat myself a bit here: IT'S A LIFETIME LICENSE! Your anti-virus might charge you monthly or yearly... THIS WON'T! It's only $26.97 and you get constantly updating protection for LIFE! YES! And if you get a new computer, you can even move the license over to that one! Don't leave your security to chance. There's never been a better deal on anti-malware... if you miss this, you're gonna be kickin' yourself when your PC gets infected! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8814
Android - Add/Remove App Pages I've had my Samsung Galaxy S3 for over a year now, and I still keep on tripping over new things to see and do. For example, the other day I accidentally pinched the home screen using two fingers and was taken to this screen: Sweet an overview of all my different app pages all in one place! From the looks of it, I've got a lot of extra real estate I'm not using Thankfully, adding/removing pages is simple! Head on over to WorldStart to learn more! -- Emilio from Newport writes: I have a Samsung Tab 2 tablet. When I saved some information on a screen, it said it was saved to "pages" or "page". Where do I go to find page? Emilio, it means the information has been saved to the "saved pages" on your device's stock Android browser. To find a saved page, just tap the little star icon at the top of the browser. It will take you to a screen featuring Bookmarks, Saved pages and History. Tap Saved pages and you'll see a list of your saved pages. Here's how to save a page. Just click WorldStart to learn more! Harry from Auburn, CA writes: I get a strong WiFi signal in my apt, how do I get the password? Thanks, Harry. Answer: Harry, I will assume you don't mean the WiFi signal generated by your own router. In that case you would be the person who set the password. If you've set up a WiFi network in your apartment and lost the password, this article has tips for retrieving it: Retrieving Your WiFi Network Password. But if you're just trying to use a secure WiFi network that your computer is detecting in your apartment, you would get the password by asking the owner for it. If your apartment complex offers free WiFi, you would ask at the office. Otherwise, the signal most likely belongs to a neighbor or a business who is paying for that service. If the network belongs to a business (like Starbucks or McDonalds) that offers free WiFi to customers, you can learn the password at the business. But usually they intend that service for customers using their computers or mobile device while they are on the premises. Though, normally they don't make much of a fuss if neighbors use that network as long as you aren't using so much bandwidth you slow things down. Want more? Check out WorldStart! -- Red Xs In Emails Carolyn from Creamery, Pennsylvania writes: Every day I get emails that contain red X's and I cannot open the pictures within the emails. What can I do to be able to open these pictures? Thank you! Answer: If you're getting a red X in place of the image in an e-mail a few things could be the cause. The fixes are simple, too. Here' a a list of possible causes and solutions, arranged from the most likely cause to the least likely. Images not displayed link. Most modern e-mail clients and web based e-mail is set up to automatically block pictures from downloading unless you've added the sender to your approved e-mail list. You can click the link at the top of the e-mail to always display images or add the senders e-mail address to your approved senders list. The reason images are blocked by default is that when you download an image, that download can be tracked and used to identify when and if an e-mail is read. Head on over to WorldStart for more on this tip! For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter.
Celebrity Types This was a fun a personality test. It's very similar to the Myer Briggs Type Indicator test and it's really easy. You just answer 28 questions and it places you into a category. I usually score either INTJ or INFJ depending on whether I'm feeling logical or emotional. Then it takes your results and compares them to celebrities, so that you can see which famous people have similar personality traits in common with you. If you already know you're type and don't feel like taking the short quiz, you can just use the menu on the left side of the page and select your type. It breaks the celebrities down into Famous and Pop Culture celebrities of the type you selected. Definitely a fun way to spend sometime learning more about yourself. Check it out today! http://www.celebritytypes.com/test.php ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version -- DIY Christmas Lights Planning Growing up we always put the Christmas tree up after Thanksgiving, and it's a tradition that I've held onto in my adulthood. My roommate and I only put up a tiny tree because the cats had a field day when we put up a larger tree and knocked it over or stole ornaments off of it. But it's up and makes everything so cozy. In fact, so cozy that I've thought about putting up exterior lights on the house since the cats can't get to those. Before I ever tackle that kind of a project I look for planning guides so I know what I'm getting myself into. When I found this one, I knew I had to share it with you. I had a ton of questions in mind and this site answered all of them like how much electricity does running outdoor Christmas lights use? How many lights do I need? What kind of lights do I need? How do I put them up safely? You'll find all of these in featured sections right on the main page! So you don't have to go hunting for the specific information you want. They even cover Christmas decorations made out of greenery! I hope this helps you plan for your outdoor decorations! http://www.christmaslightsetc.com/pages/DIY-Christmas-Lights-Planning.htm ~Amanda Click here to rate this tip | Printer friendly version Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com
BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE!! Tired of Gross, Smudge-Covered Screens? Always Hunting For a Pen? Wish You Could Have An LED Light Anywhere? YOU NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT! ONE DEVICE: Stylus - Ballpen - LED LIGHT! Precision Writing, Pristine Screens, & Awesome LED Power! Everything You Need & It Fits Right In Your Pocket! You're Gonna Keep These ALL Over Your Home! Cell Phones, iPods, iPhones, Tablets, ANYTHING... Plus Paper, Notepads, or Sticky Notes TOO! Any Screen, Any Paper, ANYTIME!
Pen and Stylus... COMBINED! Have you ever been sitting there, fighting with your phone, just trying to dial in the right numbers? But the touchscreen buttons are too small, your fingers are too big, or the phone just seems not to want to listen to you? Or maybe you noticed that after just a couple uses, your touchscreen device is COVERED from top to bottom in nasty smudges that look awful and get your screen blurry! Oh, and scratches? Those are PERMANENT DAMAGE! And how many times have you been out-and-about, ready to write a check, note, sign something... only to realize YOU HAVE NO PEN! It's infuriating! Let's not forget how often you're DYING to find a flashlight, too! Whenever you need one, they all seem to disappear! HERE'S THE ALL-IN-ONE SOLUTION! AWESOME Combination STYLUS PEN & LED LIGHT!! It's a capactive touchscreen stylus , plus a smooth and precise pen! And to top it all off, there's an LED light built right in! SWEET! How has nobody ever thought of this before?! If you've never used a stylus on your touchscreen device... you're in for a HUGE TREAT! All those times you couldn't quite hit the right button, couldn't get your phone to "feel right", or were just fed up with all the oily smudges all over... NO MORE! They are PROBLEMS OF THE PAST! And if you're gonna carry a stylus around... why not make it a pen too? All of your writing needs = fully covered! The stylus end is covered in a rubber-tip which glides smoothly across your touchscreen! And because of it's soft-rubber texture, it won't risk scratching your screen! No smudges? No scratches? FINALLY! Lightweight Design - Yep! This thing is light as a feather (but still feels solid as stone in your grip) for the perfect touch! Whether you're writing on paper or on your phone... you're gonna LOVE this! That grip is comfy as a pillow, too! There's a lot of stylus designs out there... but none of them come CLOSE to this! Not only does it FEEL like a real pen... IT IS ONE! And to top it all off... if you buy one during this INCREDIBLE limited-time deal... YOU GET ONE FREE! WE'RE PRACTICALLY GIVIN' 'EM AWAY! I know it sounds insane (and maybe it is!) These crazy stylus-and-pen-all-in-one are only $4.97 and if you BUY ONE, YOU GET A SECOND FREE! And if your order is over $5... US SHIPPING IS FREE TOO! YEAAAAAAAH! Grab 'em here! http://store.worldstart.com/product/8770 PS - These are a special offer for a short time only! Grab yours QUICK before they're all gone! And Saturday the price goes up to $8.97!!
December Wallpaper Is Ready! This is it - end of the year already! This time around I'm going all in for Winter, so enjoy! Also, note that I'm going to start putting in more vertical images since they tend to work better with mobile devices. As always, make sure you check put the 100+ images at the link below. All can be found here and are 100% free: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ Oh, and if you enjoy these images, please tell your friends!
For these and other great selections of desktop wallpaper, head to: http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wallpaper/ As always, the wallpaper is 100% free, so enjoy! Photo Tips Did you get a chance to check out my new photo tips from last month? If not, head over to my YouTube channel and check 'em out: http://www.youtube.com/backcountrygallery
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